Yesterday I told Rhiannon I had tried a new dish at our Chinese restaurant called Sesame Chicken. With wide eyes and confusion she said, "Does that mean it has Elmo in it?"
I laughed for about 2 minutes straight.
The things kids say...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
(Last night I bought a new 3 pack of gum.) ((My kids LOVE gum.))
8:25 am - Mommy stumbles downstairs after enjoying her sleep-in morning.
Iain comes running up with the pack of gum. Mommy, Mommy, can we have this now?
No, Iain, it is too early in the morning.
Ok, Mommy, can I just open the package for you so you won't have to do that yourself?
Ok, Iain, just be careful with those scissors.
Mommy, I'm just going to take the plastic wrap off this pack of gum so it is ready for you.
Mommy, I'm just going to give everyone a piece of gum to hold onto until you say we can eat it.
Mommy, everyone has a piece of gum now, can we please eat it?
(Still not quite awake) What? Oh, ok, I guess it is ok to eat it now.
Did I just get scammed? I'm a bit confused.... and for some reason I am chewing gum!!
mom of sneaky kids,
8:25 am - Mommy stumbles downstairs after enjoying her sleep-in morning.
Iain comes running up with the pack of gum. Mommy, Mommy, can we have this now?
No, Iain, it is too early in the morning.
Ok, Mommy, can I just open the package for you so you won't have to do that yourself?
Ok, Iain, just be careful with those scissors.
Mommy, I'm just going to take the plastic wrap off this pack of gum so it is ready for you.
Mommy, I'm just going to give everyone a piece of gum to hold onto until you say we can eat it.
Mommy, everyone has a piece of gum now, can we please eat it?
(Still not quite awake) What? Oh, ok, I guess it is ok to eat it now.
Did I just get scammed? I'm a bit confused.... and for some reason I am chewing gum!!
mom of sneaky kids,
Monday, November 17, 2008
quick update
It has been forever, I know. I have all these pictures to post and stories to write, but it is cold and rainy and everyone in my house is asleep except me so I'm going to bed. But first a few things:
Kyle tested tonight for his next belt in karate. He is now an orange/green belt and I couldn't be prouder of him. I'm not just proud because he got the belt but because he has been really dedicated to his karate and he works REALLY hard at it. It warms a moms heart to see your child really enjoying and working at an activity that you have researched and prayed about and then paid for. He is getting very strong and building muscle and although he might not be a famous baseball player or the first pick for the soccer team or pick-up basketball, I would certainly choose him to walk with me down a dark road!
Rhia is desperate to loose her first tooth. It is so loose. In fact the adult tooth is almost completely in behind it. Her cousin Aubrie lost her second tooth over the weekend when we were together and oh the sadness!! What a sweet moment I had when I found her crying in a corner and I was able to just hold her and tell her it was ok...Life can be so hard....
The kindergarten teacher at school pulled me aside this afternoon and gave me the biggest compliment. I think I will tape it to my bathroom mirror so the days when I think I'm totally failing and want to quit I can read it and keep going. She told me that all of my kids were so special and so nice to have in class. They stayed focused on the task at hand, were obedient, and a joy to be in class. Although she hasn't had Teagan yet in her class, she has taught all 3 of my other kids and what a joy to hear those words. My children are well behaved and obedient and focused. She said Iain is a great student and she can always count on him doing exactly what he is supposed to do and setting a good example. So Mrs. P. if you read this, THANK YOU THANK YOU for encouraging me today with your words. Raising children is a thankless job and often the job review comes in the form of negative comments from the kids themselves. What a blessing to know some of what I am teaching them and working so hard to instill in them is indeed getting in there!! Praise God!
And Teags...oh I just love that kid. She rocks....
Happy Mom,
Kyle tested tonight for his next belt in karate. He is now an orange/green belt and I couldn't be prouder of him. I'm not just proud because he got the belt but because he has been really dedicated to his karate and he works REALLY hard at it. It warms a moms heart to see your child really enjoying and working at an activity that you have researched and prayed about and then paid for. He is getting very strong and building muscle and although he might not be a famous baseball player or the first pick for the soccer team or pick-up basketball, I would certainly choose him to walk with me down a dark road!
Rhia is desperate to loose her first tooth. It is so loose. In fact the adult tooth is almost completely in behind it. Her cousin Aubrie lost her second tooth over the weekend when we were together and oh the sadness!! What a sweet moment I had when I found her crying in a corner and I was able to just hold her and tell her it was ok...Life can be so hard....
The kindergarten teacher at school pulled me aside this afternoon and gave me the biggest compliment. I think I will tape it to my bathroom mirror so the days when I think I'm totally failing and want to quit I can read it and keep going. She told me that all of my kids were so special and so nice to have in class. They stayed focused on the task at hand, were obedient, and a joy to be in class. Although she hasn't had Teagan yet in her class, she has taught all 3 of my other kids and what a joy to hear those words. My children are well behaved and obedient and focused. She said Iain is a great student and she can always count on him doing exactly what he is supposed to do and setting a good example. So Mrs. P. if you read this, THANK YOU THANK YOU for encouraging me today with your words. Raising children is a thankless job and often the job review comes in the form of negative comments from the kids themselves. What a blessing to know some of what I am teaching them and working so hard to instill in them is indeed getting in there!! Praise God!
And Teags...oh I just love that kid. She rocks....
Happy Mom,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
so this evening when I asked my kids to move all their stuff off the kitchen table, the response I got, was this: well that binder in not actually mine; it is God's.
How exactly does one respond to that without either laughing or totally flipping out?
Thankfully, Daddy was here and responded because I just stood there and looked like a fool!!
Crazy kids,
How exactly does one respond to that without either laughing or totally flipping out?
Thankfully, Daddy was here and responded because I just stood there and looked like a fool!!
Crazy kids,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
take your parent to karate night
Yup, that pretty much sums is up. If you've read my blog in the past you can probably just stop now because you can guess how the night went down. However, if you need a good laugh or aren't familiar with my family read on....
I arrived at the karate studio right at 6:15 with 4 kids. A class of 9 students was getting ready and Master Kloss was trying to convince parents to join the class. 2 other brave parents were ready to go, a mom and a dad. Ok, I thought, I can handle this. I'm not the only parent, this won't be so bad.
So we greet each other and come to attention and say stuff in Korean (which Kyle understands) and then do jumping jacks...Bonus...I can do those. We move on to pushups. I can pretend to do those. But hey, if you've seen my son do pushups, mine don't look too bad. A brief moment of rest and the parents exchange quick hello's. (Grrr...the Dad over there takes karate but is on break for an injury...he doesn't count) The Mom is nice and I'm glad she is there. Moving on to some sort of blocking. Ok, cross your arms and then block, wait how do I hold my hands? Bend your knees, face front, thumbs up, no down...."MOM! HOLD YOUR HANDS RIGHT".
(At this point I am really wishing that I could crawl in a hole a die. Why is the mom next to me getting this so quickly?)
Ok, now the fun part. The kids have these blocking and whacking things and we get to kick and punch and block each other. This will be fun. Punch, BONK, hey, why did you bonk me on the head? Kyle is laughing hysterically and continues to bonk me as I attempt to punch the proper way. This scene continued for several minutes as we took turns doing different blocks and punches. I tried to beat up on Kyle, but he is good at punching and blocking so I didn't succeed.
Now kicking...I hold this blocker with my arm and let you kick me? What if you miss and punch my face? OUCH he kicks strong strong. (What is mom doing over there? Man she is good.) Who is this new dude coming to class? Oh another blackbelt...great he is trading places with I am truly the only one out here who is clueless...
MOMMY....Teagan get off the floor go read your books....Where is Iain? Oh, there he goes running to the bathroom....Why did I sign up for this?
More stretching and jumping and kicking and finally class is over. I survived. At least for the first part of class I wasn't the only crazy clueless parent out there...I think Kyle had too much fun beating up on me!
As I rounded up my kids and said goodbye to the instructor he smiled and said, "Thanks for playing" Hmmm....I said goodbye to the nice mom who had been my clueless partner and as we talked she shared with me the fact that before children she studied karate for years and was one step below a black belt. NOW YOU TELL ME.....No wonder all those other parents just sat in the chairs watching....
Alright kids let's go..I've lost my dignity here and it is time to leave...
I think the fact that I was the only clueless parent willing to join my child during take your parent to karate night earns me some points toward mother of the year, don't you?
crazy, clueless, mom who loves her son,
I arrived at the karate studio right at 6:15 with 4 kids. A class of 9 students was getting ready and Master Kloss was trying to convince parents to join the class. 2 other brave parents were ready to go, a mom and a dad. Ok, I thought, I can handle this. I'm not the only parent, this won't be so bad.
So we greet each other and come to attention and say stuff in Korean (which Kyle understands) and then do jumping jacks...Bonus...I can do those. We move on to pushups. I can pretend to do those. But hey, if you've seen my son do pushups, mine don't look too bad. A brief moment of rest and the parents exchange quick hello's. (Grrr...the Dad over there takes karate but is on break for an injury...he doesn't count) The Mom is nice and I'm glad she is there. Moving on to some sort of blocking. Ok, cross your arms and then block, wait how do I hold my hands? Bend your knees, face front, thumbs up, no down...."MOM! HOLD YOUR HANDS RIGHT".
(At this point I am really wishing that I could crawl in a hole a die. Why is the mom next to me getting this so quickly?)
Ok, now the fun part. The kids have these blocking and whacking things and we get to kick and punch and block each other. This will be fun. Punch, BONK, hey, why did you bonk me on the head? Kyle is laughing hysterically and continues to bonk me as I attempt to punch the proper way. This scene continued for several minutes as we took turns doing different blocks and punches. I tried to beat up on Kyle, but he is good at punching and blocking so I didn't succeed.
Now kicking...I hold this blocker with my arm and let you kick me? What if you miss and punch my face? OUCH he kicks strong strong. (What is mom doing over there? Man she is good.) Who is this new dude coming to class? Oh another blackbelt...great he is trading places with I am truly the only one out here who is clueless...
MOMMY....Teagan get off the floor go read your books....Where is Iain? Oh, there he goes running to the bathroom....Why did I sign up for this?
More stretching and jumping and kicking and finally class is over. I survived. At least for the first part of class I wasn't the only crazy clueless parent out there...I think Kyle had too much fun beating up on me!
As I rounded up my kids and said goodbye to the instructor he smiled and said, "Thanks for playing" Hmmm....I said goodbye to the nice mom who had been my clueless partner and as we talked she shared with me the fact that before children she studied karate for years and was one step below a black belt. NOW YOU TELL ME.....No wonder all those other parents just sat in the chairs watching....
Alright kids let's go..I've lost my dignity here and it is time to leave...
I think the fact that I was the only clueless parent willing to join my child during take your parent to karate night earns me some points toward mother of the year, don't you?
crazy, clueless, mom who loves her son,
one rolled over and they all fell out
So let me state at the outset that NO one actually fell out.
However, the song would not get out of my head. You know the song, ..."and the little one said, Roll over, I'm squished, so they all rolled over and one fell out..." last night at 3:30 my 3 youngest kids and I had a little party in Mommy's bedroom. We all took turns using the bathroom and then tried to get comfy in Mommy's big bed. Only problem was there were 3 kids and 1 dog and only 1 Mommy. I posed this dilema to the kids and Teagan in her half-awake state offered a solution, "I know Mommy, I can just sleep on top of you!" Lovely...just lovely....
I somehow managed to bribe Iain to sleep on the outside with the promise of switching him with Teagan at some point. Once we were all settled and ready to fall back asleep Fionna took Teagan's advice and crawled on top of me.
I went to sleep hoping no one moved or woke up again and when the alarm went off a few hours later the only change was that the kids were squishing me!!
I know, I know, I could get rid of this situation by removing them from the bed...but I'm just not ready to give up my snuggly kids in the middle of the night. Besides it usually ends up being just 1 kid a night. However, if we continue to have 3:30 am parties I might have to put a stop to this snugglefest!!
Tired Mama,
However, the song would not get out of my head. You know the song, ..."and the little one said, Roll over, I'm squished, so they all rolled over and one fell out..." last night at 3:30 my 3 youngest kids and I had a little party in Mommy's bedroom. We all took turns using the bathroom and then tried to get comfy in Mommy's big bed. Only problem was there were 3 kids and 1 dog and only 1 Mommy. I posed this dilema to the kids and Teagan in her half-awake state offered a solution, "I know Mommy, I can just sleep on top of you!" Lovely...just lovely....
I somehow managed to bribe Iain to sleep on the outside with the promise of switching him with Teagan at some point. Once we were all settled and ready to fall back asleep Fionna took Teagan's advice and crawled on top of me.
I went to sleep hoping no one moved or woke up again and when the alarm went off a few hours later the only change was that the kids were squishing me!!
I know, I know, I could get rid of this situation by removing them from the bed...but I'm just not ready to give up my snuggly kids in the middle of the night. Besides it usually ends up being just 1 kid a night. However, if we continue to have 3:30 am parties I might have to put a stop to this snugglefest!!
Tired Mama,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
so happy and so sad
I can't believe that my little nephew Kaden is 1 year old today.
A year ago I held his little body just minutes after he was born. That night my sister Amy and I painted his nursery to surprise Erin for her birthday on the 13th. What a great day!! I was so happy that day to meet him and see my sister with her precious baby boy.
A YEAR?? How did that happen. My own kids birthday's seem to come quickly but somehow this birthday came REALLY fast. I'm so sad I can't be with him today. Happy Birthday Kaden. Aunt Katie loves you SO much and can't wait to give you a BIG birthday hug!!
A year ago I held his little body just minutes after he was born. That night my sister Amy and I painted his nursery to surprise Erin for her birthday on the 13th. What a great day!! I was so happy that day to meet him and see my sister with her precious baby boy.
A YEAR?? How did that happen. My own kids birthday's seem to come quickly but somehow this birthday came REALLY fast. I'm so sad I can't be with him today. Happy Birthday Kaden. Aunt Katie loves you SO much and can't wait to give you a BIG birthday hug!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
7 years ago we moved into our house. In addition to the house we also purchased the refrigerator, the kitchen table, and the Ford Winstar van from the owners. While the van and the frig were new, the table was not.
We used the table.
we really used the table.
I have 4 kids who really used the table.
I sanded and painted the table.
I cleaned the table.
The table is dead.

This evening my brother-in-law David and his wife Kathie delivered a new table to our door. My Mom and my sister Amy generously gifted me with this gorgeous table 6 chairs.
I can't tell you how excited I am and how blessed I am.

Dave was here so Dave did what Dave does....Tighten and attach and fix things. I love how Dave always seems to be here when I need a fix it guy! dave you rock...

Flip that table boys, but don't scratch or drop it!!
We used the table.
we really used the table.
I have 4 kids who really used the table.
I sanded and painted the table.
I cleaned the table.
The table is dead.

This evening my brother-in-law David and his wife Kathie delivered a new table to our door. My Mom and my sister Amy generously gifted me with this gorgeous table 6 chairs.
I can't tell you how excited I am and how blessed I am.

Dave was here so Dave did what Dave does....Tighten and attach and fix things. I love how Dave always seems to be here when I need a fix it guy! dave you rock...

Flip that table boys, but don't scratch or drop it!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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