1. What is something mom always says to you?
Kyle - I love you
Rhia -Sorry we don't have any food
Iain - Go do stuff for me
Teagan - Clean up the toy room
2. what makes mom happy?
Kyle - When she know we have a clean car/house
Rhia - When she takes a nap
Iain - When we clean up the toy room
Teagan - When I give her a kiss
3. What makes mom sad?
Kyle - When we don’t obey her
Rhia - When the house is not clean
Iain - She's never sad
Teagan - When we don't obey her
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Kyle - She doesn’t usually
rhia - she raps
Iain - She raps
Teagan - when she giggles me
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Kyle -Umm…a show off?
Rhia - I have no idea, little?
Iain - she liked playing
6. How old is your mom?
Kyle -53 no no no, 34
Rhia - 35
Iain - 35
Teagan - 35
7. How tall is your mom?
Kyle - 4 feet
Rhia - 5 feet, no I think 7 feet
Iain - 10 feet
Teagan - BIG
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Kyle - Be with us
Rhia - take naps
Iain - color
Teagan - lay down
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Kyle- Go to starbucks
Rhia - Take naps
Iain - work
Teagan - clean up the toy room
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Kyle -Giving me most of the money
Rhia - being funny
Iain - getting rich
Teagan - singing
11. What is your mom really good at?
Kyle - Baking
Rhia - coloring
Iain - cleaning
Teagan - doing the "puter" (computer)
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Kyle - Making good food that we like
Rhia - following instructions for the road - like maps
Iain - sports
Teagan - I don't know
13. What does your mom do for her job?
Kyle - Takes Talks to mrs. Baumann and rejoices when she gets a phone
Rhia -Helps the school
Iain - Helps the school
Teagan - dishes
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Kyle - Gross stuff
Rhia - quiche
Iain - chicken
Teagan - pizza
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Kyle - When she helps us
Rhia - I don't know
Iain - Because she's my mom
Teagan - she likes bears
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Kyle - Gray matter (ben 10 alien)
Rhia - sleeping beauty
Iain - Handy Manny
Teagan - Cinderella
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Kyle - Fight, argue and have fun.
Rhia - We talk and watch TV
Iain - Play games
Teagan - Go to sleep and take naps
18. How are you and your mom the same?
Kyle - We’re both humans and love each other.
Rhia - we both have red hair
Iain - We have the same skin
Teagan - We like McDonald's
19. How are you and your mom different?
Kyle - I’m a boy
Rhia - She likes different food than me
Iain - she has red hair and I don't
Teagan - I don't know
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Kyle - She takes care of us
Rhia - She says she does
Iain - She does stuff for me
Teagan - She makes me happy
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Kyle - Anywhere, but is has to be with us.
Rhia - go to school
Iain - to the store, probably Walmart
Teagan - Pizza Hut
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My baby

Epidural was great. Slept till morning. Hooked up the get me going drugs and then I met the DR. It was not my dr. but rather the on call lady. She was NOT nice. In fact, she was mean to me. She yelled at my Mom (who yelled back), and she told me I couldn't hold my baby's new bear (which I kept holding) and she told me to stop breathing the way I was breathing (which had helped me deliver 3 babies already). From that moment on, I relied on my nurses, my mom and my sister, and just trusted in God for the rest of my delivery.
Teagan Hope Anastasia Martin was born on March 11, 2005. She was around 8 pounds and somewhere between 19 and 21 inches long. It was early afternoon.
Here are the important details. SHE HAD BLACK HAIR! Uhh...there was no switching she hadn't left the room. How did my baby get black hair? My previous 3 babies had unmistakable red hair from birth on. How did the 4th come out so different?
A true blessing from God. The black hair was just the beginning of Teagan saying, hey I'm here and I'm different and I'm going to let you know that I am here. She is wonderful. Her personality is so charming, and her love of life is contagious. Unless she is hurt, that girl always has a smile on her face. She was the easiest baby and she slept through the night at 8 weeks. My other kids didn't sleep through the night till after they were 1. She didn't walk till she was almost 2 and she didn't talk till she was 3. But that child has completed our family in a way we never imagined. God was so good to send her to us and allow her to be so different and unique.
Teagan is the smile of our family. I pray that she will grow into a woman of God who is always able smile and is able to share her joy with others.
So Very Blessed to be,
Teagan is 4

March 11, 2005 Part 1
March 11, 2005 Part 2

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
sorry, no beds
4 years ago today I woke very early and very excited to have a baby. I'd been waiting for 9 months for this day. My induction had been scheduled a month earlier and the bags were packed, the nursery was ready, the kids were taken care of, the relatives were in town, and I WAS READY!
So at 6:00 am, I'm dressed with make-up on, my nails done, and my hair fixed. And I waited.....and waited...check the directions...."PLEASE BE READY BY 6:00am. THE LABOR AND DELIVERY ADMISSIONS OFFICE WILL CALL YOU WHEN IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO COME IN. so I waited...and paced...and waited...started to worry. After all, I'm 9 months pregnant and ready to get this baby out! Oh, and by the way...I'm hungry and can't eat.
8:00 I give up and called... just to check. Sure enough, I was on the list and they would call me when they were ready for us to come in.
9:00 still waiting...still pregnant... and still hungry...
10:00 THE PHONE RINGS! "Mrs. Martin, I'm sorry but there are no beds available today. We have moved you to the list for tomorrow. Please follow the same directions you received for today's scheduled induction. Have a nice day."
Let me ask you... Exactly what is a 9 months pregnant lady supposed to do on the day of her scheduled induction when the induction will now not take place? Seriously, I've already done the false labor get sent home from the hospital thing 2 days before. How can I wait till tomorrow morning to even get started on this delivery process? I thought I was going to meet my baby today...
That was a long day. A very long day. My Mom and sister Amy were great at keeping me occupied. I still remember walking through T.J.Maxx trying to stay busy and glaring at the people who looked at me and were pointing. After all, this was my 4th baby and I was full term. Large doesn't really describe it and waddle is a nice description of my gait. After shopping, we went to Wendy's. I ordered chili and asked for several extra hot sauce packets to add to my lunch. They say spicy helps! Then that afternoon, I added a few drops of the desperate woman's guide to induce labor: blue cohosh. There was NO way I was going to not make it into that hospital the next day.
That afternoon with spices and blue cohosh and raspberry tea swirling in my stomach I crawled into my bed to try to sleep away some of the long hours till 6:00 am. By evening my plan had worked. I was contracting! Yeah...I was really having contractions!!! Between 8:00 and midnight I had contractions and tucked my kids into bed and called Miss Lindsay to come and help.
At midnight I called the dr...and we all crawled into the car headed for the hospital. This time, with contractions coming and my induction scheduled in less than 8 hours I was determind that 1 of those beds WOULD BE MINE!!! Finally this very long day that was supposed to be my child's birthday had passed.
So at 6:00 am, I'm dressed with make-up on, my nails done, and my hair fixed. And I waited.....and waited...check the directions...."PLEASE BE READY BY 6:00am. THE LABOR AND DELIVERY ADMISSIONS OFFICE WILL CALL YOU WHEN IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO COME IN. so I waited...and paced...and waited...started to worry. After all, I'm 9 months pregnant and ready to get this baby out! Oh, and by the way...I'm hungry and can't eat.
8:00 I give up and called... just to check. Sure enough, I was on the list and they would call me when they were ready for us to come in.
9:00 still waiting...still pregnant... and still hungry...
10:00 THE PHONE RINGS! "Mrs. Martin, I'm sorry but there are no beds available today. We have moved you to the list for tomorrow. Please follow the same directions you received for today's scheduled induction. Have a nice day."
Let me ask you... Exactly what is a 9 months pregnant lady supposed to do on the day of her scheduled induction when the induction will now not take place? Seriously, I've already done the false labor get sent home from the hospital thing 2 days before. How can I wait till tomorrow morning to even get started on this delivery process? I thought I was going to meet my baby today...
That was a long day. A very long day. My Mom and sister Amy were great at keeping me occupied. I still remember walking through T.J.Maxx trying to stay busy and glaring at the people who looked at me and were pointing. After all, this was my 4th baby and I was full term. Large doesn't really describe it and waddle is a nice description of my gait. After shopping, we went to Wendy's. I ordered chili and asked for several extra hot sauce packets to add to my lunch. They say spicy helps! Then that afternoon, I added a few drops of the desperate woman's guide to induce labor: blue cohosh. There was NO way I was going to not make it into that hospital the next day.
That afternoon with spices and blue cohosh and raspberry tea swirling in my stomach I crawled into my bed to try to sleep away some of the long hours till 6:00 am. By evening my plan had worked. I was contracting! Yeah...I was really having contractions!!! Between 8:00 and midnight I had contractions and tucked my kids into bed and called Miss Lindsay to come and help.
At midnight I called the dr...and we all crawled into the car headed for the hospital. This time, with contractions coming and my induction scheduled in less than 8 hours I was determind that 1 of those beds WOULD BE MINE!!! Finally this very long day that was supposed to be my child's birthday had passed.
Monday, March 9, 2009
One of these days I'm going to write down all my grand thoughts on my 3 week break from life.
Ok so as for today:
*Tonight, Rhia went with her grandparents to Crosslands (a retirement home) for a monthly Vespers service. They sing songs and tell a Bible Story and do various other things. Tonight Rhia actually said her poem for all the older people at Vespers! I am so proud of her.
*Yesterday, the kids were putting on a play. Rhia was the director for a change. (I'm not sure where Kyle was or how Rhia managed to be the director.) Anyway, she was trying to convince Iain to participate and it wasn't working. She finally suggested that Iain could be a shark. Iain looked somewhat interested, but when Rhia said that he could be a shark that scared Teagan, Iain took off like lightening. What is it about little boys and scaring their sisters.
Proud moment: tonight the kids all got a special treat from their grandparents. Kyle - skittles. Rhia - peanuts, Iain - peanuts, Teagan - a pacifier lolipop. Teagan, who is in a growth spurt and keeps tripping, and dropping things, and missing the potty because she doesn't recongnize her own body, dropped her lolipop and it broke into pieces on the floor. Immediately the tears erupted from her eyes and the cries came from her mouth. Rushing to support her were ALL 3 SIBLINGS! Kyle immediately started helping her clean up the mess. Iain and Rhia both rushed in offering pieces of their candy to replace Tegan's great loss.
Wow...once in a while my kids will do something that makes my heart melt and shows me that my kids do love each other and at least some of what I am teaching them is getting through. Praise God!
I worked for the first time today in 3 weeks. I'm pooped and grumpy and hurting and want to go to bed but know I won't get comfortable...so...I'm blogging instead. I think I'll go raid my frig for some very yummy leftovers from all the delicious meals friends have brought for us. Of course that won't help me fit into my pretty purple bridesmaid dress in August. Oh..the age old dilema...to eat or not to eat....
Ok so as for today:
*Tonight, Rhia went with her grandparents to Crosslands (a retirement home) for a monthly Vespers service. They sing songs and tell a Bible Story and do various other things. Tonight Rhia actually said her poem for all the older people at Vespers! I am so proud of her.
*Yesterday, the kids were putting on a play. Rhia was the director for a change. (I'm not sure where Kyle was or how Rhia managed to be the director.) Anyway, she was trying to convince Iain to participate and it wasn't working. She finally suggested that Iain could be a shark. Iain looked somewhat interested, but when Rhia said that he could be a shark that scared Teagan, Iain took off like lightening. What is it about little boys and scaring their sisters.
Proud moment: tonight the kids all got a special treat from their grandparents. Kyle - skittles. Rhia - peanuts, Iain - peanuts, Teagan - a pacifier lolipop. Teagan, who is in a growth spurt and keeps tripping, and dropping things, and missing the potty because she doesn't recongnize her own body, dropped her lolipop and it broke into pieces on the floor. Immediately the tears erupted from her eyes and the cries came from her mouth. Rushing to support her were ALL 3 SIBLINGS! Kyle immediately started helping her clean up the mess. Iain and Rhia both rushed in offering pieces of their candy to replace Tegan's great loss.
Wow...once in a while my kids will do something that makes my heart melt and shows me that my kids do love each other and at least some of what I am teaching them is getting through. Praise God!
I worked for the first time today in 3 weeks. I'm pooped and grumpy and hurting and want to go to bed but know I won't get comfortable...so...I'm blogging instead. I think I'll go raid my frig for some very yummy leftovers from all the delicious meals friends have brought for us. Of course that won't help me fit into my pretty purple bridesmaid dress in August. Oh..the age old dilema...to eat or not to eat....
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Kyle does Fine Arts
In traditional form, Kyle performed his poem at Fine Arts this year with passion, and clarity. This is his 3rd year reciting a poem for the annual Fine Arts Festival at Tall Oaks Classical School. For a child who loves the stage, this particular requirement comes quite naturally for Kyle. Still, each year the poems increase in difficulty and and length and require more stage presence and better articulation and performance skill. This year he recited Armies in the Fire by Robert Louis Stevenson. A tough poem to bring to life, but he did a great job!
Proud momofkyle.,
Proud momofkyle.,
Rhia does Fine Arts
Little Miss Rhia, so shy, so quiet...YOU GO GIRL.
This is the girl that managed to get through the entire first year of preschool without talking. During her second year of preschool she actually talked a few times.
In kindergarten she learned to stand tall and actually speak words out loud. She did really well and was a great leader. This year was a big step for her. At the ripe old age of 7 she was asked to memorize a 90 word poem and recite it on a stage with a microphone in front of an audience!!
She memorized The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson. She did a great job. You may not understand every word, and you may not be overwhelmed with her stage presence, and you may not say she has a future in public speaking; but you can't deny that this girl has overcome many of her fears and has accomplished a great feat!!
Proud momofrhia,
This is the girl that managed to get through the entire first year of preschool without talking. During her second year of preschool she actually talked a few times.
In kindergarten she learned to stand tall and actually speak words out loud. She did really well and was a great leader. This year was a big step for her. At the ripe old age of 7 she was asked to memorize a 90 word poem and recite it on a stage with a microphone in front of an audience!!
She memorized The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson. She did a great job. You may not understand every word, and you may not be overwhelmed with her stage presence, and you may not say she has a future in public speaking; but you can't deny that this girl has overcome many of her fears and has accomplished a great feat!!
Proud momofrhia,
Iain does Fine Arts
This past week Tall Oaks Classical School hosted its annual Fine Arts Festival. The kindergarten class recited, King Alfred's War Song, based on Psalm 91. Iain is in the back right corner. Don't miss the 2 kids in front of him. What a riot. They did a great job.
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