Friday, June 27, 2008

Things that annoy me

Ordering a Ceasar Salad at an Italian restaurant and the waitress looking at you with boredom in her face saying, "What kind of dressing do you want on that?" Uh, Maybe Ceasar, do you have that? Yes, I think we have that. GRRR....

Driving through McDonald's to get cheap ice cream for the kids and the lady says they only have carmael sundae's. I order 5 and 2 packs of cookies. I drive around and she gives me the cookies. I wait for the sundae's. Then she proceeds to tell me that they are out of ice cream. So, my question is what was she trying to sell me before, 5 cups of plain carmael?

Breaking up the same fight minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day. She touched me, he cut in front of me, she pulled my hair, he took my book, she called me a name, blah, blah, blah.....selfishness makes me crazy......

Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,


I was recently reading a blog by my good friend Emily (dinnertime - Emily) and was inspired to adopt a summer rule which her family uses. NO SCREEN TIME BEFORE NOON
What a great idea. So the night before last I wrote the following rule and posted it on our TV:

Well don't you know at 6:40 the following morning my light was abruptly turned on and I was rudly shaken awake by a very disturbed 8 year old boy. "Are you serious Mom? Where did you get that idea?" I rolled over and went back to sleep making a mental note that I needed to add DON"T WAKE UP MOM to the new rule.

When I awoke later and came downstairs I discovered a 'counter-note' written by my 6 year old daughter which said, "Rhiannon doesn't like this rule". :-) Amazing how quickly children can get into a routine of watching too much tv and how quickly parents, or at least this parent, can fall prey to the alleged peace and quiet which is afforded by the hypnotizing screen.

Day 2 of no morning TV is going well and we are coloring pictures for Mrs Baines. (Incidentally, Teagan is currently licking the white piece of paper which she colored. I can only assume that she thinks licking it will cause it to seal.) Peace and quiet is not present but neither is the sick feeling in my stomach that I am doing a disservice to my children. We are not happy that we are missing our FAVORITE shows that might never be seen again. They have begun bargaining to have the rule changed to 10:00 instead of Noon. Ingenious they are but not successful.

The one problem caused by this new rule is that I am now the entertainment. Mom can you please: play ball, ride bikes, help me finger knit, set up the finger paints, play this board game, read this book, and where are my clean clothes anyway? Maybe 10:00 isn't such a bad idea after all. :-)

Blessed to be Momofkrit and WoJ, and camp director to Aubrie this week,

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Realized Dreams

Last night was beautiful. The sun was shining. The air was clear. The kids were excited. T-Ball was ready to begin. The tears from last week's cancellation had dried up and only excitement was found on the faces of the 4 and 5 year old future MLB players of America.

I wandered around trying to find our coach and our team and keep track of the 5 kids in my care. Iain watched with great delight as several other boys and their dads tossed balls back and forth and one dad had even brought along his own T so they could practice before practice! With great kindness and courage that Dad asked his son if they could include Iain in their game. The little boy happily passed over his bat and stepped back to see what kind of game this "Iain kid" had. Well, we showed him. Iain turned around swung that bat, missed the ball and HIT this kid right in the HEAD!!! Oh my, Oh dear, Oh Iain, Oh NO!!! Now what to do?

Well, we survived the accident, found our team, got our shirt and waited. Did I mention that the coach said over and over that he didn't have Iain's name on his list? Of course when the coach passed out the pre-written name tags Iain's name was clearly written on a tag. The coach looked completely confused and suddenly realized that we were on his list, he just didn't know that IAIN sounded the same as IAN. OOPS!!

These little kids were so cute wearing hats too big for their heads, holding bats that looked like toys, and playing on a field the size of my living room. All the parents watched and cheered as their talented son or daughter hit or almost hit the ball. It was truly a wonderful experience. Just when I was ready for a 7th inning stretch the hour practice was up and it was time to go home. Before exiting the field there was a great cat fight between 2 4 year old girls who were both trying to get 1 ball. The result was one happy girl holding a ball high above her head and the other girl screaming at the top of her lungs. Immediatly a blog title came to my mind, "Girls do T-Ball!" :-)

We said goodbye to my mother-in-law who had surprised us with a visit, gathered our belongings including all the treasures from the earth that the kids had found during practice. With my bag ladened down with water bottles, rocks, stones, trash, and plenty of dirt we approached the car. As we began the tedious task of getting all 5 kids into seats and strapped the coach came over to me and looked in my car. He began counting and looked at me with great bewilderment. With fear in his voice he said, "Are these all yours?". I laughed and said, "Oh my no, I'm not that crazy, this little blondie is my niece!" His response was one of initial relief and then confusion and then disbelief. I chuckled to myself and added another checkmark to my mental list of people who think I am crazy for having 4 kids. I have several friends with 4 or more kids, I KNOW it is not that unusual!!

With an exhausted look in his eyes and peace on his face my little baseball star went to sleep undoubtedly dreaming of his future on the big screen. I think he has a chance too! Just as soon as we clear up the difference between a ball and our friends' heads we'll be on our way. :-)

Blessed to be Momofkrit, WoJ, and Camp Director to Aubrie this week,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


When your 5 year old boy stands in front of an office directly on Rt 30 and proceeds to relieve himself just as an Amish buggs drives by all you can do is go Huh??!!AHHH....

When your 8 year old son runs out of his room at night saying he just had a panic attack because he couldn't find his sister in her room all you can do it go Huh???How do you know what a panic attack is?

When your 6 year old daughter is quite distraught saying she didn't have any fun today but you have read to her and knitted with her and bought her water ice and snuggled with her all you can do is go HUH??? What else do you want?

When your 5 Year old niece says she is so hungry that her heart will explode in 1 second if you don't get her food, all you can do is go Huh??, 1 one thousand, oh look your still there.

When your 5 year old son follows that by saying he is so hungry that his whole body will blow up all you can do is say, Huh?? I guess you should have eaten more dinner.

When your 3 year old daughter says she would rather watch Hannah Montana than Clifford all you can do is go Huh?? You have older siblings don't you.

When your 5 year old son asks if he is being as good today as he was tomorrow all you can do is go Huh??? I'm not sure, we'll have to wait until yesterday to find out.

When your neighbor mentions to you that your dog has been spending her days on the neighbor's deck asking for a play date with her dog, all you can do is go Huh?? didn't know I have to schedule play dates for the dog too!!

And lastly, when your kids ask for lunch and it is almost 1:00 pm, all you can do is go Huh? you want lunch AGAIN!!! I just gave you lunch 24 hours ago, give me a break. Let me guess you'll probably want a snack, dinner and dessert too.

Blessed to be momofkrit, WoJ, and camp director to Aubrie this week,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What's for Dinner tonight?

How about crab legs from a local crab bar? Sounds yummy to me. Pack it up kids, we're going to a bar for dinner. Don't breathe the smoke, don't order a beer, and don't listen to anyone talking. Other than that, have a blast.

No you didn't, oh, yes we did. And it was free too! You see, my husband's political involvement occasionally comes in handy. For example, he received an invitation to attend a thank you dinner for supporters of a local businessman who is running for office. Coincidentally, the candidate is not even from our district, but that didn't deter us from attending. No, sir, we marched right into that smoky bar with 5 kids in tow. (My 5 year old niece is having "camp" at Aunt Katie's house this week.) We stocked up on pins, stickers, bumperstickers and information about our favorite candidate for the next district over.

After getting seated I heard someone comment that they didn't know this was a family affair. Well, we certainly made it a family affair and after getting our fair share of crackers, cheese, rolls and butter, 2 beers and 5 sprites, we ventured into the world of crabs. The still legs of recently moving crabs lay on the brown paper table cloth covering out table. In every hand was a hammer. In every face was a look of wonderment and fear. Comments from the youth supporters included, Are they alive?, Are they real?, Where did they come from?, "Why are we eating them?, Are they going extinct?, Did you know the pink Praying Mantis is going extinct?, Are those claws? Should we eat God's creation?, Can we go somewhere to eat after this?, and What is for dessert?.

We said hi to the candidate, cleaned our plates, left a tip for the staff who were helping for free and said thank you very much for our invitation and yummy dinner. Holding out breath we walked through the smoky bar, back to our 7 passenger van, and loaded 7 people in appropriate seats and car seats.

Once home and settled we opened the mail. Guess what we found? An invitation to a free BBQ on Saturday for another local political event. Will we be there? You better believe it... You may assume that we want to expose our children to the world of politics and take advantage of the opportunity to teach them about the democratic country in which we live. That would be a correct assumption if this were my husband's blog. However, for me, honesty must prevail and the reason I attend is because it is an easy answer to the question I must ask myself every day, "What's for Dinner TONIGHT?".

Blessed to be Momofkrit and WoJ,

Saturday, June 21, 2008

North, South, East, West

So the verdict from my hubby?

My haircut is very stylish and extremely popular in the west.

We live in the east.

Not sure what that means.

Friday, June 20, 2008

4 please, well, ok, I guess we'll make it 5

Hair cuts, that is.

This morning I ventured out to the gym to get in my workout and when I was finished with my cha-cha's and mambo's from my group groove class I took a quick shower, even taking time to blow my hair dry and put on make-up. After the always somewhat trying experience of getting all 4 kids out of the YMCA without running into someone, I mean physically running here, or touching the Handicap only doors, or running in front of cars, or worse yet, forgetting one of them, we make it to the car and were on our way.

After running into a store to get a wedding present for my cousin's wedding tomorrow, why plan ahead, we headed to the haircut store. I'm hungry....was the cry from the back, I'm shocked, was the thought of my mind. Since the only place nearby was Wendy's, I chose to do the drivethrough remembering our horrible Wendy's experience from earlier this week.

With chicken nuggets in hand and drinks carefully balanced we walked into the unsuspecting Great Clips. The store was empty, so I set up station carefully distributing the fried circles and long rectangles with the appropriate condiments for each child.

4 Hair cuts please was my request at the front desk. Rhiannon went first sitting so still, Iain followed charming the hairdresser. Kyle feared the hair washing that I insisted upon. He was reduced to tears trying to convice me that he knew how to wash his hair. I explained that I just wanted him to experience the washing and allow the lady to get his very long hair very wet. Once he settled down, he won over his hairdresser with stories of Hannah Montana and Indiana Jones. By the end of his cut he had the lady laughing hysterically.

Then came Teagan....She was, to begin with, afraid of the lady because she had a thick French accent and somewhat large dyed blond hair. In addition Teags was fearful of being cut by the scissors. Being the patient loving mother that I am, I offered to let her sit on my lap. (mistake # 1) While our French friend worked on the hair of the now screaming preschooler I began talking about all of the wonderful relatives we would see at the wedding tomorrow. (mistake #2). Once my darling child quite screaming, I began telling her how lovely she would look in her new dress and how nice all the kids would look with their spiffy new haircuts. (mistake #3.)

3 Strikes and you are out. The French gal could no longer hold her tongue. Grabbing my hair, with determination in her voice she said, "Now, dear, what are we going to do with your hair, because you can't wear it like this to a wedding. It has no style and certainly needs to be cut. Besides if your kids all look good, you must too." OUCH!!! I looked in the mirror and could not disagree. My hair did look pretty bad, but was I willing to let a stranger from a place called Great clips, cut MY hair?

You see, it really wasn't a choice at this point, she was going to cut my hair, the only question was how did I want it cut? So I looked at my kids sitting so nicely eating their lollipops and agreed to give the lady my chosen style. Once she had cut just enough so there was no turning back, the lollipops were finished. Oh no. Oh yeah. One playing with the door, One sampling the products, one throwing the toys, one shouting at the rest to listen to her....all chaos had broken loose and I was stuck in a chair wearing a cape watching a French wench cut my hair. I try to tell them to stop without turning my head. I tried to ask what they were doing. To my shock, horror and eventual delight, the manager of the non-upscale hair salon went over to my children and told them she didn't like the way they were behaving in her shop and they needed to sit down quietly and wait for their mother.

What is a mom to do at this point? Get up and leave? Some strange woman just yelled at my kids. On the other hand, they weren't behaving and I could not really do much from my compromised position. So I sat and waited. Don't you know those kids quieted down, sat nicely and played so quietly till I was finished.

The result? My French consultant believes I will look lovely at the wedding and with her 25 years of experience she believes it is one of her best cuts. My children's response? Mommy, your hair is to short, Mommy, what did you do? Mommy, you don't look like Mommy, you look like a babysitter, Mommy, I'm hungry.

The final determinatin is yet to be made when my husband returns home this evening. Maybe if I put on my nice dress and put on make-up and do some funky dance moves from my gym class he'll love it! We'll see.

Blessed to be momofkrit and woj, even if I look like the babysitter,

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yearly Tradition

So today I indulged in a yearly tradition of mine from which I actually derive great pleasure...are you ready??? Wait for it....

The Annual June Cleaning of the Laundry Room

Yup, you read it correctly. I disconnect the washer and dryer and move them away from the wall. Then I engage in the tedious task of removing the dryer vent hose and cleaning it out with the vacuum and then wiping it clean by hand. I pulled out the Murphy's Oil Soap and washed the walls and the floor board and then mopped the floor by hand. The shelf above the washer and dryer had collected a good bit of dust since last June so I cleaned it and dusted off the bleach bottle and the box of Borax which I bought months ago and haven't yet used. Lastly I clean the outside of the machines and make them shine.

Ahh...once everything is moved back and reconnected I stand back and admire the cleanliness of the laundry room. I am delighted that this task is completed and I have truly enjoyed every moment of it. Why do I like it so much? Perhaps because it happens only once a year. Perhaps because I know it is helpful in preventing a fire. Perhaps because I actually know how to do it? Perhaps because I don't have to do laundry on this one day of the year. I'm really not sure but have been looking forward to this task all spring and now that it is complete I am happy and satisfied and yet strangely sad that it is over. I am odd, it is true.

The kitchen is messy, the bathrooms need cleaned and there is a backlog of laundry since the washer and dryer were out of commission today, but fear not, for the next day my quiet clean sanctuary will be the laundry room. If only I could derive the same sense of satisfaction from cleaning the other rooms in my house!!

Blessed to be momofkrit and woj and walking through a clean laundry room,

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Therapy gone wrong

It was recenlty suggested by a child therapist that we use the term - I'm going to step out of it - as a way to remove yourself from a situation which might make you angry or cause argument or disagreement. In fact, you could even physically take a step away or just mentally walk away.

This is how it turned out for us....

Stop touching me.
I didn't touch you, that was my sister.
No it wasn't, I saw you touch me.
You couldn't have seen me you were looking over there.
I was not, No, wait, I'm going to 'step out of it'.
No, way, I'm 'stepping out of it' first.
Yes, But I did it first.

At this point Mommy physically steps out of it and walks away shaking her head amazed how children can turn anything and everything into an argument.

blessed to be Momofkrit and WoJ,

T-Ball Injustice

It is 7:00 am. All is quiet. OUCH... what in the world was that? IAIN? what are you doing dressed and wearing your cleats? "Hi, Mommy, is it time to leave for T-Ball yet?" "Not quite baby, your first T-Ball practice isn't until 6:00 this evening." "Ok, Mommy, so can we leave now? And by the way, will I be on TV?"

It is 11:30 am. "Ok, Mommy let's leave now so we'll be there." No, Iain first we're going to the YMCA and then home for lunch." "Ok, but will there be lots and lots of people there to watch me play?"

It is 3:30 pm. "Mommy, we HAVE to leave or we'll be late!" No, Iain first we're going to go and watch a dress rehearsal for our good friend Taylor.

It is 4:30 pm. "Oh good, we're leaving, which way to T-Ball?" Not quite yet Iain, we're taking Kyle to karate, but soon.

It is 5:45 pm. "Ok, Iain, let's go it is finally time for T-Ball." Oh, no, what is that, it can't be true!! A hearfelt prayer was offered up pleading for God to stop the downpouring rain.

It is 6:00 pm. We have arrived at the field. There are no coaches. There are no bats. There are no balls. There are a few other cars filled with overly excited children who are about to receive the worst news of their week....T-BALL IS CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN. It will resume next Wednesday night.

It is 6:05 pm. We are leaving the field. It is silent except for the tears dropping from Iain's cheeks.

It is 6:15 pm. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the tears are still dripping.

The injustice of waiting almost 12 hours to play a sport for the first time only to be halted by a pouring rain in the midst of a sunny day is just too much for a 5 year old to handle.

It is 8:00 pm. Iain has eaten pizza from Subway. He is still wearing his cleats, but the trama is over.

It is 9:00 pm. "No, Iain, you may NOT wear your cleats to bed." Good night my little T-Ball Player. You are my star!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Found and Lost

Important arbonne Papers
Car Keys

My Mind and My Dignity....
Took kids to Wendy's for lunch to kill time after we missed our 1:00 appointment due to loss of keys and rescheduled till 3:00. I seated the kids at a table and went up to order our traditional 30 chicken nuggets and fries.

For a few moments I pretented like I didn't hear them, but soon came the pitter patter of feet telling me that so and so was touching them and another so and so was pushing them and then came the shouting across the restaurant, NO, I'm NOT. My dagger looks were not working so I left my spot in line and went to once again deliver the "word" and silence the crowds.

Back in line I hear shuffling and see everyone switching seats and trying to decide who has to sit beside who. In the process Teagan stands on the seat and promptly lifts up her dress sharing her care bear undies with the poor people who were subject to our family's antics at lunch time. Iain decides to use the back of his booth seat as a gymnasium and manages to kick the gentlemen sitting behind him in the head. Rhia and Kyle and very loudly playing rock paper scissors shouting "SHOOT" at the top of their lungs.

I quickly order and attempt to resume control. Therin lay my problem. Control was never mine. It belonged to the youngest in the group as it had all day. Anyway, of course we needed a break to visit the "holy" room and the boys ventured off together with warnings of stay together and don't talk to Anyone.

No need to worry about anything funny going on in that bathroom. Any stranger would have fled, I'm sure; the entire place could hear the 2 of them arguing in there! Rhia and I were trying to chuckle at them but my chuckles quickly turned to loss of all dignity that remained when Kyle left the room a second before Iain and the voice from the bathroom shouted, "YOU'RE SUCH A MEANIE HEAD!!!" I truly put my head in my hands and shook back and forth just wishing to disappear.

When I thought nothing worse could happen, I turn around and see this sweet young woman wearing a shirt that says "the rumors are true, I'm pregnant". She is looking at me and my brood with shock and awe. Sitting so calmly at her table and sketching what I can only imagine was the perfect little nursery, Rhiannon decides to take her drink over, put it on the lady's table and watch her draw. Oh my, Oh my. As quickly as possible I take my loud, meanie, hitting, fighting, stained (did I mention the ketchup and mustard spills) kids to the car and hide in the momentary respite of my minivan. I say momentary because we all know that a minivan provides no can it with all it's crumbs, car seats, board books, puzzle pieces, and left over nuggets from last week's adventure.

If you come across a blog written by a pregnant woman who is sharing her great fear of having children after the spectacle she witnessed at a Wendy's today, please send her my deepest apologies. Not every day is like this. One of these days I'll find my mind which is still lost and we'll have a civilized luncheon at a Wendy's. Of course, if that happened, I'd have nothing to write about! :-)

Blessed to be Momofkrit and WoJ,


Important arbonne Papers. My keys. My patience. My mind. is gone. If you see it somewhere, please call my cell. I still have that I think.... kt

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Please pass the salt...shaker

It's my turn to talk, I have the floor, Thank you Mr. Speaker, I'm talking, you're not....There are many different ways for families to figure out whose turn it is to talk. In our house, I've always said, "I have the salt shaker." Today I decided to actually use the salt shaker at dinner time as an example. Wow....what a scene....

You see, Kyle was talking, (for those of you who know Kyle this will not surprise you) and no one else could say anything. We were attempting to go around and tell Daddy different reasons why we loved him. Kyle's went something like this, and I am paraphrasing, "Well, daddy I love you because you let me do all kinds of things that Mommy won't let me do and when we go places you let me buy things that Mommy won't let me buy, and I get to play games with you on the computer and watch movies with you that Mommy won't let me watch and basically I just like you more than Mommy. (side note: at this point Kyle looks at me and says, Don't worry Mom, on Mother's day next year, I'll say I like you better.)

Once I silenced the soliloquer I explained how the salt shaker would work and began to pass it around. Rhia said something very nice and then I took a turn and then Iain who was waiting very patiently finally got the shaker. He looked at me very politely and said, "Finally I have the shaker, Mommy, may I please have another hot dog now." When the shaker was passed to Teagan she very properly took it and applied salt to her green beans and began eating them unaware that we were all laughing at her. Maybe the salt shaker concept is a bit advanced for her. After all when you are 3 and the 4th child all you do is stand on your chair and tell everyone to BE QUIET and it usually works.

So the shaker was passed and the salt was spilled and Daddy was happy and so was Mommy.. My vision of a nice sit down dinner for Daddy didn't quite turn out the way I had planned, but what did I expect?

Side note: I should have realized my vision would be foiled when I came to the table and found a 3 liter Giant brand grape soda bottle filled with water at Kyle place. He was thirsty.

Blessed to be Momofkrit and WoJ and thankful to be filled with joy and laughter this evening,

Saturday, June 14, 2008


If you finish giving your daughter a speech about staying with Daddy at the ballet and behaving properly and her response is, "Mommy you forgot to say to sit like a lady", you know you have given this speech before.

If you attend a princess birthday party with your 3 year old who is dressed like Jasmine and you are just as excited as she is, you know you are still a child at heart.

If you try to explain to your children that tomorrow is Father's Day and we are going to try really hard to make the day special for Daddy and your children's response is, "Why isn't there a Kid's Day", you know that selfishness still reigns supreme.

If your 3 year old daughter stands up in the child seat of the grocery cart and spreads her arms open wide while saying, "Look at me Mommy, I not sitting down." you know that every mother watching is remembering when the same thing happened to her.

If you tell your kids that you are going to clean Daddy's closet for Father's day, then you know the kids will run to Daddy saying Don't go in your closet Daddy, It's a surprise!!

If a huge crack of thunder and lightening strike at the same time and you go running for your 3 year old as quickly as she comes running to you, you know that God created a mother's desire to protect and a child's desire for comfort from her Mother.

If you begin the day at Walmart not finding shoes and you end the day at T.J. Maxx not finding a dress you know it was a lousy shopping day.

If you switch the laundry one more time at 10:30 at night and you still have 2 loads to fold on the couch you might think you skipped a laundry day but then you will realize that this is just your reality life with 4 kids.

Blessed to me Momofkrit and WoJ,

Ballet Date

So this morning Rhiannon and I went shopping for shoes to wear on her date with daddy. We failed at finding shoes, but we did find the cutest little dress and we have shoes at home. We painted her nails and I pulled her curly hair up and pinned it making her look as if she had been to a beauty shop for an updo.

She left with her Daddy headed to Philly for a pre-ballet build a bear luncheon and then to see a ballet. I love when my husband takes the kids one on one for events. He is such a great Dad and it just warms my heart to think of the memories they are creating.

Praise God for a Daddy who loves his little girl and desires to spend time with her and do things with her that make her happy. Next up: Teagan...I think they are going for breakfast. How fun.

Blessed to be Mom of krit and WoJ,

Friday, June 13, 2008


Kyle: Mom, I'm starving. Iain: Mommy why do we have to go to the YMCA today? We just went tomorrow.

Kyle: Mom, what is for lunch today, I'm starving. After playing for 2 days straight with the Baines kids, we are all distraught at the thought of separating for the weekend. "But Mom, You said we could play ALL day!!" And what is for dinner we are starving. Iain: more steak and chicken please!! Rhia: More Steak please!! Teagan: More ranch dressing please!! Kyle: Mom, why do you always make stuff I don't like. "Kyle, there is grilled chicken and steak there, certainly you can find something to eat." "But Mom, you made the kind I don't like with chemicals on it!" "WHAT" (the supposed chemicals are Italian seasonings in the marinade.) Note to self: Rhia likes steak, Iain likes everything, Teagan likes ranch dressing and Kyle prefers his homecooked meals without chemicals. The chemicals in cheese balls are of course fine. Final lesson: no matter what you feed them, they will still be hungry and still wonder when the next meal is. YIKES.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

technology is GREAT, when it works

Have you ever REALLY needed your computer to work and the crazy thing died, or your favorite team was in the finals and the cable went out, or you were driving by yourself without a map to a house in Elkton MD and your GPS kept telling you to turn right except there was no road to turn onto? Yeah, me too. Have you ever been an independent consultant for a health and wellness company and after finally getting a show scheduled and after finding the house inspite of your GPS , and after getting everything set up, the POWER goes OUT. Yeah, me too. Doing foot soaks, and washing your face it a tough task with no electricity and no water. In spite of the setbacks I was still able to walk about with a $600.00 show. Bonus. (If you are interested, the company is Arbonne International and we have the best products on the market for skin care, weight loss, detox, make-up, and health and wellness. Contact me if you want more info.) So my point? Technology is great, when it works properly, however; God-given common sense must prevail or you might find yourself in a ditch in the dark with no money.

Monday, June 9, 2008

What memories are made of

in a nutshell...
I managed to mess up the time of Kyle's first karate class and we arrived right on time 1 hour LATE. Oh man, a BIG mommy mistake.

I forgot to take Kyle's sneakers to the YMCA. He got in trouble for wearing flipflops. another Mommy mistake.

We finally got home around 8:15pm and the garage door didn't open. NOT mommy's fault. The power was out. So...we opened all the windows up and then left and drove around to find a place to cool down and wait. Where did we end up?

McDonald's of course. Most of Avondale, West Grove, and Jennersville was there too. We hung out for 2 hours and ate chicken and fries and had ice cream. We met new friends and saw some old friends and had a great time. at 10:30 when we got home the power was restored. PRAISE GOD!! Although our air conditioner is broken the kids were thankful for the working fans.

I bet years from now the kids will remember the night when we had no power and went to McDonalds. As parents we often work hard to create memories for our children...but the situations that create the best memories are usually the unplanned ones.

My suggestion to all parents: Make the best of every situation. You never know when the best family memory is ready for the making.

Blessed to be momofkrit and woj, (and sleeping in a house with working fans)

Mom was kinda right

So as a child growing up in an older home we did not have air conditioning. Lots of fans and huge thick walls kept the house pretty cool. I remember asking my Mom how to stay cool. She said if you just sit by the fan and don't move and wait for the breeze to come you can stay cool.
I tried to share this wisdom with my children, and they caught on quickly. I sat very still and watched as they ran around me and created the "breeze". Is it possible that they still have energy during this awful heat?

Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,

Sunday, June 8, 2008

OOPS...forgot to mention

So when you have young children and you go away overnight, I suggest making sure they understand that you'll be back tomorrow and not tonight. YIKES. I called to say goodnight last night and the tears were abundant. Mommy, you didn't tell me you were going away for a WHOLE night. (keep in mind we left at 5:00 and will be back less than 24 hours later.) I didn't get to read to my daughter Rhiannon, and Iain needs to snuggle with me and Kyle needed to tell me about their time in the sprinkler and Teagan, well, actually Teagan didn't seem to care. :-)

I'm sure they all survived, but note to self: leaving the house with an overnight bag and saying Goodbye I'll see you tomorrow does not count as telling the kids I'll be gone overnight.

Blessed to be Momofkrit and WoJ,

Saturday, June 7, 2008

New Weight Loss Program

So today is the first day of the beginning of the summer heat wave of 2008. Our air conditioner is broken. So, after hanging out at the YMCA for an extra hour we drove around in the car enjoying the air conditioning before we ventured back into our sauna of a home. After taking a shower I decided to clean up the kitchen and mop the floor. Big Mistake. I was sweating more after mopping the floor than after my hour long class of kickboxing! I think living in a modern built home with no airconditiong should be a new weight loss program!

My dear husband HAD to go to his air conditioned office to work, he really did, so he said goodbye and left me and the kids to enjoy our Saturday afternoon. Since my sisters blessed us with a window air conditioner last weekend, I did the only reasonable thing to do; I took everyone upstairs, we all piled on my bed and spent the afternoon watching Disney and Nick Jr.

What a disaster. One kid insisted on falling off the bed, another kid just had to have a certain pillow, another child would not leave the dog alone, and the other child just sat silently I think wishing that everyone would just go away. I tried to play damage control and keep my temper at bay and use a cheerful voice although I'm pretty sure I failed miserably. In fact, I committed one of the worst sins in our home...I told the kids to shut up. I can't believe I'm even admitting this, but it is true. You should have seen their faces. Kyle just looked at me and said, "OHHHH Mommy said a BAD WORD!!"

Then the phone rang and it was my prince charming calling from his white horse complete with air conditioning and quiet. Hold on, honey, KIDS BE QUIET, I'm on the phone..., Yes, Dear, What? go on a date with you, Hold on again please, Teagan don't hit your brother, Rhia don't touch that air conditioner it will fall out of the window, Kyle turn down the TV, and Iain PLEASE leave that dog alone, A Date, Oh I'd love to. What time? And Who did you bribe to come here and watch these kids?

miss katie to the rescue!!! :-) I LOVE MISS KATIE....SHE IS ONE OF GOD'S BIGGEST BLESSINGS ON OUR FAMILY!! I hope she will still speak to me next week!!

So anyway, our date turned into a night away at our favorite get away spot, the Christian Hilton. We enjoyed a quick bite to eat and checked in and now my hubby is working and I'm in the business office of the hotel. I love this place. we've been coming here for 12 years now and it rocks. They just got new carpet and the new fitness room is really nice. Haven't checked to see if they have replaced the broken tiles in the pool yet. :-)

So thus begins my official blogging. I promise most of these will be full of more kid's stories but today you just get random thoughts that are on my mind.

Best quote of the week?

Iain, Why did you use Mommy's Arbonne stamp on the wall in the office?

"Mommy, I wanted the wall to be on the Arbonne team with you!"

Blessed to be Mom of Kyle, Rhia, Iain, Teagan (momofkrit) and Wife of Jamie (WOJ),