Saturday, June 7, 2008

New Weight Loss Program

So today is the first day of the beginning of the summer heat wave of 2008. Our air conditioner is broken. So, after hanging out at the YMCA for an extra hour we drove around in the car enjoying the air conditioning before we ventured back into our sauna of a home. After taking a shower I decided to clean up the kitchen and mop the floor. Big Mistake. I was sweating more after mopping the floor than after my hour long class of kickboxing! I think living in a modern built home with no airconditiong should be a new weight loss program!

My dear husband HAD to go to his air conditioned office to work, he really did, so he said goodbye and left me and the kids to enjoy our Saturday afternoon. Since my sisters blessed us with a window air conditioner last weekend, I did the only reasonable thing to do; I took everyone upstairs, we all piled on my bed and spent the afternoon watching Disney and Nick Jr.

What a disaster. One kid insisted on falling off the bed, another kid just had to have a certain pillow, another child would not leave the dog alone, and the other child just sat silently I think wishing that everyone would just go away. I tried to play damage control and keep my temper at bay and use a cheerful voice although I'm pretty sure I failed miserably. In fact, I committed one of the worst sins in our home...I told the kids to shut up. I can't believe I'm even admitting this, but it is true. You should have seen their faces. Kyle just looked at me and said, "OHHHH Mommy said a BAD WORD!!"

Then the phone rang and it was my prince charming calling from his white horse complete with air conditioning and quiet. Hold on, honey, KIDS BE QUIET, I'm on the phone..., Yes, Dear, What? go on a date with you, Hold on again please, Teagan don't hit your brother, Rhia don't touch that air conditioner it will fall out of the window, Kyle turn down the TV, and Iain PLEASE leave that dog alone, A Date, Oh I'd love to. What time? And Who did you bribe to come here and watch these kids?

miss katie to the rescue!!! :-) I LOVE MISS KATIE....SHE IS ONE OF GOD'S BIGGEST BLESSINGS ON OUR FAMILY!! I hope she will still speak to me next week!!

So anyway, our date turned into a night away at our favorite get away spot, the Christian Hilton. We enjoyed a quick bite to eat and checked in and now my hubby is working and I'm in the business office of the hotel. I love this place. we've been coming here for 12 years now and it rocks. They just got new carpet and the new fitness room is really nice. Haven't checked to see if they have replaced the broken tiles in the pool yet. :-)

So thus begins my official blogging. I promise most of these will be full of more kid's stories but today you just get random thoughts that are on my mind.

Best quote of the week?

Iain, Why did you use Mommy's Arbonne stamp on the wall in the office?

"Mommy, I wanted the wall to be on the Arbonne team with you!"

Blessed to be Mom of Kyle, Rhia, Iain, Teagan (momofkrit) and Wife of Jamie (WOJ),


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