You know you are a real mom... when your favorite way to pass the time while pumping gas is to do the Itsy Bitsy Spider through the window with your preschooler.
You know you are a real mom...when you let your 3 year old go up to the fountain drink area at McDonald's to refill your Diet Coke because she drank it all.
You know you are a real mom...when you actually take your kids INTO McDonald's and eat inside.
You know you are a real mom when... your kid totally wipes out on the floor and you don't even flinch and then you laugh when they say, "That was awesome!"
You know you are a real mom when... you bravely walk into a shoe store with 4 kids and attempt to fit them each with new sneakers.
You know you are a real mom threaten to drag the kids out by their shoulders if they misbehave in the shoe store.
You know you are a real mom you just sigh as all 4 children suddenly need to "go" once you have everyone carefully situated in the shoe store.
You know you are a real mom don't freak out because the new sneakers made your 5 year old run so fast that he ran around the whole store.
You know you are a real mom when...calmly tell your kids, "I'm not lost, I know exactly where I am, I just don't know how to get where I am going."
You know you are a real mom find a way to occupy your children while you wait for an HOUR before the exciting tour of QVC.
You know you are a real mom ask your kids for help on the computer.
You know you are a real mom say, "I don't care if you don't like it".
You know you are a real mom when...firmly tell your chilren to "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS AND STOP TOUCHING EACH OTHER IN THE CAR".
You know you are a real mom firmly scold your children for saying "Shut your mouth" to each other.
You know you are a real mom rig up a traffic light system in your car so your kids can see if it is Green - talk, Yellow - whisper, or Red - SILENCE...
You know you are a real mom forget to use your brilliant system and instead shout, QUIET.
You know you are a real mom always have a least 1 load in the washer and 1 in the dryer. ALWAYS.
You know you are a real mom make yourself a healthy lunch for work and forget to take it with you.
You know you are a real mom when...your 3 year old sticky her hand in hot wax and you use the opportunity to see if your 7 year old remembers what she learned in health class about treating burns.
You know you are a real mom when...a day later you discover the burn blistered and popped and realized more sympathy should have been given. OOPS..
You know you are a real mom tell your kids every day to pick up their rooms.
You know you are a real mom tell your kids you feel like a broken record and they get silent and finally ask what a record is.
You know you are a real mom respond with a scratched CD.
You know you are a real mom make the kids count out $3.00 in coins for their hot lunch.
You know you are a real mom carefully pack 8 packets of Ketchup and several napkins for your oldest who can't possibly eat hot dogs without Ketchup.
You know you are a real mom when...after a long day you still peek one more time to see that all the kids are sleeping peacefully and are covered.
You know you are a real mom love your kids so passionately that even when they drive you crazy you stick by them and keep going.
You know you are a real mom quit being a mom...for about an hour...every now and then.
You know you are a real mom run away from home and only make it as far as McDonald's and discovering Shamrock milkshakes are out you get one, feel better, and go back home.
You know you are a real mom Lysol everything after another kid coughs in your house.
You know you are a real mom when...your kid says, I don't feel well and you respond with great horror, "Are you gonna Throw up?"
You know you are a real mom kid says NO and you respond with, Oh Good, get ready for school.
You know you are a real mom when...your oldest is intersted in rapping and you tell him that is fine but you must rap in Latin!
You know you are a real mom start beat boxing along with your Latin Rapping Son.
You know you are a real mom can type on the computer, cook dinner, do laundry, study for the history test, check math homework, talk to your hubby on the phone and play babydoll with your daughter all at the same time.
You know you are a real mom when...can laugh at yourself, laugh at your kids, and laugh with your kids.
You know you are a real blogger mom waste the time to write all this crazy stuff down.
You know you are a really blessed mom when...even though you'd like a break every once in a while, your favorite thing to do is be with your kids.
Blessed to be woj and momofkrit,