Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My day at home

Kyle was coughing this morning so I stayed home with him and Teags.

I did laundry...I mopped the floors...I started the crockpot...It was great.

Tonight we're going to actually have a sit down family dinner. Chicken marinated in orange juice, garlic, thyme and balsamic vinagrette, couscous, a salad WITH veggies, and fresh bread thanks to Giant.

As it turns out:
Kyle didn't feel so great and didn't really want to eat.
Iain and Daddy ended up having a date night to take through some stuff.
Teags fell asleep ont he way home from Karate and skipped supper.

Rhia and I had a delightful meal together.

The best laid plans....don't usually work the way we plan or intend, but I sure enjoyed having a dinner at home with just Rhia. I'm gonna head to bed soon as I fear Teags will be up in the middle of the night asking for food!

a mom who keeps plugging away,

1 comment:

Emily said...

The chicken sounds awesome!