Whenever we visit the great grandparents on the farm we always stay at the same hotel. The kids LOVE this hotel. We talk about it all year long and start planning very early what we'll do while we are there. We always enjoy the pool there and this year Mommy remembered to bring goggles so the kids had a blast. Of course, our experience couldn't be quite without incident. Daddy fell asleep outside while we were swimming and against Kyle's advice Mommy left him there to rest while the rest of the family got cleaned up. OOPS! Daddy ended up with 2nd degree burns up and down both legs causing great discomfort and several doctor visits. Kyle, having enjoyed an entire bag of fritos with a cousin decided to empty the contents of his stomach onto his sleeping bag while he was sleeping. As the picture shows, Daddy slept with his legs up and Kyle slept on the couch with a bucket. Good times! When it was time to pack up, Teags ended up being the biggest helper and helped Daddy load up all the luggage!
Although our trip was only 2 nights we left with an entire vacation full of memories and stories.
Blessed to be momofkrit, woj, and granddaughter-in-law to Mommom and Poppop,
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