So today I gathered up all my offspring, and Uncle David and Aunt Kathie and we headed to the Herr's Chip Factory for our free tour. We all enjoyed seeing the pretzel room and tasting fresh potato chips. Afterwards I managed to get all the kids in and out of Wawa without causing too much commotion. We enjoyed lunch in the car on our way to storyhour at the Starbucks in Jennersville.
So what does the word Storyhour conjure up in your mind? Storyhour conjures up a very peaceful image in my mind of my children quietly sitting on a blanket listening intently while a quality book is read by a great storyteller.
Well, there was indeed a blanket! There were a few great books! There was even a storyteller who was pretty good at her job! My kids sitting and listening intently? That part of my peaceful image must involve different children. My children didn't want to sit on the blanket. They didn't want to listen to the storyteller read her books. They didn't even like her books. My children found the basket of books provided by the starbucks and proceeded to entertain themselves with a few moments of "quiet reading time".
Well, let me clarify. Teagan and Rhia read very quietly. Iain decided to entertain himself by opening and closing the bathroom door trying to figure out how the automatic light worked. Then he came back to the group and attempted to entertain us as the above picture shows. Kyle obviously doesn't find his brother very funny!
Once the story was over and my children finished with their books, we sat down and proceeded to enjoy the craft of making bugs. Mommy greatly enjoyed this craft because I didn't have to precut the shapes and legs for the insects and I also didn't have to hunt for 4 "working" glue sticks! Bonus. We left starbucks with an ant, 3 butterfly's, a beatle, and a 3-D bee. What a collection. Our bellies were full of free milk and cookies and our hands were full of creepy crawly bugs.
Later this afternoon we went to the pool for 2 hours and enjoyed our time in the water. On the way home from that adventure a little voice from the back of the car says, Mommy can we have a movie night because we didn't do anything fun today.
I quit.
Blessed to be the mother of 4 backwards storyhour kids, :-)
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