A long time ago in a land far away lived a man and his wife and their 4 children. The man went to work every day to provide for his family and his wife took care of the precious children. They lived a normal life with 3 balanced meals, and quiet play every day.
One day a new family moved into town, they called themselves the AKKRIT team. The man went to work every day and the wife took care of the precious children but their life was anything but normal, balanced meals were rare and quiet play was a commodity. The wife would attempt to clean while the children dirtied another room. The wife would attempt to cook while the children stole snacks from the pantry instead. The wife would set up an area for quiet play, but the children were children and children are loud.
One day the wife tried to give away unused toys to the local mission but her car wouldn't start. The nice mechanic drove to her house, identified the problem and got it to start one more time. She took it to the shop and allowed them to do $500.00 worth of work to make it run again. Not wanting to let this ruin her day the wife continued with her job of cleaning up the house.
As the story goes the wife took advantage of the after-dinner hour to organize her girls bedroom and go through clothes that were too small. Seeing her children were so dirty she decided to multi-task and also give her precious children individual baths. All went well until the 4th child got tired of waiting. Unable to get her dress of by her self and not wanting to disturb her mother who was still working while child number 3 soaked, this girl just decided to join the "soak" dress and all.
Hearing new loud noise from the bathroom the mother ran (ok, walked) to check on her 3rd child. Discovering her daughter 'washing' her clothes the mother quickly removed the dress, bathed the kids and got them out of the tub. But not before snagging a picture for posterity.
And the AKKRIT Team Family lived happily ever after or at least until the next blogworthy event happened! :-)
AKKRIT Team Crew Chief,
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