Before I get to the meat of my blog let me just say that in our house there is one rule that cannot be broken. That rule is this: IF MOM IS AWAKE AT LEAST ONE CHILD MUST ALSO BE AWAKE. Seriously, I've been getting up at 5:30 this week to have some quiet time and get ready for school. At least 1 child follows me downstairs every morning. This morning I get up at 5:00 to make cupcakes and 2 children follow me downstairs. What is up with that? Will someone please tell my kids that it is ok for them to sleep while I am awake???
7 years ago today I was awake and driving to the hospital with a very large belly. My not quite 2 year old was spending the night with some friends and my husband, my mom, my dad, and my sisters were all coming to the hospital with me to have a party! And party we did. All dressed and showered with nice hair and make-up, manicured toes and nails I entered the hospital with a smile on my face as I signed in for my induction.
With pitocin dripping and an epidural blocking the pain, I sat in bed and beat the pants off EVERYONE that challenged me to a game of cards. We played until I hit transition and my dad had seen enough! :-) Rhiannon Elizabeth Martin was born at a great time in the afternoon and was indeed the easiest birth I experienced. When her sweet body appeared, my husband looked at me with a great big smile and shouted, "IT'S A RHIA!!" Never imagining I would have the gift of a baby girl I cried with delight and thankfulness. Petite and small she was hairless and pretty quiet and easy.
Fast forward 7 years, Rhia is still petite and small, definately NOT hairless, but continues to be pretty quiet and easy. She is such a blessing in our family as she takes on the role of the peacemaker always trying to help and encourage others. Every day she demonstrates her love for others and God's love for me in gifting me such a treasure. I love my little girl more than words can say and I am so amazed that God choose me to be her mom.
So as I write, I am smelling the cupcakes baking in the oven delighted to be up before the sun making a treat for my daughter's classroom birthday party. I never quite understood why my mom always seemed to enjoy my birthday just as much as I did! I understand now. :-) Since my mom was present during the birth of all of my children I imagine she feels almost as much delight on this day as I do. If I'm honest she probably feels more delight as she remembers her baby girl having her baby girl. What a beautiful expression of God's love and plan for his people.
As an extra special treat, God allowed Rhiannon to be born on my Grandma's 80th birthday. So today I wish my Grandma an extra special happy 87th! Love you Grandma!!!
I remember one year I sent my Mom flowers on my birthday and she cried. I get it now Mom. I don't even need flowers, I'm already crying.
So Blessed to be mom of Rhia,
7 years ago today I was awake and driving to the hospital with a very large belly. My not quite 2 year old was spending the night with some friends and my husband, my mom, my dad, and my sisters were all coming to the hospital with me to have a party! And party we did. All dressed and showered with nice hair and make-up, manicured toes and nails I entered the hospital with a smile on my face as I signed in for my induction.
With pitocin dripping and an epidural blocking the pain, I sat in bed and beat the pants off EVERYONE that challenged me to a game of cards. We played until I hit transition and my dad had seen enough! :-) Rhiannon Elizabeth Martin was born at a great time in the afternoon and was indeed the easiest birth I experienced. When her sweet body appeared, my husband looked at me with a great big smile and shouted, "IT'S A RHIA!!" Never imagining I would have the gift of a baby girl I cried with delight and thankfulness. Petite and small she was hairless and pretty quiet and easy.
Fast forward 7 years, Rhia is still petite and small, definately NOT hairless, but continues to be pretty quiet and easy. She is such a blessing in our family as she takes on the role of the peacemaker always trying to help and encourage others. Every day she demonstrates her love for others and God's love for me in gifting me such a treasure. I love my little girl more than words can say and I am so amazed that God choose me to be her mom.
So as I write, I am smelling the cupcakes baking in the oven delighted to be up before the sun making a treat for my daughter's classroom birthday party. I never quite understood why my mom always seemed to enjoy my birthday just as much as I did! I understand now. :-) Since my mom was present during the birth of all of my children I imagine she feels almost as much delight on this day as I do. If I'm honest she probably feels more delight as she remembers her baby girl having her baby girl. What a beautiful expression of God's love and plan for his people.
As an extra special treat, God allowed Rhiannon to be born on my Grandma's 80th birthday. So today I wish my Grandma an extra special happy 87th! Love you Grandma!!!
I remember one year I sent my Mom flowers on my birthday and she cried. I get it now Mom. I don't even need flowers, I'm already crying.
So Blessed to be mom of Rhia,
1 comment:
i'm crying tooooooo! i can't believe she's 7. i still think of her as 15 months and gagging herself on cheetos....oooooh the good old days! :)
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