YOUR MOUTH that is...
You see after school today my kids heard another kids say, Oh Cr*%. As this child is not mine, I explained to him that we don't say that word in our house and he made him sit quietly till his ride came.
My kids thought this whole scene was entertaining. Iain tried to take the word and make a new word with it. Teagan just kept saying it over and over. I carefully explained to them that we do not and WILL NOT say that word and if I heard it ever again from either of them they would get their mouth washed with soap.
Teagan looked at me like I was crazy. I suggested she go and ask her older brother about this experience which happened but once to him, but she just smiled at me and said, "Oh C&$P". My jaw dropped open and I just looked at her in disbelief.
Anybody still use soap bars? We don't. What in the world do you use to wash a mouth? Hmmm....motherhood is all about thinking on your feet. Let's see what is at the kitchen sink. Anti that can't be good. Dish Detergent with bleach, no that isn't good either.
ARBONNE...pure, safe, and beneficial. Who cares that it is shampoo, it is pure safe and beneficial. And no child has ever died from getting a bit of shampoo in their mouth.
So I put a little on my finger add some water, make her stick out her tongue and apply a little bit of pure, safe and beneficial to her tongue. Let me tell you, friends and family, that tongue is clean! It has been purified, it was safe and definately beneficial. At least until the next new word is discovered.
If you have never done this with your child, you have never seen what follows this procedure, but it is quite funny actually. They cry, and then it bubbles, then they spit and want a drink, but that makes it bubble more. It is quite effective. It just takes time to go away and they remember washing with soap!!!
I'm a mean and nasty mom......but I hear some moms use tabasco sauce...yikes, never tried that.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Kids are funny...
Mommy - Teagan, why did you run when I told you not to?
Teagan - Because I wanted to Mommy.
alrighty then...
Kyle - Mom, did you know that the Dictionary has BAD words in it?
Mom - Like what Kyle?
Kyle -Naked, Nude, Buttocks
Mom - when were you looking these words up?
Kyle - we were finished with our spelling words so I was reading the dictionary...
Mom - great....
Mommy - Rhia hurry up, you are in a parking lot...
Rhia - continues walking slowly...
Mommy - RHIA hurry up.
Rhia - Mommy, I'm coming, I'm thinking very hard about what to bring for show and tell.
Mommy - RHIA that is in 3 DAYS!!! Hurry up.
Rhia - Mommy, it is important that I think about this and am prepared.
Mommy - right...let's think in the car ok!!!
Iain - Mommy, I know what I'm brining for show and tell this week. CARROTS because I love carrots and want to eat them every day.
Mommy - that is great Iain. But what is your phonogram of the week?
Iain - K so carrots is perfect.
Mommy - hmmm....well...
For those of you who are very proper just stop reading at this point....................
In our family we laugh at "toots". We try to blame them on each other or the dog.
The boys, with the exception of my very proper husband, find this hilarious.
This evening someone tooted, I'll remain nameless, I mean....
anyway, the boys decided to get up close and personal in order to find the buttocks (BAD WORD) that produced the toot..
Mommy - Teagan, why did you run when I told you not to?
Teagan - Because I wanted to Mommy.
alrighty then...
Kyle - Mom, did you know that the Dictionary has BAD words in it?
Mom - Like what Kyle?
Kyle -Naked, Nude, Buttocks
Mom - when were you looking these words up?
Kyle - we were finished with our spelling words so I was reading the dictionary...
Mom - great....
Mommy - Rhia hurry up, you are in a parking lot...
Rhia - continues walking slowly...
Mommy - RHIA hurry up.
Rhia - Mommy, I'm coming, I'm thinking very hard about what to bring for show and tell.
Mommy - RHIA that is in 3 DAYS!!! Hurry up.
Rhia - Mommy, it is important that I think about this and am prepared.
Mommy - right...let's think in the car ok!!!
Iain - Mommy, I know what I'm brining for show and tell this week. CARROTS because I love carrots and want to eat them every day.
Mommy - that is great Iain. But what is your phonogram of the week?
Iain - K so carrots is perfect.
Mommy - hmmm....well...
For those of you who are very proper just stop reading at this point....................
In our family we laugh at "toots". We try to blame them on each other or the dog.
The boys, with the exception of my very proper husband, find this hilarious.
This evening someone tooted, I'll remain nameless, I mean....
anyway, the boys decided to get up close and personal in order to find the buttocks (BAD WORD) that produced the toot..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
new invention
I'm going to invent a new machine. It will sell to every home in the United States.
Here is how it works:
You have a piece of dirty clothing that you place in a laundry shoot. It goes through the shoot and it automatically deposits into the appropriate color basket. Once the basket reaches the full level the basket is automatically emptied into the washer and the washer starts on the appropriate cycle. After the clean laundry is transfered to the dryer and dry it is then automatically folded and placed in a clean basket. The clean folded laundry is then put away in the appropriate drawers.
How much do you think that cost? WHAT? You say it is free?
Oh right, it is free, and it already exists. It is called a MOM!
Here is how it works:
You have a piece of dirty clothing that you place in a laundry shoot. It goes through the shoot and it automatically deposits into the appropriate color basket. Once the basket reaches the full level the basket is automatically emptied into the washer and the washer starts on the appropriate cycle. After the clean laundry is transfered to the dryer and dry it is then automatically folded and placed in a clean basket. The clean folded laundry is then put away in the appropriate drawers.
How much do you think that cost? WHAT? You say it is free?
Oh right, it is free, and it already exists. It is called a MOM!
Phillies!!! Although I fell asleep at 1:15 and missed the end, I woke at 2:45 to check the news.
since when did I become a sports fan???
since when did I become a sports fan???
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
see them sleeping
I overheard this today and loved it. So I will now take it and claim it.
People often tell me how sweet or cute my kids are. I often have teachers or staff or trainers or coaches or parents or strangers tell me something nice about my kids. It is so great to hear these wonderful positive comments since as the mother I see all the other bad stuff too!! I am learning to thank people for their compliments and use the opportunity to encourage my children. Too often I am catching them doing something wrong and I forget to "catch them being good".
Today I overheard a mom say, "My children are so sweet and you should see them when they are sleeping!" Even if you've had a terrible day, if you creep into their room at night you can't help but be filled with love for that precious child.
You know, this is how Jesus sees his children! He rejoices over us with singing and He quiets us with His love. So tonight as I "see them sleeping" I will be thinking of what a blessing my children are and also thinking of the great love my Father has poured out on Me allowing me to be called a Daughter of God.
People often tell me how sweet or cute my kids are. I often have teachers or staff or trainers or coaches or parents or strangers tell me something nice about my kids. It is so great to hear these wonderful positive comments since as the mother I see all the other bad stuff too!! I am learning to thank people for their compliments and use the opportunity to encourage my children. Too often I am catching them doing something wrong and I forget to "catch them being good".
Today I overheard a mom say, "My children are so sweet and you should see them when they are sleeping!" Even if you've had a terrible day, if you creep into their room at night you can't help but be filled with love for that precious child.
You know, this is how Jesus sees his children! He rejoices over us with singing and He quiets us with His love. So tonight as I "see them sleeping" I will be thinking of what a blessing my children are and also thinking of the great love my Father has poured out on Me allowing me to be called a Daughter of God.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
thanks and you owe a quarter
I really enjoy my job. I don't really have a specific job description except to help my boss however I can. This works for me and I like the freedom I have to give ideas and use my gifts.
This week we had about 80 thank you notes to send. These were already later than we had wanted as I had been sick and unable to get all the addresses last weekend. So, on Monday of last week I volunteered to take all these notes home, hand address them, label them, stamp them and mail them. Monday night and all day Tuesday I worked to complete this project. By Wednesday they were all in the mail system.
Friday, there was a returned envelope on my desk. Hmmm....I thought, I must have put the wrong address on this... Wait, that says postage due... What? OH NO!!!!!!!!
You see I had 2 rolls of stamps in my drawer...I grabbed one and used it. Never looked at it. Didn't remember one of my rolls was a roll of 17 cent stamps.
So yes, I sent 80 thank you notes to grandparents of our students thanking them for coming to grandparent's day and yes, I put insufficient postage on every single one of them. So...they will either be returned, or worse, delivered to an unsuspecting grandparent who has to pay a quarter in order to be thanked.
Although we work on a smaller budget and we are responsible for fundraising, let me assure you this was neither an attempt to save money or raise money!!! :-)
Oh how embarrasing....
This week we had about 80 thank you notes to send. These were already later than we had wanted as I had been sick and unable to get all the addresses last weekend. So, on Monday of last week I volunteered to take all these notes home, hand address them, label them, stamp them and mail them. Monday night and all day Tuesday I worked to complete this project. By Wednesday they were all in the mail system.
Friday, there was a returned envelope on my desk. Hmmm....I thought, I must have put the wrong address on this... Wait, that says postage due... What? OH NO!!!!!!!!
You see I had 2 rolls of stamps in my drawer...I grabbed one and used it. Never looked at it. Didn't remember one of my rolls was a roll of 17 cent stamps.
So yes, I sent 80 thank you notes to grandparents of our students thanking them for coming to grandparent's day and yes, I put insufficient postage on every single one of them. So...they will either be returned, or worse, delivered to an unsuspecting grandparent who has to pay a quarter in order to be thanked.
Although we work on a smaller budget and we are responsible for fundraising, let me assure you this was neither an attempt to save money or raise money!!! :-)
Oh how embarrasing....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
missing you
A more personal blog this morning, but hey, it's my blog I can write what I want, right? :-)
I miss my niece and nephews! My niece is in kindergarten and very busy in gymnastics and I miss her imagination and story telling. Her brother is almost 1 year old! He is starting to talk and I just want to hold him. My other nephew is crawling and standing and I so want to see his great smile and the twinkle in his eye.
I miss my sisters. We really need a sister weekend.
I miss my mom. She is working a lot this fall and I'm so proud of her. But I miss her.
Hugs and Kisses through the cyber world dear loved ones!
I miss my niece and nephews! My niece is in kindergarten and very busy in gymnastics and I miss her imagination and story telling. Her brother is almost 1 year old! He is starting to talk and I just want to hold him. My other nephew is crawling and standing and I so want to see his great smile and the twinkle in his eye.
I miss my sisters. We really need a sister weekend.
I miss my mom. She is working a lot this fall and I'm so proud of her. But I miss her.
Hugs and Kisses through the cyber world dear loved ones!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
the beauty of dogs
Yesterday afternoon while experiencing a summer day in fall I left the front windows open while we went to karate. I wasn't thinking about Fiona's friend Jasper across the street...
We came home and found Fiona outside. Inside we discovered a screen with 2 holes. I guess she wanted to play.
Why are there 2 holes?
One to get out and one to get in???
"who me"
Dogs are great. Man's best friend.
Ever wonder why man's best friend eats the trash, likes to roll in poop, eats your crockpot dinner, eats your neighbor's chicken and pancakes, and makes holes in your screens?
confused dog owner,

One to get out and one to get in???

Dogs are great. Man's best friend.
Ever wonder why man's best friend eats the trash, likes to roll in poop, eats your crockpot dinner, eats your neighbor's chicken and pancakes, and makes holes in your screens?
confused dog owner,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
red spices can be tricky
This morning my father-in-law drove my children to school. Every Tuesday he drives them and my mother-in-law makes them breakfast for the car ride. (so sweet!) Anyway, apparently my kids got to school a bit late today even though they left on time. The reason?
The cinnamon sugar container was apparently switched with Old Bay Seasoning! OOPS...So they made a stop to get a new bagel.
I think that is the best excuse I've ever heard of for being a few minutes late for school! :-)
I sent the above e-mail to the kids teachers and this response came from Rhia's teacher:
wow, the old "we swithched the cinnamon with the old bay" excuse again..... third time this week!
I love her sense of humor.
The cinnamon sugar container was apparently switched with Old Bay Seasoning! OOPS...So they made a stop to get a new bagel.
I think that is the best excuse I've ever heard of for being a few minutes late for school! :-)
I sent the above e-mail to the kids teachers and this response came from Rhia's teacher:
wow, the old "we swithched the cinnamon with the old bay" excuse again..... third time this week!
I love her sense of humor.
* While driving home from school Rhia was in the back between 2 five year old boys. They were goofing off and eventually starting blowing kisses around the car. Then the 1 boy said, "let's kiss Rhia!" Iain responded with disgust "NO WAY". Rhia, with her fists to her chest, responded by saying "IF YOU DO I'LL PUNCH YOU!" you go girl...
* Last night at dinner Rhia announced that she needed to get to bed early because she is student of the day and needs to write the date on the board. "I don't want to fall asleep while I'm writing the date!"
* Early this morning Rhia asked "did the Philips win the baseball game?" :-)
* "Daddy you are awesome!" Teagan this morning- making her daddy's day.
Lessons learned:
My Little girls need lots of sleep, think their Daddy is the only man in the world, and are happy that Iain's baseball team won regardless of their name.
Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,
* Last night at dinner Rhia announced that she needed to get to bed early because she is student of the day and needs to write the date on the board. "I don't want to fall asleep while I'm writing the date!"
* Early this morning Rhia asked "did the Philips win the baseball game?" :-)
* "Daddy you are awesome!" Teagan this morning- making her daddy's day.
Lessons learned:
My Little girls need lots of sleep, think their Daddy is the only man in the world, and are happy that Iain's baseball team won regardless of their name.
Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,
Monday, October 13, 2008
up for qualification

This morning I fixed the ducks. You can sort of see here the fading ducks on our wall and my new addition. Of course I don't have yellow paint and although I have the duck stencil which my sister made me keep in case I had any more children, I'm not a great artist so I improvised.

I used my publisher feature made a duck to attach to the wall. Isn't she cute!!

You may now send in my nomination for mother of the year. Oh wait, nope, hold off on that, Teags already made her lunch this morning. Maybe tomorrow....:-)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
NOT mother of the year
It's true that I work for a great mom who was Mother of the Year in 1995 I think.
I, on the other hand, do not qualify. Did I make dinner? Yes. Did I do laundry? Yes. Did I play games? Yes. Did I give love when she hurt herself? Yes.
So what makes me NOT mother of the year? I didn't make a Teagan duck.
You may be wondering why that is a big deal. Well you see, in our kids bathroom we have ducks stenciled on the wall and 5 ducks are personalized and named. Daddy has a tophat. Mommy has a bow. Kyle has sunglasses. Rhia has two bows. Iain has a cool baseball cap. There is no duck for Teagan. There isn't even a duck anywhere close by that could count.
I didn't worry about this when she was first born. She couldn't read and didn't know. I didn't even worry about this when she turned 2 because she wasn't talking yet.
However, this evening after she brushed her teeth I saw her looking at the ducks saying, Daddy, Mommy, Kyle, Rhia, Iain, hmmm....
she didn't say anything. she just looked sad.
Tomorrow I'll be stenciling a duck. A BIG duck with a tiara!!
not mother of the year, but mother to my kiddo's, poor things,
This pretty much sums up the life of the 4th child.
When Kyle went to kindergarten I sent him a personal note every day in his lunchbox.
When Rhia went to kindergarten I sent her a personal note at least once a week in her lunchbox.
Iain is in kindergarten and I am following a once a month note in his lunchbox.
Teagan goes to school with me every day and she packs her own lunchbox. :-)
I, on the other hand, do not qualify. Did I make dinner? Yes. Did I do laundry? Yes. Did I play games? Yes. Did I give love when she hurt herself? Yes.
So what makes me NOT mother of the year? I didn't make a Teagan duck.
You may be wondering why that is a big deal. Well you see, in our kids bathroom we have ducks stenciled on the wall and 5 ducks are personalized and named. Daddy has a tophat. Mommy has a bow. Kyle has sunglasses. Rhia has two bows. Iain has a cool baseball cap. There is no duck for Teagan. There isn't even a duck anywhere close by that could count.
I didn't worry about this when she was first born. She couldn't read and didn't know. I didn't even worry about this when she turned 2 because she wasn't talking yet.
However, this evening after she brushed her teeth I saw her looking at the ducks saying, Daddy, Mommy, Kyle, Rhia, Iain, hmmm....
she didn't say anything. she just looked sad.
Tomorrow I'll be stenciling a duck. A BIG duck with a tiara!!
not mother of the year, but mother to my kiddo's, poor things,
This pretty much sums up the life of the 4th child.
When Kyle went to kindergarten I sent him a personal note every day in his lunchbox.
When Rhia went to kindergarten I sent her a personal note at least once a week in her lunchbox.
Iain is in kindergarten and I am following a once a month note in his lunchbox.
Teagan goes to school with me every day and she packs her own lunchbox. :-)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
eagles v. wolfs
Today is our last day of soccer. At the end of practice/game, there will be pizza and awards. Iain was complaining that he isn't good and no one ever tells him he is good at anything except defense. Figuring he didn't know what defense was I tried to describe it to him. He then launched into...
"Mom, I know what you are saying, it is like when the Eages are playing the....Wolfs. The Eagle comes running with the ball and the Wolf stops him. That is defense."
Ok, we've got the concept and we've got the home team. Any ideas where the Wolf Team is located?
In need of a sports parent for my son,
"Mom, I know what you are saying, it is like when the Eages are playing the....Wolfs. The Eagle comes running with the ball and the Wolf stops him. That is defense."
Ok, we've got the concept and we've got the home team. Any ideas where the Wolf Team is located?
In need of a sports parent for my son,
PJ's with friends
This evening I ventured out being so very tired, but looking forward to spending time with friends. I went to pick up my friend Liz who is turning 30 tomorrow, well, today, and we stopped at Starbucks for a treat and then headed to another friends house for dessert.
With 5 ladies from our couples small group last year we celebrated with Liz and even got to talk to another friend in Ohio who recently moved away and had her 4th baby boy this afternoon. CONGRATS CARRIE!!
Pumpkin cake, apple pie, cookies and was so delicious. But the best part was sitting with friends in our PJ's talking about life. Yes, we really wear our Pj's, I even went in my big fluffy purple slippers!
We left at 11:30 and I'm home now at 12:30 and about to get ready for bed. What a crazy late night in the middle of the week, but what a treat to refresh and renew with sisters in the Lord.
When I came home it looked like this... guess the evening at home wasn't quite refreshing and renewing...

Do you think I should move them?
Nah....sleep well my loves.
Thanks for the fun, girls.
With 5 ladies from our couples small group last year we celebrated with Liz and even got to talk to another friend in Ohio who recently moved away and had her 4th baby boy this afternoon. CONGRATS CARRIE!!
Pumpkin cake, apple pie, cookies and was so delicious. But the best part was sitting with friends in our PJ's talking about life. Yes, we really wear our Pj's, I even went in my big fluffy purple slippers!
We left at 11:30 and I'm home now at 12:30 and about to get ready for bed. What a crazy late night in the middle of the week, but what a treat to refresh and renew with sisters in the Lord.
When I came home it looked like this... guess the evening at home wasn't quite refreshing and renewing...

Do you think I should move them?
Nah....sleep well my loves.
Thanks for the fun, girls.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So today was an early release Wednesday. (Every other Wednesday the kids get out at 12:40.) Wanting to do something special with them, I talked to a friend and together we took 7 kids to Chick-Fil-A for lunch.
It was fun.
for them...
After claiming a table for the boys, a table for the girls, a table for the younger boys and a table for the moms we took orders and ordered food. Forgetting our manners, there were many requests such as, "where is my ketchup, I don't like that drink, I need mustard, where is my food?" Once we were settled it was better.
for them...
We still ran around like maids serving this and that and cleaning up this spill and getting more whatevers. Then came the bathroom break. One after another they came and asked to use the bathroom. Finally, one child asked if we could just take an official bathroom break from our lunch. :-)
Gathering all our trays and kids we left the restaurant saying to ourselves, "This was fun. This was fun." You see, when you take 7 kids to a fast food restaurant it will be fun. It must be fun. It has to be fun. For the kids....
Andrea and I desperately need a girls coffee night....
It was fun.
for them...
After claiming a table for the boys, a table for the girls, a table for the younger boys and a table for the moms we took orders and ordered food. Forgetting our manners, there were many requests such as, "where is my ketchup, I don't like that drink, I need mustard, where is my food?" Once we were settled it was better.
for them...
We still ran around like maids serving this and that and cleaning up this spill and getting more whatevers. Then came the bathroom break. One after another they came and asked to use the bathroom. Finally, one child asked if we could just take an official bathroom break from our lunch. :-)
Gathering all our trays and kids we left the restaurant saying to ourselves, "This was fun. This was fun." You see, when you take 7 kids to a fast food restaurant it will be fun. It must be fun. It has to be fun. For the kids....
Andrea and I desperately need a girls coffee night....
Monday, October 6, 2008
E sometimes really means E
When the gas gauge says E you should really pay attention. Otherwise you might be on a special outing with your 7 year old daughter and run out of gas.
You should also not lose your own keys so that when calling your husband for help he is stuck because you have his keys.
Calling a neighbor to borrow a car is a great idea, assuming their car is reliable and won't get stuck behind your car, unable to start.
Happy to have made it home last night,
KT and Rhia
You should also not lose your own keys so that when calling your husband for help he is stuck because you have his keys.
Calling a neighbor to borrow a car is a great idea, assuming their car is reliable and won't get stuck behind your car, unable to start.
Happy to have made it home last night,
KT and Rhia
Yesterday after church we let our dog outside.
she returned a few minutes later.
With a fresh half eaten pancake.
We didn't have pancakes for lunch.
We didn't have pancakes for breakfast.
We didn't even have pancakes for dinner the night before.
My apologies to the neighbor who lost their pancake. I can only hope it was either on their deck on in their outside trashcan. Yikes....
Not claiming my dog,
she returned a few minutes later.
With a fresh half eaten pancake.
We didn't have pancakes for lunch.
We didn't have pancakes for breakfast.
We didn't even have pancakes for dinner the night before.
My apologies to the neighbor who lost their pancake. I can only hope it was either on their deck on in their outside trashcan. Yikes....
Not claiming my dog,
Saturday, October 4, 2008
E for Effort
My husband is great. He really is. I have a shirt that I like to wear which says, MY HUSBAND ROCKS. I love telling the world how great he is.
Ok, so all perfection has a flaw... that would be my cooking. Or at least that is what I am told. This evening my hubby told me he had the best meal of his week at lunchtime today. He was tailgating at a football party!! How good could it be?
What does that say about my cooking? Not much. Questioning my hubby as to what that says about my cooking his response forward to where he politely told me that I get an E for EFFORT.
We have already established that I don't like cleaning.
I'm not good at cooking.
Laundry is my Nemesis.
hmm...good thing I found a day job cause being a housewife doesn't sound like it fits me very well!!
momofkrit and woj,
KT :-)
Ok, so all perfection has a flaw... that would be my cooking. Or at least that is what I am told. This evening my hubby told me he had the best meal of his week at lunchtime today. He was tailgating at a football party!! How good could it be?
What does that say about my cooking? Not much. Questioning my hubby as to what that says about my cooking his response forward to where he politely told me that I get an E for EFFORT.
We have already established that I don't like cleaning.
I'm not good at cooking.
Laundry is my Nemesis.
hmm...good thing I found a day job cause being a housewife doesn't sound like it fits me very well!!
momofkrit and woj,
KT :-)
finder - giver
So what is it about being a mom that allows you to have this amazing ability to find things?
Mom, where are my sneakers?
Uh...check under your sister's bed.
Yup, thanks mom!
Mom, where is my DS?
Uh, look in my computer bag.
Yup, thanks mom!
Mom, have you seen my ballet shoes?
Yeah, try your shoe bin.
Yup, thanks mom!
Honey, have you seen my keys?
Try the table beside the couch.
Great, thanks.
Mom, where is my mine?
Teags, try the toy room.
Yeah, thanks mom.
Mom, where is my Latin book?
Try the car.
Yup, thanks mom.
Where are my pokemon cards?
Uh..that's easy, look on the floor in your room.
Oh, yeah, thanks mom.
It is a great joy and pleasure to have the "mom-sense" and ability to be the finder and giver in my family. I love being able to find things and give my family joy.
momofkrit and woj,
Mom, where are my sneakers?
Uh...check under your sister's bed.
Yup, thanks mom!
Mom, where is my DS?
Uh, look in my computer bag.
Yup, thanks mom!
Mom, have you seen my ballet shoes?
Yeah, try your shoe bin.
Yup, thanks mom!
Honey, have you seen my keys?
Try the table beside the couch.
Great, thanks.
Mom, where is my mine?
Teags, try the toy room.
Yeah, thanks mom.
Mom, where is my Latin book?
Try the car.
Yup, thanks mom.
Where are my pokemon cards?
Uh..that's easy, look on the floor in your room.
Oh, yeah, thanks mom.
It is a great joy and pleasure to have the "mom-sense" and ability to be the finder and giver in my family. I love being able to find things and give my family joy.
momofkrit and woj,
Friday, October 3, 2008
Best Friends
So last Saturday my little, big 9 year old had a joint party with his best friend, Trevor. We had a BLAST!

This cake, was the beginning of fun. You see it looked like a cake, it even smelled like a cake. We lit the candles, sang happy birthday, and when we cut into the cake..........................
The theme of the party was a Spy Training Camp. When the boys arrived, they were identified, presented with a kit of supplies, a uniform and an "agent-in-training" button which was used to enter and exit rooms throught the camp.
Once all the boys had arrived, we ate pizza and then got on with the fun

This cake, was the beginning of fun. You see it looked like a cake, it even smelled like a cake. We lit the candles, sang happy birthday, and when we cut into the cake..........................
You see, someone had stolen the cake!! But inside the cake was a letter requesting the agents-in -training call British Spy Headquarters in London. After talking with our spy contact the boys received a coded message and part of a code translation and then they were left to find the missing dessert.
The coded notes took awhile to decode, but the agents-in-training caught on enjoyed running out in the rain in search of the next clue. At one point the boys were instructed to take 25 paces West and look up.....
This one took a long time as the clue was hidden under Mr. Baines hat! :-) Yes, we parents actually took great delight in watching the boys trying to figure this one out. It is true.
The girls at the party actually knew where the clue was and Rhia enjoyed "being in the know" but pretending to be a spy anyway.
After running around in the rain and solving more clues the boys were finally directed to the missile training room i.e. the pinata painted to look like a bomb. When the candy finally fell so did the last clue directing the agents to call headquarters to receive their final clue. At last the boys looked in the big box which gets very hot in the kitchen and they found the REAL DESSERT. They were then congratulated, presented with new buttons and allowed to eat the dessert.
Once all our friends had left Commander and Lt. Commander Martin and Baines and their new official Spy Agents posed for a picture.
What a fun day. I hope the boys all had fun. I know I did. It is quite possible that the adults had more fun than the kids.....
Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,
Lt. Commander Martin
Spy Trainer
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