Wednesday, October 29, 2008

washing with soap

YOUR MOUTH that is...

You see after school today my kids heard another kids say, Oh Cr*%. As this child is not mine, I explained to him that we don't say that word in our house and he made him sit quietly till his ride came.

My kids thought this whole scene was entertaining. Iain tried to take the word and make a new word with it. Teagan just kept saying it over and over. I carefully explained to them that we do not and WILL NOT say that word and if I heard it ever again from either of them they would get their mouth washed with soap.

Teagan looked at me like I was crazy. I suggested she go and ask her older brother about this experience which happened but once to him, but she just smiled at me and said, "Oh C&$P". My jaw dropped open and I just looked at her in disbelief.

Anybody still use soap bars? We don't. What in the world do you use to wash a mouth? Hmmm....motherhood is all about thinking on your feet. Let's see what is at the kitchen sink. Anti that can't be good. Dish Detergent with bleach, no that isn't good either.
ARBONNE...pure, safe, and beneficial. Who cares that it is shampoo, it is pure safe and beneficial. And no child has ever died from getting a bit of shampoo in their mouth.

So I put a little on my finger add some water, make her stick out her tongue and apply a little bit of pure, safe and beneficial to her tongue. Let me tell you, friends and family, that tongue is clean! It has been purified, it was safe and definately beneficial. At least until the next new word is discovered.

If you have never done this with your child, you have never seen what follows this procedure, but it is quite funny actually. They cry, and then it bubbles, then they spit and want a drink, but that makes it bubble more. It is quite effective. It just takes time to go away and they remember washing with soap!!!

I'm a mean and nasty mom......but I hear some moms use tabasco sauce...yikes, never tried that.


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