Saturday, October 18, 2008

thanks and you owe a quarter

I really enjoy my job. I don't really have a specific job description except to help my boss however I can. This works for me and I like the freedom I have to give ideas and use my gifts.

This week we had about 80 thank you notes to send. These were already later than we had wanted as I had been sick and unable to get all the addresses last weekend. So, on Monday of last week I volunteered to take all these notes home, hand address them, label them, stamp them and mail them. Monday night and all day Tuesday I worked to complete this project. By Wednesday they were all in the mail system.

Friday, there was a returned envelope on my desk. Hmmm....I thought, I must have put the wrong address on this... Wait, that says postage due... What? OH NO!!!!!!!!

You see I had 2 rolls of stamps in my drawer...I grabbed one and used it. Never looked at it. Didn't remember one of my rolls was a roll of 17 cent stamps.

So yes, I sent 80 thank you notes to grandparents of our students thanking them for coming to grandparent's day and yes, I put insufficient postage on every single one of them. So...they will either be returned, or worse, delivered to an unsuspecting grandparent who has to pay a quarter in order to be thanked.

Although we work on a smaller budget and we are responsible for fundraising, let me assure you this was neither an attempt to save money or raise money!!! :-)

Oh how embarrasing....


1 comment:

eckman fam said...

i used to do fundraising at messiah and one night i realized i had said to about 5 people that I had called, "who's calling please?"