Sunday, January 18, 2009


I could write a book.

Every mom could write a book.

Try sorting....try not sorting...try doing it by gender...try doing it by day...try doing it all in one day...try hot water...try cold water...try making everyone else doing it...etc..etc...etc...

Here is the kicker: even if you have found the perfect system, which I'm convinced doesn't exist, there is one thing that will drive even the perfect laundry mom crazy!! FINDING CLEAN FOLDED LAUNDRY IN THE MIDDLE OF A DIRTY LAUNDRY BASKET

How? Why? Who? When? I want to have it out with someone but instead I'll just make a pile and politely suggest that the owners of the previously folded clothes first smell the folded clothes and then assuming the contents are not gross, PUT THEM AWAY!

If you any of you have found the error proof perfect way to do laundry, I'd be happy to try it.

frustrated laundry mom,

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