Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What I love about my kids

My kids love to spy on me.
They also say things like, "Mom, I'm going to spy on you now. Tell me if you can see me, ok!"
Giggle...Giggle...Giggle...Does hearing them count as seeing them?

My kids love to make forts.
"Look guys, Mom just cleaned up the toy room, Let's make a fort and rearrange everything all over again.

My kids love to find hiding spots.
This evening I was making dinner and when I turned around from the stove ALL my pots and pans were in the middle of the kitchen floor. Why? Because the double door cupboard makes a perfect hiding spot if you are 3!

My kids love to pretend it is a movie theatre.
I often find myself suddenly placed in complete darkness because someone is turning off ALL the lights. The funniest part is we usually are not watching a movie or even TV for that matter.

My kids love to ice skate.
On the hardwood floors. put on a pair of socks...from the large basket of mismatched socks...clear the floor and GO...Run as fast as you can and then GLIDE across the floor and into a piece of furniture or a wall or another person. What fun...Just make sure mom has 4 ice packs ready.

My kids love to eat.
snacks. This evening at dinner..."Mom, I'm not hungry anymore...can I have dessert?"
Mom, I only had a granola bar, an apple, a bag of chips, and my leftover pretzels for a snack so I am starving can I have something before dinner? Hmmm....I wonder why he wasn't hungry for dinner?????

My kids love to play.
At least I think it is playing...this is what it sounds like.
Ouch...don't touch me...Mom, tell him to get off me. Mom, she kicked me...Giggle Giggle...Mom, she broke my eye. Giggle Giggle..No, It was my idea...No, I get to go first. No I built it, But you used MY toy, he pulled my hair, Get off of me...Giggle Giggle...Do you want me to get angry? Mom, he called me an angry boy, giggle, he is sitting on me. That is my spot. Wait I have to go to the bathroom. Let's spy on mom. Mom, We are going to spy on you now. Can we have a snack and turn off all the lights and hide in the cupboard? She broke the fort. Don't touch me. He has my toy...she touched my leg...let's ice skate...

My kids love to HELP...
They take their plates over to the sink and spill the contents on the floor in the process.
They help me put away dishes from the dishwasher...or any dishes for that matter...clean, dirty, whatever.
Tonight...I was putting away clean kids cups. They had been sitting out drying for a few hours. I didn't check them to make sure they were empty because well because they were clean cups that were drying on a towel. Well, someone had tried to help by putting their half filled OJ cup on the counter with the clean cups. So as I dropped the clean dry cups in the kids drawer, I also dropped a cup of OJ into the drawer. When I turned around to grab a towel to clean it up I tripped on the pots and pans which were placed on the floor and as I stood there trying to compose myself Teagan scared me by opening the cupboard and shouting BOO...
My Kids are SO helpful.

I love that my kids are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I love the idea of spending a snow day with my kids...wouldn't it be fun to build more forts, ice skate on the floor, bake cookies using clean or dirty dishes.

If it snows and if we have a snow day and if I do any of those things...I'll let you know if it was as much fun as the idea of doing it. :-)

Loving my kids,

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