Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Day

No pics, but, great day. Kids all went to church with Daddy and although they were wrinkled and a bit dishelved, they looked nice and well, we did the best we could.

After church we hung out and did some stuff around the house. (I say we, I said, "kyle move this here. Rhia pick that up and put it away. Iain please return this there. Teagan ok, exactly. thanks honey) :-)

Later in the afternon, the Stovers came over. I awoke to a delicious smell of pork and potatoes in the oven. An egg hunt with the kids, dinner, strawberry dessert and watching the masters with dear friends. What could be better. I have NO interest in golf. I've never watched the master in my life. But, being with friends, and watching my kids play and enjoy themselves, make watching the masters fun! :-)

Now, I'm back to loopy and even now can barely see staright, so I'll go. Happy Easter all.

I'm alive

I'm alive and well, HIS Spirit is within me, because HE died and rose again!..

Happy Easter! HE is risen, HE is risen indeed.

I have always loved Easter Sunday. The weather is always beautiful, doesn't matter if it is cold or warm, wet or dry, windy or calm, it is always beautiful.

I remember getting up WAY TOO EARLY to go and sing at a sunrise service when I was a teenager.

I remember the Easter I had the flu and had to go to the ER. They gave me a shot in the you know what and I fainted on the floor.

I remember the year we came home from church and our dog had destroyed our Easter Basket and eaten all the candy. I really thought Zach was going to die and not from the chocolate!

I remember the MASSIVE coconut eggs which my grandmom Rahilly always had on her table.

I remember just spending the day with my family enjoying the freedom to worship and the freedom in Christ which has set me free.

Once we had children, I remember the fun of making up baskets and doing Easter Egg hunts.

I remember the chore of finding clothes and then having professional pictures taken to justify the cost of the clothes. :-)

I remember the year I hosted Easter at my house on mill road and made cheese fondue with ham and I was the only one who enjoyed it.

I remember 4 years ago when Easter was a few days after Teagan was born and I had just returned home from the hospital.

This year: I am on bedrest. After 2 months of a somewhat confusing and undiagnosed injury, I have, they think, a torn shoulder muscle and a misplaced rib. Around the clock pain meds, make me loopy and unable to drive. Mandatory rest and no use of my arm, makes me unable to care for my family as I normally would. However, this Easter, I have had the privilege taking time to pray. I have opened the window and felt the breeze and listened to the birds sing their praises. I have watched the flowers open and demonstate the beauty which God has given us here on earth. I have listened to the beautiful sounds of my children playing outside. I have watched in amazement as the meals and help have poured into my home. The family of God has been to me the hands and feet of Jesus ministering to me in my time of need.

What a Saviour, we serve. The amazing sacrifice he made by taking my sins and dying on the cross to allow me access to heaven and the right to be called a daughter of the kingdom is really unfathomable. And in addition, he surrounds us with beauty, with singing, with children who have faith like no other, and His Spirit moves within us enabling us to serve one another.

I am humbled. I am convicted. I am saved! Around me is pain and confusion. Around me is strife and discontent. This world is fighting against the very creator who made made us and offers His free salvation. BUT: my soul is quiet within me. I am calm, resting, truly RESTING, in the arms of my Saviour.

So, what will I remember from this Easter? I suspect that I won't soon forget the inconvenience of being on bedrest with 4 children, or the unease I experience every time I take a pain pill, or the extreme pain I am in when it is time for my next dose. I hope I won't forget the beauty of the family of God serving one another and taking care of me and my family. BUT, what I really want to cherish in my heart from this Easter is the quiet I have experienced beforehand. The glory of the birds, the beauty of the flowers, the cool of the wind through my bedroom window. God has revealed himself to me this year in a way which I would not have experienced had I been going about my normal duties as a wife/mom/working woman.

While, I truly pray this bedrest and pain end soon, I am thankful for the time of rest and reflection. He is risen? Oh yes, He is risen, INDEED!

Happy Easter 2009,

Blessed to be woj, and momofkrit,

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

finally happened and I need your help!

So we've joked about it for years now. My husband likes to push the envelope. He has taken on the judges, the courts, the state and he's usually won too. But we knew one of these times he would push too hard and find himself in contempt.

Yup, contempt and sent to jail!! I was silent when he called me and I finally told him to use the time wisely and try to find some good clients while he was there because there was no way I had the money to bail him out! :-)

So I packed up the kids, put some ice on my sore shoulder and we went to the Big House to visit him. He gave me the name of a good attorney to call and of course when I called Joe Shark, his office said he was away on Spring Break, fishing probably!

Here is where things stand right now. My hubby is scrounging for clients during yard time and I've got the kids counting change trying to collect enough money to make bail. If you feel inclined to help please send a few dollars in an envelope to the address listed below. Thank you for your support and I will keep you posted.

Bail Out Money
c/o Katie April Fool's Martin
123 Fooled-you Street
Laughing, PA 40109