Tuesday, September 23, 2008


That is the number of days which God has blessed me with an incredible little boy named Kyle James Martin. September 23, 1999, is one day I'll never forget. That day marked a new and exciting chapter in my life and one that although I had dreamed of, I could not have imagined.

33 Hours is the length of time which Kyle spent trying to decide if he was ready for this new world. 33 hours is the length of time which I worked waiting to see the precious face of this new life which God had created. Oreos is the smell which I remember permeating the air. Aghast is the emotion I saw on my hubby's face when he saw the distorted face of our little boy. "I need help NOW" were the words I heard the doctor yell through the intercom after my baby was born. Fear was the look in my mother's eyes as she watched the doctor work. What is wrong with my baby??? Was the thought in my head. Seeing my baby calmly placed in my mother's arms, the thought changed to, "What is wrong with ME?"

My beautiful baby boy was born at 7:53 pm weighing in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and 21 inches long. (Yes that is the only measurement and time I know by heart.) Aside from a few very close to the eyes bruises from forcepts, he was perfect. The distorted alien look of his face which my husband has first seen was now gone and only a very awake and very alert baby lay in my arms. He stared at the lights for several hours after birth. The fear in my mother's eyes was replaced with relief and joy. Satisfaction was written on the doctor's face as he completed a birth that he said, "Doesn't get any harder than that!" Overwhelming joy, exhaustion, relief, Praise, and anticipation filled my mind as I tried to process this new life in my arms, a birth that almost caused me to bleed out, and the responsibility that now lay on my shoulders as mother to a child.

12 Weeks was how long it took my body to recover from this birth. 12 seconds is how long it took me to bond with this little guy! You see, I had to bond, and Bond, and Bond. He NEVER slept! Never. It wasn't until Rhia was born and took naps that I even knew that babies actually slept. :-) Kyle was always awake, always alert, always intense, always charming and engaging. He went everywhere with me and together we grew into our roles as mother and son.

At 21 months, Kyle became a big brother and took the responsibilty seriously! He took great care to warn his baby sister of outlets which only "MOMMY AND DADDY" could touch. He read the book Goodnight Moon to her since he had memorized it long ago. I even trained him on how to work the VCR (Yes it is true), so he could entertain himself while I took care of the house.

At 3 and 1/2 Kyle again became a big brother and this time to another baby boy. Kyle was so proud to have a brother. He helped me so much with cleaning up and running errands (To get clothes and diapers). All the while, Kyle remained alert, awake, intense, and endearing to all he met.

During his second year of preschool, Kyle again became a big brother and took on this role with his traditional sense of responsibility and love. Loving this little sister in a special way, he began a bond with her that remains to this day.

Fast forward to today, the year 2008. My little 7 pound baby is now 9 years old. I look at him with complete amazement and love and still have overwhelming joy, exhaustion, praise and anticipation as I look at my responsibility to care for and mother this child. He is getting so old, and yet is still a baby. He is so quick and smart, and yet just a novice. He has the beautiful faith of a Child of God, but still the immaturity of youth.

I love my Kyle-bug. I love him more than words can express. He will probably never know how much he changed my life or how God used him as a miracle in my life. But that is ok. All I want for my son is to know the incredible love of God, the best love a sinful mother can offer, and to walk in the will of the Father whom he serves.

On Kyle's first day of kindergarten he walked up to a woman, who is now my boss, and said, "Hello, my name is K-Y-L-E, Kyle." He left that day waving goodbye to students and staff from grades K-12 and to this day he continues to know students and teachers alike in his school. I wait with great delight anxious to see what God has for this little boy. How will God use him? Where will He send him? What struggles will have to encounter along the way?

I don't know the future, but I know what is true today. God blessed me 9 years ago with a gift that is more than I could have asked for or imagined and as God gives me life, I will treasure that gift and love him to the best of my ability. As he grows, as he learns, as he fails and as he succeeds, I pray I will be in the background smiling and saying, that is my son, one of the 4 greatest gifts God has given to me and my husband.


Blessed to be momofkyle,


Anonymous said...

your birthday blogs make me cry.

Emily said...

me,too! What a special boy!

andrea said...

me,three! I will always remember meeting Kyle in Kindergarten aftercare and being so impressed with this little boy. I thought "he would be a great friend for my son" God is good.........

Elizabeth said...

I think your lips looked great that day.

Elizabeth said...

Umm... your lipstick, I mean!!