Thursday, September 11, 2008

conjugations and Ranch Dressing

This evening at dinner our family engaged in a new kind of communication. Latin.
My husband was in a particularly good mood and was making Latin vocab words quite entertaining. The whole family was involved and we were all trying to memorize the Latin vocab words for Kyle's test tomorrow.

Now when I say whole family, I don't actually mean all of us. There was one little girl who doesn't know what the word "fatherland" means in English, much less Latin, and she was entertaining herself with her food. I happened to glance her direction and caught this sweet child drinking the ranch dressing straight out of the bottle. Yes, the bottle top was in her mouth and she was helping herself. Catching my hubby's glance, I nodded in her direction trying to hold back my laughter.

Daddy wasn't so kind. He immediately yelled, "Teagan what are you doing? What do you think you are, a dog?" Teagan removed the bottle from her mouth, smiled and said, "Woof, Woof".

I'm confidant I"ll never remember the Latin word for fatherland, but, Teagan drinking the ranch dressing? I'll take a quiz on that any day.

Blessed to be the mother of a Latin student and a ranch loving daughter,
Momofkrit and woj,

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is hysterical!!! I love that girl!