Yesterday My hubby and I helped out during the Sunday School program at church. We were with the 2nd - 5th graders and I made a few observations.
#Boys always migrate toward each other especially if there is a ball anywhere in the vicinity!
#Girls sit and talk and are constantly looking around to see who else is coming in and who might be looking at them.
#When sitting in a large group on the floor, girls always sit in the front.
#The boys group together in the back and find it impossible to keep their hands to themselves.
#Popcorn in a syrofoam cup is eaten politely by girls and then the cup is placed beside them till it is time to throw it away.
#Popcorn eaten by boys is consumed in massive handfuls or rather "drinkfuls" from the cup with the goal being to finish the snack so the cup can destroyed. Then the fun begins. The boys compete to see who can make the coolest weapon or cartoon character with the styrofoam cup pieces.
So I ask you, if that group had been a group of adults, would anything have been different?
The things that make you go hmmmm....
blessed to be momofkrit and woj,
Monday, August 3, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
July 31 update
An overview of our life for the past few days:
Rhiannon has spent the week in MD with her cousin Aubrie. Although having a wonderful time, she announced last night, (THursday), that she would like to return home before Friday. You see, Friday night is her snuggle night with Mommy! :-) She has been promised a snuggle night whenever she returns...
On Tuesday I took the 3 kids and drove down to school first thing in the morning. We were hoping to get some deals at the uniform resale. Alas, there was nothing left as we arrived 20 minutes after the start time. I drove home empty handed and feeling as though I had just wasted 2 hours. Later that afternoon I took the 3 kids and drove to West Chester for a dr. appt. After a little difficulty finding the building we arrived and went into the building. Upon finding suite 203, however, the door was locked. After several phone calls to find the dr number I called and was told that the appt was On Wednesday in Exton. I was a day early and at the wrong office. UGGGG....
We left again feeling a bit like we had wasted time so I decided to take the kids out for a treat. In the process I got lost in and around WC and when I finally did find a McDonald's there was a sign posted saying this: "No Loitering allowed. 20 Minutes allowed for dine-in customers." Alrighty then. KIDS: eat fast and don't dawdle cause we might get kicked out of here! :-) A few wrong turns on the way home and finally we arrive back at home sweet home 3 hours after we had departed. A 3 hour trip to McD eh?
Wednesday we traveled to Exton at the right time on the right day and arrived at the right office on time! :-) Teagan was not much interested in being at this appointment and when the nurse suggested she sit in the big patient chair since she was the queen, she politely declined. Iain, however, asked if he could sit there. When the nurse playfully questioned him saying, Well are you a queen, Iain properly responded, NO, but I am a King! Suffice it to say, Iain occupied the chair for the remainder of the appointment.
Yesterday I helped Kyle with his laundry. I folded 6 pair of Pj's, 3 pr pants, 8 pr shorts, 12 shirts, 2 pr sweatpants, and 1 pr underwear. hmmmm......
As an update, Teagan is having her tonsils taken out on Tuesday morning. I have a dr appointment on Wednesday re: my shoulder. Only 3 weeks left till school starts. WOW....
Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,
Rhiannon has spent the week in MD with her cousin Aubrie. Although having a wonderful time, she announced last night, (THursday), that she would like to return home before Friday. You see, Friday night is her snuggle night with Mommy! :-) She has been promised a snuggle night whenever she returns...
On Tuesday I took the 3 kids and drove down to school first thing in the morning. We were hoping to get some deals at the uniform resale. Alas, there was nothing left as we arrived 20 minutes after the start time. I drove home empty handed and feeling as though I had just wasted 2 hours. Later that afternoon I took the 3 kids and drove to West Chester for a dr. appt. After a little difficulty finding the building we arrived and went into the building. Upon finding suite 203, however, the door was locked. After several phone calls to find the dr number I called and was told that the appt was On Wednesday in Exton. I was a day early and at the wrong office. UGGGG....
We left again feeling a bit like we had wasted time so I decided to take the kids out for a treat. In the process I got lost in and around WC and when I finally did find a McDonald's there was a sign posted saying this: "No Loitering allowed. 20 Minutes allowed for dine-in customers." Alrighty then. KIDS: eat fast and don't dawdle cause we might get kicked out of here! :-) A few wrong turns on the way home and finally we arrive back at home sweet home 3 hours after we had departed. A 3 hour trip to McD eh?
Wednesday we traveled to Exton at the right time on the right day and arrived at the right office on time! :-) Teagan was not much interested in being at this appointment and when the nurse suggested she sit in the big patient chair since she was the queen, she politely declined. Iain, however, asked if he could sit there. When the nurse playfully questioned him saying, Well are you a queen, Iain properly responded, NO, but I am a King! Suffice it to say, Iain occupied the chair for the remainder of the appointment.
Yesterday I helped Kyle with his laundry. I folded 6 pair of Pj's, 3 pr pants, 8 pr shorts, 12 shirts, 2 pr sweatpants, and 1 pr underwear. hmmmm......
As an update, Teagan is having her tonsils taken out on Tuesday morning. I have a dr appointment on Wednesday re: my shoulder. Only 3 weeks left till school starts. WOW....
Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,
Monday, July 20, 2009
finding a sitter
One of my least favorite tasts as a mom is finding a babysitter. I have avoided this for most of my "mom life" by finding 1 wonderful person at a time to be our "nanny". At this point in time, however, we no longer need a "nanny" and so we are back to finding sitters.
This past weekend I was invited to go on a date with my husband and another couple. This offer brought 50% excitement and 50% dread. Yay, a date. Drag, a sitter. I don't mind having a sitter. I don't mind leaving my kids with a sitter. I just dislike the process of Finding a sitter.
After a few calls and no luck here is what happened:
"Kyle, please go and get my cell phone so I can think of someone to call to watch you kiddo's tonight."
Shortly thereafter I hear Kyle coming down the steps on my phone. "Yes, this is Kyle. Hi how are you? My mom is looking for a babysitter for tonight and I was wondering if you were free and if we could come to your house. Tacos? Perfect. Ok, well, here is my mom."
At this point I am standing in my kitchen in shock looking at my 9 year old son with disbelief and I could only ask 1 question: "WHO IS IT?"
"Oh, it is Barb Irwin, Mom." Barb Irwin? She is a wonderful lady from church who has helped me fix my screens and brought me meals when I was sick and 1 time even took 3 of my kids for the evening so I could rest. She has 4 kids of her own who are all in high school and college. Barb Irwin?
"Hi, are you?"
At this point I hear Barb tell me about how nice and polite my son is and how she would love to have them over for dinner and she was planning to make them taco's one night this summer anyway and they don't have any plans and what time is good?
So my children went to Barb's house Saturday night. They took their bikes and their Pj's. They ate taco's, managed to convince Mr. and Mrs. Irwin to get their bikes down off the rack and ride with them, went out for ice cream and were all in Pj's mostly asleep on their bed when we returned from a wonderful date to pick them up.
The funny thing about this little story is that if Kyle had asked me, as he should have, to call Mrs. Irwin, I would certainly have said NO. We wouldn't want to impose on another family! However, my children had the time of their lives. This morning Teagan asked if she could go there again tonight.
So many thanks goes out to the Irwin's for loving our family and especially our kids. And much to my shock and inital horror, much thanks goes out to Kyle for taking care of finding a babysitter!
If you need help managing your household, let me know, I'll send Kyle over for a few hours! :-)
Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,
(momofkrit - mom of Kyle, Rhia, Iain, and Teagan, and wife of Jamie(Aaron))
This past weekend I was invited to go on a date with my husband and another couple. This offer brought 50% excitement and 50% dread. Yay, a date. Drag, a sitter. I don't mind having a sitter. I don't mind leaving my kids with a sitter. I just dislike the process of Finding a sitter.
After a few calls and no luck here is what happened:
"Kyle, please go and get my cell phone so I can think of someone to call to watch you kiddo's tonight."
Shortly thereafter I hear Kyle coming down the steps on my phone. "Yes, this is Kyle. Hi how are you? My mom is looking for a babysitter for tonight and I was wondering if you were free and if we could come to your house. Tacos? Perfect. Ok, well, here is my mom."
At this point I am standing in my kitchen in shock looking at my 9 year old son with disbelief and I could only ask 1 question: "WHO IS IT?"
"Oh, it is Barb Irwin, Mom." Barb Irwin? She is a wonderful lady from church who has helped me fix my screens and brought me meals when I was sick and 1 time even took 3 of my kids for the evening so I could rest. She has 4 kids of her own who are all in high school and college. Barb Irwin?
"Hi, are you?"
At this point I hear Barb tell me about how nice and polite my son is and how she would love to have them over for dinner and she was planning to make them taco's one night this summer anyway and they don't have any plans and what time is good?
So my children went to Barb's house Saturday night. They took their bikes and their Pj's. They ate taco's, managed to convince Mr. and Mrs. Irwin to get their bikes down off the rack and ride with them, went out for ice cream and were all in Pj's mostly asleep on their bed when we returned from a wonderful date to pick them up.
The funny thing about this little story is that if Kyle had asked me, as he should have, to call Mrs. Irwin, I would certainly have said NO. We wouldn't want to impose on another family! However, my children had the time of their lives. This morning Teagan asked if she could go there again tonight.
So many thanks goes out to the Irwin's for loving our family and especially our kids. And much to my shock and inital horror, much thanks goes out to Kyle for taking care of finding a babysitter!
If you need help managing your household, let me know, I'll send Kyle over for a few hours! :-)
Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,
(momofkrit - mom of Kyle, Rhia, Iain, and Teagan, and wife of Jamie(Aaron))
Friday, June 12, 2009
The rumors are true: I did in fact wake all my kids at 12:45 am Thursday morning and take them to the drive through of McDonalds. WHY??? Well because that is when it opened of course. It has been closed for rebuilding for several months and they did a "soft" opening from 1-5 before the official opening began at 5. For fun we went for fries. Fun Cheap memories.
The cost of fries? $5.24
The memories? priceless
Yesterday Rhia went to go outside to play and I called out, "Get your shoes". She said, "Oh, but mommy, I'm and Indian and they don't wear shoes." Looking at her in confusion, I realized she was wearing her Indian costume. My response? Oh, well, you are right. Ok, go and play.
How can you argue with history?
Today is Teagan's last day of her 1 and 1/2 long preschool adventure this year. WHat a blessing that has been for her. Because I was so sick a friend was able to enroll Teagan in preschool and she has gone 3 times a week and LOVES it. I'm not sure how we'll be able to send her next year, but boy has it been fun for her! She can write her name and loves that she has her own school.
Today just for fun I will be acquiring 2 additional dogs for a week. My mom and sisters are going on vacation together and I"m watching dogs. Should be fun here!
Other than that, we've been visiting the library every week and the Y every now and then and reading books together and practicing our laundry skills! :-)
Loving being able to be a mom again,
Momofkrit and woj,
The cost of fries? $5.24
The memories? priceless
Yesterday Rhia went to go outside to play and I called out, "Get your shoes". She said, "Oh, but mommy, I'm and Indian and they don't wear shoes." Looking at her in confusion, I realized she was wearing her Indian costume. My response? Oh, well, you are right. Ok, go and play.
How can you argue with history?
Today is Teagan's last day of her 1 and 1/2 long preschool adventure this year. WHat a blessing that has been for her. Because I was so sick a friend was able to enroll Teagan in preschool and she has gone 3 times a week and LOVES it. I'm not sure how we'll be able to send her next year, but boy has it been fun for her! She can write her name and loves that she has her own school.
Today just for fun I will be acquiring 2 additional dogs for a week. My mom and sisters are going on vacation together and I"m watching dogs. Should be fun here!
Other than that, we've been visiting the library every week and the Y every now and then and reading books together and practicing our laundry skills! :-)
Loving being able to be a mom again,
Momofkrit and woj,
Sunday, May 31, 2009
New Bible Story
"Teagan what was your Sunday School Lesson about today?"
Well, Mommy, is was about Saul and he was on a big boat.
"Are you sure it wasn't Paul"
Nope, Mommy actually it was Saul.
"Oh, OK and what happened to Saul/Paul?"
Well, actually he was on a big boat and it got broke and fell apart in the water. And all the people fell into the water and they all got into a whale. except Saul actually.
"OK, so your story was about Saul on a boat that crashed and all the people except Saul got into the belly of a whale?"
Yes, Mommy, that was my story.
Daddy - Teagan it was Saul and they landed on an island.
NO, Daddy they didn't for real!!!
This reminded me of the stories that my sister Erin used to after Sunday School. Stories about Noah playing with Gorilla's and Moses and the big boat etc. We all used to laugh and my Mom would patiently listen to her stories. I was my Mom today as the rest of the family kinda quietly chuckled.
Too cute.
Well, Mommy, is was about Saul and he was on a big boat.
"Are you sure it wasn't Paul"
Nope, Mommy actually it was Saul.
"Oh, OK and what happened to Saul/Paul?"
Well, actually he was on a big boat and it got broke and fell apart in the water. And all the people fell into the water and they all got into a whale. except Saul actually.
"OK, so your story was about Saul on a boat that crashed and all the people except Saul got into the belly of a whale?"
Yes, Mommy, that was my story.
Daddy - Teagan it was Saul and they landed on an island.
NO, Daddy they didn't for real!!!
This reminded me of the stories that my sister Erin used to after Sunday School. Stories about Noah playing with Gorilla's and Moses and the big boat etc. We all used to laugh and my Mom would patiently listen to her stories. I was my Mom today as the rest of the family kinda quietly chuckled.
Too cute.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Day
No pics, but, great day. Kids all went to church with Daddy and although they were wrinkled and a bit dishelved, they looked nice and well, we did the best we could.
After church we hung out and did some stuff around the house. (I say we, I said, "kyle move this here. Rhia pick that up and put it away. Iain please return this there. Teagan ok, exactly. thanks honey) :-)
Later in the afternon, the Stovers came over. I awoke to a delicious smell of pork and potatoes in the oven. An egg hunt with the kids, dinner, strawberry dessert and watching the masters with dear friends. What could be better. I have NO interest in golf. I've never watched the master in my life. But, being with friends, and watching my kids play and enjoy themselves, make watching the masters fun! :-)
Now, I'm back to loopy and even now can barely see staright, so I'll go. Happy Easter all.
After church we hung out and did some stuff around the house. (I say we, I said, "kyle move this here. Rhia pick that up and put it away. Iain please return this there. Teagan ok, exactly. thanks honey) :-)
Later in the afternon, the Stovers came over. I awoke to a delicious smell of pork and potatoes in the oven. An egg hunt with the kids, dinner, strawberry dessert and watching the masters with dear friends. What could be better. I have NO interest in golf. I've never watched the master in my life. But, being with friends, and watching my kids play and enjoy themselves, make watching the masters fun! :-)
Now, I'm back to loopy and even now can barely see staright, so I'll go. Happy Easter all.
I'm alive
I'm alive and well, HIS Spirit is within me, because HE died and rose again!..
Happy Easter! HE is risen, HE is risen indeed.
I have always loved Easter Sunday. The weather is always beautiful, doesn't matter if it is cold or warm, wet or dry, windy or calm, it is always beautiful.
I remember getting up WAY TOO EARLY to go and sing at a sunrise service when I was a teenager.
I remember the Easter I had the flu and had to go to the ER. They gave me a shot in the you know what and I fainted on the floor.
I remember the year we came home from church and our dog had destroyed our Easter Basket and eaten all the candy. I really thought Zach was going to die and not from the chocolate!
I remember the MASSIVE coconut eggs which my grandmom Rahilly always had on her table.
I remember just spending the day with my family enjoying the freedom to worship and the freedom in Christ which has set me free.
Once we had children, I remember the fun of making up baskets and doing Easter Egg hunts.
I remember the chore of finding clothes and then having professional pictures taken to justify the cost of the clothes. :-)
I remember the year I hosted Easter at my house on mill road and made cheese fondue with ham and I was the only one who enjoyed it.
I remember 4 years ago when Easter was a few days after Teagan was born and I had just returned home from the hospital.
This year: I am on bedrest. After 2 months of a somewhat confusing and undiagnosed injury, I have, they think, a torn shoulder muscle and a misplaced rib. Around the clock pain meds, make me loopy and unable to drive. Mandatory rest and no use of my arm, makes me unable to care for my family as I normally would. However, this Easter, I have had the privilege taking time to pray. I have opened the window and felt the breeze and listened to the birds sing their praises. I have watched the flowers open and demonstate the beauty which God has given us here on earth. I have listened to the beautiful sounds of my children playing outside. I have watched in amazement as the meals and help have poured into my home. The family of God has been to me the hands and feet of Jesus ministering to me in my time of need.
What a Saviour, we serve. The amazing sacrifice he made by taking my sins and dying on the cross to allow me access to heaven and the right to be called a daughter of the kingdom is really unfathomable. And in addition, he surrounds us with beauty, with singing, with children who have faith like no other, and His Spirit moves within us enabling us to serve one another.
I am humbled. I am convicted. I am saved! Around me is pain and confusion. Around me is strife and discontent. This world is fighting against the very creator who made made us and offers His free salvation. BUT: my soul is quiet within me. I am calm, resting, truly RESTING, in the arms of my Saviour.
So, what will I remember from this Easter? I suspect that I won't soon forget the inconvenience of being on bedrest with 4 children, or the unease I experience every time I take a pain pill, or the extreme pain I am in when it is time for my next dose. I hope I won't forget the beauty of the family of God serving one another and taking care of me and my family. BUT, what I really want to cherish in my heart from this Easter is the quiet I have experienced beforehand. The glory of the birds, the beauty of the flowers, the cool of the wind through my bedroom window. God has revealed himself to me this year in a way which I would not have experienced had I been going about my normal duties as a wife/mom/working woman.
While, I truly pray this bedrest and pain end soon, I am thankful for the time of rest and reflection. He is risen? Oh yes, He is risen, INDEED!
Happy Easter 2009,
Blessed to be woj, and momofkrit,
Happy Easter! HE is risen, HE is risen indeed.
I have always loved Easter Sunday. The weather is always beautiful, doesn't matter if it is cold or warm, wet or dry, windy or calm, it is always beautiful.
I remember getting up WAY TOO EARLY to go and sing at a sunrise service when I was a teenager.
I remember the Easter I had the flu and had to go to the ER. They gave me a shot in the you know what and I fainted on the floor.
I remember the year we came home from church and our dog had destroyed our Easter Basket and eaten all the candy. I really thought Zach was going to die and not from the chocolate!
I remember the MASSIVE coconut eggs which my grandmom Rahilly always had on her table.
I remember just spending the day with my family enjoying the freedom to worship and the freedom in Christ which has set me free.
Once we had children, I remember the fun of making up baskets and doing Easter Egg hunts.
I remember the chore of finding clothes and then having professional pictures taken to justify the cost of the clothes. :-)
I remember the year I hosted Easter at my house on mill road and made cheese fondue with ham and I was the only one who enjoyed it.
I remember 4 years ago when Easter was a few days after Teagan was born and I had just returned home from the hospital.
This year: I am on bedrest. After 2 months of a somewhat confusing and undiagnosed injury, I have, they think, a torn shoulder muscle and a misplaced rib. Around the clock pain meds, make me loopy and unable to drive. Mandatory rest and no use of my arm, makes me unable to care for my family as I normally would. However, this Easter, I have had the privilege taking time to pray. I have opened the window and felt the breeze and listened to the birds sing their praises. I have watched the flowers open and demonstate the beauty which God has given us here on earth. I have listened to the beautiful sounds of my children playing outside. I have watched in amazement as the meals and help have poured into my home. The family of God has been to me the hands and feet of Jesus ministering to me in my time of need.
What a Saviour, we serve. The amazing sacrifice he made by taking my sins and dying on the cross to allow me access to heaven and the right to be called a daughter of the kingdom is really unfathomable. And in addition, he surrounds us with beauty, with singing, with children who have faith like no other, and His Spirit moves within us enabling us to serve one another.
I am humbled. I am convicted. I am saved! Around me is pain and confusion. Around me is strife and discontent. This world is fighting against the very creator who made made us and offers His free salvation. BUT: my soul is quiet within me. I am calm, resting, truly RESTING, in the arms of my Saviour.
So, what will I remember from this Easter? I suspect that I won't soon forget the inconvenience of being on bedrest with 4 children, or the unease I experience every time I take a pain pill, or the extreme pain I am in when it is time for my next dose. I hope I won't forget the beauty of the family of God serving one another and taking care of me and my family. BUT, what I really want to cherish in my heart from this Easter is the quiet I have experienced beforehand. The glory of the birds, the beauty of the flowers, the cool of the wind through my bedroom window. God has revealed himself to me this year in a way which I would not have experienced had I been going about my normal duties as a wife/mom/working woman.
While, I truly pray this bedrest and pain end soon, I am thankful for the time of rest and reflection. He is risen? Oh yes, He is risen, INDEED!
Happy Easter 2009,
Blessed to be woj, and momofkrit,
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
finally happened and I need your help!
So we've joked about it for years now. My husband likes to push the envelope. He has taken on the judges, the courts, the state and he's usually won too. But we knew one of these times he would push too hard and find himself in contempt.
Yup, contempt and sent to jail!! I was silent when he called me and I finally told him to use the time wisely and try to find some good clients while he was there because there was no way I had the money to bail him out! :-)
So I packed up the kids, put some ice on my sore shoulder and we went to the Big House to visit him. He gave me the name of a good attorney to call and of course when I called Joe Shark, his office said he was away on Spring Break, fishing probably!
Here is where things stand right now. My hubby is scrounging for clients during yard time and I've got the kids counting change trying to collect enough money to make bail. If you feel inclined to help please send a few dollars in an envelope to the address listed below. Thank you for your support and I will keep you posted.
Bail Out Money
c/o Katie April Fool's Martin
123 Fooled-you Street
Laughing, PA 40109
Yup, contempt and sent to jail!! I was silent when he called me and I finally told him to use the time wisely and try to find some good clients while he was there because there was no way I had the money to bail him out! :-)
So I packed up the kids, put some ice on my sore shoulder and we went to the Big House to visit him. He gave me the name of a good attorney to call and of course when I called Joe Shark, his office said he was away on Spring Break, fishing probably!
Here is where things stand right now. My hubby is scrounging for clients during yard time and I've got the kids counting change trying to collect enough money to make bail. If you feel inclined to help please send a few dollars in an envelope to the address listed below. Thank you for your support and I will keep you posted.
Bail Out Money
c/o Katie April Fool's Martin
123 Fooled-you Street
Laughing, PA 40109
Monday, March 23, 2009
Mom Quiz
1. What is something mom always says to you?
Kyle - I love you
Rhia -Sorry we don't have any food
Iain - Go do stuff for me
Teagan - Clean up the toy room
2. what makes mom happy?
Kyle - When she know we have a clean car/house
Rhia - When she takes a nap
Iain - When we clean up the toy room
Teagan - When I give her a kiss
3. What makes mom sad?
Kyle - When we don’t obey her
Rhia - When the house is not clean
Iain - She's never sad
Teagan - When we don't obey her
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Kyle - She doesn’t usually
rhia - she raps
Iain - She raps
Teagan - when she giggles me
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Kyle -Umm…a show off?
Rhia - I have no idea, little?
Iain - she liked playing
6. How old is your mom?
Kyle -53 no no no, 34
Rhia - 35
Iain - 35
Teagan - 35
7. How tall is your mom?
Kyle - 4 feet
Rhia - 5 feet, no I think 7 feet
Iain - 10 feet
Teagan - BIG
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Kyle - Be with us
Rhia - take naps
Iain - color
Teagan - lay down
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Kyle- Go to starbucks
Rhia - Take naps
Iain - work
Teagan - clean up the toy room
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Kyle -Giving me most of the money
Rhia - being funny
Iain - getting rich
Teagan - singing
11. What is your mom really good at?
Kyle - Baking
Rhia - coloring
Iain - cleaning
Teagan - doing the "puter" (computer)
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Kyle - Making good food that we like
Rhia - following instructions for the road - like maps
Iain - sports
Teagan - I don't know
13. What does your mom do for her job?
Kyle - Takes Talks to mrs. Baumann and rejoices when she gets a phone
Rhia -Helps the school
Iain - Helps the school
Teagan - dishes
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Kyle - Gross stuff
Rhia - quiche
Iain - chicken
Teagan - pizza
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Kyle - When she helps us
Rhia - I don't know
Iain - Because she's my mom
Teagan - she likes bears
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Kyle - Gray matter (ben 10 alien)
Rhia - sleeping beauty
Iain - Handy Manny
Teagan - Cinderella
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Kyle - Fight, argue and have fun.
Rhia - We talk and watch TV
Iain - Play games
Teagan - Go to sleep and take naps
18. How are you and your mom the same?
Kyle - We’re both humans and love each other.
Rhia - we both have red hair
Iain - We have the same skin
Teagan - We like McDonald's
19. How are you and your mom different?
Kyle - I’m a boy
Rhia - She likes different food than me
Iain - she has red hair and I don't
Teagan - I don't know
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Kyle - She takes care of us
Rhia - She says she does
Iain - She does stuff for me
Teagan - She makes me happy
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Kyle - Anywhere, but is has to be with us.
Rhia - go to school
Iain - to the store, probably Walmart
Teagan - Pizza Hut
Kyle - I love you
Rhia -Sorry we don't have any food
Iain - Go do stuff for me
Teagan - Clean up the toy room
2. what makes mom happy?
Kyle - When she know we have a clean car/house
Rhia - When she takes a nap
Iain - When we clean up the toy room
Teagan - When I give her a kiss
3. What makes mom sad?
Kyle - When we don’t obey her
Rhia - When the house is not clean
Iain - She's never sad
Teagan - When we don't obey her
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Kyle - She doesn’t usually
rhia - she raps
Iain - She raps
Teagan - when she giggles me
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Kyle -Umm…a show off?
Rhia - I have no idea, little?
Iain - she liked playing
6. How old is your mom?
Kyle -53 no no no, 34
Rhia - 35
Iain - 35
Teagan - 35
7. How tall is your mom?
Kyle - 4 feet
Rhia - 5 feet, no I think 7 feet
Iain - 10 feet
Teagan - BIG
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Kyle - Be with us
Rhia - take naps
Iain - color
Teagan - lay down
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Kyle- Go to starbucks
Rhia - Take naps
Iain - work
Teagan - clean up the toy room
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Kyle -Giving me most of the money
Rhia - being funny
Iain - getting rich
Teagan - singing
11. What is your mom really good at?
Kyle - Baking
Rhia - coloring
Iain - cleaning
Teagan - doing the "puter" (computer)
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Kyle - Making good food that we like
Rhia - following instructions for the road - like maps
Iain - sports
Teagan - I don't know
13. What does your mom do for her job?
Kyle - Takes Talks to mrs. Baumann and rejoices when she gets a phone
Rhia -Helps the school
Iain - Helps the school
Teagan - dishes
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Kyle - Gross stuff
Rhia - quiche
Iain - chicken
Teagan - pizza
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Kyle - When she helps us
Rhia - I don't know
Iain - Because she's my mom
Teagan - she likes bears
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Kyle - Gray matter (ben 10 alien)
Rhia - sleeping beauty
Iain - Handy Manny
Teagan - Cinderella
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Kyle - Fight, argue and have fun.
Rhia - We talk and watch TV
Iain - Play games
Teagan - Go to sleep and take naps
18. How are you and your mom the same?
Kyle - We’re both humans and love each other.
Rhia - we both have red hair
Iain - We have the same skin
Teagan - We like McDonald's
19. How are you and your mom different?
Kyle - I’m a boy
Rhia - She likes different food than me
Iain - she has red hair and I don't
Teagan - I don't know
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Kyle - She takes care of us
Rhia - She says she does
Iain - She does stuff for me
Teagan - She makes me happy
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Kyle - Anywhere, but is has to be with us.
Rhia - go to school
Iain - to the store, probably Walmart
Teagan - Pizza Hut
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My baby

Epidural was great. Slept till morning. Hooked up the get me going drugs and then I met the DR. It was not my dr. but rather the on call lady. She was NOT nice. In fact, she was mean to me. She yelled at my Mom (who yelled back), and she told me I couldn't hold my baby's new bear (which I kept holding) and she told me to stop breathing the way I was breathing (which had helped me deliver 3 babies already). From that moment on, I relied on my nurses, my mom and my sister, and just trusted in God for the rest of my delivery.
Teagan Hope Anastasia Martin was born on March 11, 2005. She was around 8 pounds and somewhere between 19 and 21 inches long. It was early afternoon.
Here are the important details. SHE HAD BLACK HAIR! Uhh...there was no switching she hadn't left the room. How did my baby get black hair? My previous 3 babies had unmistakable red hair from birth on. How did the 4th come out so different?
A true blessing from God. The black hair was just the beginning of Teagan saying, hey I'm here and I'm different and I'm going to let you know that I am here. She is wonderful. Her personality is so charming, and her love of life is contagious. Unless she is hurt, that girl always has a smile on her face. She was the easiest baby and she slept through the night at 8 weeks. My other kids didn't sleep through the night till after they were 1. She didn't walk till she was almost 2 and she didn't talk till she was 3. But that child has completed our family in a way we never imagined. God was so good to send her to us and allow her to be so different and unique.
Teagan is the smile of our family. I pray that she will grow into a woman of God who is always able smile and is able to share her joy with others.
So Very Blessed to be,
Teagan is 4

March 11, 2005 Part 1
March 11, 2005 Part 2

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
sorry, no beds
4 years ago today I woke very early and very excited to have a baby. I'd been waiting for 9 months for this day. My induction had been scheduled a month earlier and the bags were packed, the nursery was ready, the kids were taken care of, the relatives were in town, and I WAS READY!
So at 6:00 am, I'm dressed with make-up on, my nails done, and my hair fixed. And I waited.....and waited...check the directions...."PLEASE BE READY BY 6:00am. THE LABOR AND DELIVERY ADMISSIONS OFFICE WILL CALL YOU WHEN IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO COME IN. so I waited...and paced...and waited...started to worry. After all, I'm 9 months pregnant and ready to get this baby out! Oh, and by the way...I'm hungry and can't eat.
8:00 I give up and called... just to check. Sure enough, I was on the list and they would call me when they were ready for us to come in.
9:00 still waiting...still pregnant... and still hungry...
10:00 THE PHONE RINGS! "Mrs. Martin, I'm sorry but there are no beds available today. We have moved you to the list for tomorrow. Please follow the same directions you received for today's scheduled induction. Have a nice day."
Let me ask you... Exactly what is a 9 months pregnant lady supposed to do on the day of her scheduled induction when the induction will now not take place? Seriously, I've already done the false labor get sent home from the hospital thing 2 days before. How can I wait till tomorrow morning to even get started on this delivery process? I thought I was going to meet my baby today...
That was a long day. A very long day. My Mom and sister Amy were great at keeping me occupied. I still remember walking through T.J.Maxx trying to stay busy and glaring at the people who looked at me and were pointing. After all, this was my 4th baby and I was full term. Large doesn't really describe it and waddle is a nice description of my gait. After shopping, we went to Wendy's. I ordered chili and asked for several extra hot sauce packets to add to my lunch. They say spicy helps! Then that afternoon, I added a few drops of the desperate woman's guide to induce labor: blue cohosh. There was NO way I was going to not make it into that hospital the next day.
That afternoon with spices and blue cohosh and raspberry tea swirling in my stomach I crawled into my bed to try to sleep away some of the long hours till 6:00 am. By evening my plan had worked. I was contracting! Yeah...I was really having contractions!!! Between 8:00 and midnight I had contractions and tucked my kids into bed and called Miss Lindsay to come and help.
At midnight I called the dr...and we all crawled into the car headed for the hospital. This time, with contractions coming and my induction scheduled in less than 8 hours I was determind that 1 of those beds WOULD BE MINE!!! Finally this very long day that was supposed to be my child's birthday had passed.
So at 6:00 am, I'm dressed with make-up on, my nails done, and my hair fixed. And I waited.....and waited...check the directions...."PLEASE BE READY BY 6:00am. THE LABOR AND DELIVERY ADMISSIONS OFFICE WILL CALL YOU WHEN IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO COME IN. so I waited...and paced...and waited...started to worry. After all, I'm 9 months pregnant and ready to get this baby out! Oh, and by the way...I'm hungry and can't eat.
8:00 I give up and called... just to check. Sure enough, I was on the list and they would call me when they were ready for us to come in.
9:00 still waiting...still pregnant... and still hungry...
10:00 THE PHONE RINGS! "Mrs. Martin, I'm sorry but there are no beds available today. We have moved you to the list for tomorrow. Please follow the same directions you received for today's scheduled induction. Have a nice day."
Let me ask you... Exactly what is a 9 months pregnant lady supposed to do on the day of her scheduled induction when the induction will now not take place? Seriously, I've already done the false labor get sent home from the hospital thing 2 days before. How can I wait till tomorrow morning to even get started on this delivery process? I thought I was going to meet my baby today...
That was a long day. A very long day. My Mom and sister Amy were great at keeping me occupied. I still remember walking through T.J.Maxx trying to stay busy and glaring at the people who looked at me and were pointing. After all, this was my 4th baby and I was full term. Large doesn't really describe it and waddle is a nice description of my gait. After shopping, we went to Wendy's. I ordered chili and asked for several extra hot sauce packets to add to my lunch. They say spicy helps! Then that afternoon, I added a few drops of the desperate woman's guide to induce labor: blue cohosh. There was NO way I was going to not make it into that hospital the next day.
That afternoon with spices and blue cohosh and raspberry tea swirling in my stomach I crawled into my bed to try to sleep away some of the long hours till 6:00 am. By evening my plan had worked. I was contracting! Yeah...I was really having contractions!!! Between 8:00 and midnight I had contractions and tucked my kids into bed and called Miss Lindsay to come and help.
At midnight I called the dr...and we all crawled into the car headed for the hospital. This time, with contractions coming and my induction scheduled in less than 8 hours I was determind that 1 of those beds WOULD BE MINE!!! Finally this very long day that was supposed to be my child's birthday had passed.
Monday, March 9, 2009
One of these days I'm going to write down all my grand thoughts on my 3 week break from life.
Ok so as for today:
*Tonight, Rhia went with her grandparents to Crosslands (a retirement home) for a monthly Vespers service. They sing songs and tell a Bible Story and do various other things. Tonight Rhia actually said her poem for all the older people at Vespers! I am so proud of her.
*Yesterday, the kids were putting on a play. Rhia was the director for a change. (I'm not sure where Kyle was or how Rhia managed to be the director.) Anyway, she was trying to convince Iain to participate and it wasn't working. She finally suggested that Iain could be a shark. Iain looked somewhat interested, but when Rhia said that he could be a shark that scared Teagan, Iain took off like lightening. What is it about little boys and scaring their sisters.
Proud moment: tonight the kids all got a special treat from their grandparents. Kyle - skittles. Rhia - peanuts, Iain - peanuts, Teagan - a pacifier lolipop. Teagan, who is in a growth spurt and keeps tripping, and dropping things, and missing the potty because she doesn't recongnize her own body, dropped her lolipop and it broke into pieces on the floor. Immediately the tears erupted from her eyes and the cries came from her mouth. Rushing to support her were ALL 3 SIBLINGS! Kyle immediately started helping her clean up the mess. Iain and Rhia both rushed in offering pieces of their candy to replace Tegan's great loss.
Wow...once in a while my kids will do something that makes my heart melt and shows me that my kids do love each other and at least some of what I am teaching them is getting through. Praise God!
I worked for the first time today in 3 weeks. I'm pooped and grumpy and hurting and want to go to bed but know I won't get'm blogging instead. I think I'll go raid my frig for some very yummy leftovers from all the delicious meals friends have brought for us. Of course that won't help me fit into my pretty purple bridesmaid dress in August. Oh..the age old eat or not to eat....
Ok so as for today:
*Tonight, Rhia went with her grandparents to Crosslands (a retirement home) for a monthly Vespers service. They sing songs and tell a Bible Story and do various other things. Tonight Rhia actually said her poem for all the older people at Vespers! I am so proud of her.
*Yesterday, the kids were putting on a play. Rhia was the director for a change. (I'm not sure where Kyle was or how Rhia managed to be the director.) Anyway, she was trying to convince Iain to participate and it wasn't working. She finally suggested that Iain could be a shark. Iain looked somewhat interested, but when Rhia said that he could be a shark that scared Teagan, Iain took off like lightening. What is it about little boys and scaring their sisters.
Proud moment: tonight the kids all got a special treat from their grandparents. Kyle - skittles. Rhia - peanuts, Iain - peanuts, Teagan - a pacifier lolipop. Teagan, who is in a growth spurt and keeps tripping, and dropping things, and missing the potty because she doesn't recongnize her own body, dropped her lolipop and it broke into pieces on the floor. Immediately the tears erupted from her eyes and the cries came from her mouth. Rushing to support her were ALL 3 SIBLINGS! Kyle immediately started helping her clean up the mess. Iain and Rhia both rushed in offering pieces of their candy to replace Tegan's great loss.
Wow...once in a while my kids will do something that makes my heart melt and shows me that my kids do love each other and at least some of what I am teaching them is getting through. Praise God!
I worked for the first time today in 3 weeks. I'm pooped and grumpy and hurting and want to go to bed but know I won't get'm blogging instead. I think I'll go raid my frig for some very yummy leftovers from all the delicious meals friends have brought for us. Of course that won't help me fit into my pretty purple bridesmaid dress in August. Oh..the age old eat or not to eat....
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Kyle does Fine Arts
In traditional form, Kyle performed his poem at Fine Arts this year with passion, and clarity. This is his 3rd year reciting a poem for the annual Fine Arts Festival at Tall Oaks Classical School. For a child who loves the stage, this particular requirement comes quite naturally for Kyle. Still, each year the poems increase in difficulty and and length and require more stage presence and better articulation and performance skill. This year he recited Armies in the Fire by Robert Louis Stevenson. A tough poem to bring to life, but he did a great job!
Proud momofkyle.,
Proud momofkyle.,
Rhia does Fine Arts
Little Miss Rhia, so shy, so quiet...YOU GO GIRL.
This is the girl that managed to get through the entire first year of preschool without talking. During her second year of preschool she actually talked a few times.
In kindergarten she learned to stand tall and actually speak words out loud. She did really well and was a great leader. This year was a big step for her. At the ripe old age of 7 she was asked to memorize a 90 word poem and recite it on a stage with a microphone in front of an audience!!
She memorized The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson. She did a great job. You may not understand every word, and you may not be overwhelmed with her stage presence, and you may not say she has a future in public speaking; but you can't deny that this girl has overcome many of her fears and has accomplished a great feat!!
Proud momofrhia,
This is the girl that managed to get through the entire first year of preschool without talking. During her second year of preschool she actually talked a few times.
In kindergarten she learned to stand tall and actually speak words out loud. She did really well and was a great leader. This year was a big step for her. At the ripe old age of 7 she was asked to memorize a 90 word poem and recite it on a stage with a microphone in front of an audience!!
She memorized The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson. She did a great job. You may not understand every word, and you may not be overwhelmed with her stage presence, and you may not say she has a future in public speaking; but you can't deny that this girl has overcome many of her fears and has accomplished a great feat!!
Proud momofrhia,
Iain does Fine Arts
This past week Tall Oaks Classical School hosted its annual Fine Arts Festival. The kindergarten class recited, King Alfred's War Song, based on Psalm 91. Iain is in the back right corner. Don't miss the 2 kids in front of him. What a riot. They did a great job.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
uh slight problem
When Dad plays Mr. Mom
So I've been laid up now for over a week.
Nutshell - did something bad last saturday Feb 14th to my neck. Now have pain in neck, shoulder, right arm and spine. I've been in and out of dr. offices and x-rays and scheduling MRI's and calling PT people etc.
anyway, I can't do anything around the house since I can't move and am in great pain and on loopy meds.
In come Mr. Mom: poor guy. He got the flu last week from taking me to the dr. office. Now's he's busy driving the kids all around trying to keep up with there schedules as well as his work. And he is trying to do housework and keep things moving at home. Did I mention we've had kids home from school at various times as well with the flu?
This afternoon pretty much summed it up. He met the kids at karate, after Mrs. Baines, who has been AWESOME, dropped them off. Unfortunately, when iain took Teags to the bathroom she didn't make it in time. So she peed her pants. and then he had to bring her home, pick up dinner on the way, give her a shower, run back and get Kyle, bring him home, eat quickly, and run to a meeting, get home at 9:00 carry Teags up to bed, go back out to the store to get Goodnight's for Iain, come home wake Iain, switch laundry, put away dishes, and then sit down to do legal work. Boy it is tough to be Mom AND dad. i sure couldn't do it.
If you see my hubby...give him a hug and tell him he's doing a great job! Better yet, send him an e-mail and encourage him! He really is being just wonderful and I love him so much.
Thanks to all who have helped with food and transportation and childcare!
Mrs. Ferro, Mrs. eckman, Mrs. Baines - you all ROCK!!
Here's to making the potty on time, getting homework done, having clean uniforms for school, and making all my dr. appts!
Blessed to be WOJ!! and mom of krit,
Nutshell - did something bad last saturday Feb 14th to my neck. Now have pain in neck, shoulder, right arm and spine. I've been in and out of dr. offices and x-rays and scheduling MRI's and calling PT people etc.
anyway, I can't do anything around the house since I can't move and am in great pain and on loopy meds.
In come Mr. Mom: poor guy. He got the flu last week from taking me to the dr. office. Now's he's busy driving the kids all around trying to keep up with there schedules as well as his work. And he is trying to do housework and keep things moving at home. Did I mention we've had kids home from school at various times as well with the flu?
This afternoon pretty much summed it up. He met the kids at karate, after Mrs. Baines, who has been AWESOME, dropped them off. Unfortunately, when iain took Teags to the bathroom she didn't make it in time. So she peed her pants. and then he had to bring her home, pick up dinner on the way, give her a shower, run back and get Kyle, bring him home, eat quickly, and run to a meeting, get home at 9:00 carry Teags up to bed, go back out to the store to get Goodnight's for Iain, come home wake Iain, switch laundry, put away dishes, and then sit down to do legal work. Boy it is tough to be Mom AND dad. i sure couldn't do it.
If you see my hubby...give him a hug and tell him he's doing a great job! Better yet, send him an e-mail and encourage him! He really is being just wonderful and I love him so much.
Thanks to all who have helped with food and transportation and childcare!
Mrs. Ferro, Mrs. eckman, Mrs. Baines - you all ROCK!!
Here's to making the potty on time, getting homework done, having clean uniforms for school, and making all my dr. appts!
Blessed to be WOJ!! and mom of krit,
Saturday, February 21, 2009
reclaiming the roost
So you've heard the term, the chicken has flown the coop. Today, I am going to coin the term reclaiming the roost. See, my house looks like I, the chicken, have flown the coop. However, my arm is feeling better, my cough has subsided and it is time to start clucking.
We are going to cluck through the kitchen and find the counters.
We are going to cluck through the living room and disinfect the couch.
We are going to cluck through the laundry room and once we reach the washer, we'll start it.
We are going to cluck through the bathrooms and rediscover the joy of sitting with peace.
We are going to cluck through the bedrooms and make the beds.
We are going to cluck through the toy rooms and hope to make it to the other side.
Off to find my little chicks and make them cluck.... (oh this will be fun...)
Reclaiming the roost,
We are going to cluck through the kitchen and find the counters.
We are going to cluck through the living room and disinfect the couch.
We are going to cluck through the laundry room and once we reach the washer, we'll start it.
We are going to cluck through the bathrooms and rediscover the joy of sitting with peace.
We are going to cluck through the bedrooms and make the beds.
We are going to cluck through the toy rooms and hope to make it to the other side.
Off to find my little chicks and make them cluck.... (oh this will be fun...)
Reclaiming the roost,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The truth about pain
I am 35 years old. Oh my word, did I just admit that out loud. How appaling. Actually, I don't care. I'll tell you my weight if you want to know. :-) Anyway, my point. I am a rather healthy 35 year old woman. I have 4 children. Yeah, yeah, you all know this, I know just stick with me. I gave birth to 4 children. There was a lot of pain involved in childbirth. I have broken 2 bones in the last 10 years. I fell while pregnant with my Kyle and broke my left arm. Very fun. I fell while roller skating last year with my kids, actually, Kyle, and broke a bone in my right arm. Very fun. There is a lot of pain involved in broken bones.
Here is my point...I have a high tolerance for pain. I say this without pride. Truly, I used to take pride in my high tolerance for pain, but no more and here's why.
Last weekend, I enjoyed a lovely Valentine Dinner with my hubby and sisters and their hubby's in Lancaster. Following our great dinner we stopped by to pick up our kids at my aunt's house. (Thanks Caite for watching my kids!) Poor kids were wiped out and sound asleep. I leaned down and picked up Teagan from her sleeping bag and POOF. Pulled muscle in my neck.
GOt the kids home and into bed and tried to get comfortable myself. My neck was really sore and in fact, I couldn't move it. My whole shoulder was hurting. The next morning, I was in bad shape. Couldn't move or turn, although I kept trying. Finally I called the dr. and decided to go in for a visit. My hubby drove me since I couldn't drive.
The dr. asked lots of questions and then began the process of feeling my neck and trying to move it. In the process I began to feel quesy and dizzy. Next thing I knew, my head was between my legs and she was using SMELLING SALTS to revive me.
WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED? I tolerated the pain till it really hurt and then passed out.
Here's the deal folks. If you have a high tolerence for pain, that means that pain doesn't feel the same for you as it might for others. However, when you do feel pain, which admittedly is severe, you have no pain management skills and you are a complete wuss.
So, if you, like me, have a high pain tolerance, be careful lest you fall or strech or pull...once the pain does are likely to pass out and make a complete fool of yourself in the doctor office.
(Plus, in the process you will manage to infect yourself and your hubby with the flu by being in the dr. office.)
High Pain Tolerance = total pain wuss
Learning Life's lessons the hard way,
Here is my point...I have a high tolerance for pain. I say this without pride. Truly, I used to take pride in my high tolerance for pain, but no more and here's why.
Last weekend, I enjoyed a lovely Valentine Dinner with my hubby and sisters and their hubby's in Lancaster. Following our great dinner we stopped by to pick up our kids at my aunt's house. (Thanks Caite for watching my kids!) Poor kids were wiped out and sound asleep. I leaned down and picked up Teagan from her sleeping bag and POOF. Pulled muscle in my neck.
GOt the kids home and into bed and tried to get comfortable myself. My neck was really sore and in fact, I couldn't move it. My whole shoulder was hurting. The next morning, I was in bad shape. Couldn't move or turn, although I kept trying. Finally I called the dr. and decided to go in for a visit. My hubby drove me since I couldn't drive.
The dr. asked lots of questions and then began the process of feeling my neck and trying to move it. In the process I began to feel quesy and dizzy. Next thing I knew, my head was between my legs and she was using SMELLING SALTS to revive me.
WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED? I tolerated the pain till it really hurt and then passed out.
Here's the deal folks. If you have a high tolerence for pain, that means that pain doesn't feel the same for you as it might for others. However, when you do feel pain, which admittedly is severe, you have no pain management skills and you are a complete wuss.
So, if you, like me, have a high pain tolerance, be careful lest you fall or strech or pull...once the pain does are likely to pass out and make a complete fool of yourself in the doctor office.
(Plus, in the process you will manage to infect yourself and your hubby with the flu by being in the dr. office.)
High Pain Tolerance = total pain wuss
Learning Life's lessons the hard way,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
before 7:00 am
Let dog out.
Take steroids for my pulled neck muscle.
Throw in a load of laundry.
Wake kids.
Make coffee with my 20 second machine.
Review homework.
Make popcorn for lunches.
Make chocolate cookies for school lunches.
Help kids get dressed.
Switch laundry.
Cut oranges for the rest of the family who is home sick.
Give Kyle inhaler.
Hold off Teagan until at least 7:00 am on candy hearts.
Now that I have had a nice quiet relaxed morning, I'm off to the rest of my day. Good thing I have my 20 second coffee machine!!
momofkrit and woj,
Take steroids for my pulled neck muscle.
Throw in a load of laundry.
Wake kids.
Make coffee with my 20 second machine.
Review homework.
Make popcorn for lunches.
Make chocolate cookies for school lunches.
Help kids get dressed.
Switch laundry.
Cut oranges for the rest of the family who is home sick.
Give Kyle inhaler.
Hold off Teagan until at least 7:00 am on candy hearts.
Now that I have had a nice quiet relaxed morning, I'm off to the rest of my day. Good thing I have my 20 second coffee machine!!
momofkrit and woj,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
You know you are a real mom when...
You know you are a real mom... when your favorite way to pass the time while pumping gas is to do the Itsy Bitsy Spider through the window with your preschooler.
You know you are a real mom...when you let your 3 year old go up to the fountain drink area at McDonald's to refill your Diet Coke because she drank it all.
You know you are a real mom...when you actually take your kids INTO McDonald's and eat inside.
You know you are a real mom when... your kid totally wipes out on the floor and you don't even flinch and then you laugh when they say, "That was awesome!"
You know you are a real mom when... you bravely walk into a shoe store with 4 kids and attempt to fit them each with new sneakers.
You know you are a real mom threaten to drag the kids out by their shoulders if they misbehave in the shoe store.
You know you are a real mom you just sigh as all 4 children suddenly need to "go" once you have everyone carefully situated in the shoe store.
You know you are a real mom don't freak out because the new sneakers made your 5 year old run so fast that he ran around the whole store.
You know you are a real mom when...calmly tell your kids, "I'm not lost, I know exactly where I am, I just don't know how to get where I am going."
You know you are a real mom find a way to occupy your children while you wait for an HOUR before the exciting tour of QVC.
You know you are a real mom ask your kids for help on the computer.
You know you are a real mom say, "I don't care if you don't like it".
You know you are a real mom when...firmly tell your chilren to "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS AND STOP TOUCHING EACH OTHER IN THE CAR".
You know you are a real mom firmly scold your children for saying "Shut your mouth" to each other.
You know you are a real mom rig up a traffic light system in your car so your kids can see if it is Green - talk, Yellow - whisper, or Red - SILENCE...
You know you are a real mom forget to use your brilliant system and instead shout, QUIET.
You know you are a real mom always have a least 1 load in the washer and 1 in the dryer. ALWAYS.
You know you are a real mom make yourself a healthy lunch for work and forget to take it with you.
You know you are a real mom when...your 3 year old sticky her hand in hot wax and you use the opportunity to see if your 7 year old remembers what she learned in health class about treating burns.
You know you are a real mom when...a day later you discover the burn blistered and popped and realized more sympathy should have been given. OOPS..
You know you are a real mom tell your kids every day to pick up their rooms.
You know you are a real mom tell your kids you feel like a broken record and they get silent and finally ask what a record is.
You know you are a real mom respond with a scratched CD.
You know you are a real mom make the kids count out $3.00 in coins for their hot lunch.
You know you are a real mom carefully pack 8 packets of Ketchup and several napkins for your oldest who can't possibly eat hot dogs without Ketchup.
You know you are a real mom when...after a long day you still peek one more time to see that all the kids are sleeping peacefully and are covered.
You know you are a real mom love your kids so passionately that even when they drive you crazy you stick by them and keep going.
You know you are a real mom quit being a mom...for about an hour...every now and then.
You know you are a real mom run away from home and only make it as far as McDonald's and discovering Shamrock milkshakes are out you get one, feel better, and go back home.
You know you are a real mom Lysol everything after another kid coughs in your house.
You know you are a real mom when...your kid says, I don't feel well and you respond with great horror, "Are you gonna Throw up?"
You know you are a real mom kid says NO and you respond with, Oh Good, get ready for school.
You know you are a real mom when...your oldest is intersted in rapping and you tell him that is fine but you must rap in Latin!
You know you are a real mom start beat boxing along with your Latin Rapping Son.
You know you are a real mom can type on the computer, cook dinner, do laundry, study for the history test, check math homework, talk to your hubby on the phone and play babydoll with your daughter all at the same time.
You know you are a real mom when...can laugh at yourself, laugh at your kids, and laugh with your kids.
You know you are a real blogger mom waste the time to write all this crazy stuff down.
You know you are a really blessed mom when...even though you'd like a break every once in a while, your favorite thing to do is be with your kids.
Blessed to be woj and momofkrit,
You know you are a real mom...when you let your 3 year old go up to the fountain drink area at McDonald's to refill your Diet Coke because she drank it all.
You know you are a real mom...when you actually take your kids INTO McDonald's and eat inside.
You know you are a real mom when... your kid totally wipes out on the floor and you don't even flinch and then you laugh when they say, "That was awesome!"
You know you are a real mom when... you bravely walk into a shoe store with 4 kids and attempt to fit them each with new sneakers.
You know you are a real mom threaten to drag the kids out by their shoulders if they misbehave in the shoe store.
You know you are a real mom you just sigh as all 4 children suddenly need to "go" once you have everyone carefully situated in the shoe store.
You know you are a real mom don't freak out because the new sneakers made your 5 year old run so fast that he ran around the whole store.
You know you are a real mom when...calmly tell your kids, "I'm not lost, I know exactly where I am, I just don't know how to get where I am going."
You know you are a real mom find a way to occupy your children while you wait for an HOUR before the exciting tour of QVC.
You know you are a real mom ask your kids for help on the computer.
You know you are a real mom say, "I don't care if you don't like it".
You know you are a real mom when...firmly tell your chilren to "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS AND STOP TOUCHING EACH OTHER IN THE CAR".
You know you are a real mom firmly scold your children for saying "Shut your mouth" to each other.
You know you are a real mom rig up a traffic light system in your car so your kids can see if it is Green - talk, Yellow - whisper, or Red - SILENCE...
You know you are a real mom forget to use your brilliant system and instead shout, QUIET.
You know you are a real mom always have a least 1 load in the washer and 1 in the dryer. ALWAYS.
You know you are a real mom make yourself a healthy lunch for work and forget to take it with you.
You know you are a real mom when...your 3 year old sticky her hand in hot wax and you use the opportunity to see if your 7 year old remembers what she learned in health class about treating burns.
You know you are a real mom when...a day later you discover the burn blistered and popped and realized more sympathy should have been given. OOPS..
You know you are a real mom tell your kids every day to pick up their rooms.
You know you are a real mom tell your kids you feel like a broken record and they get silent and finally ask what a record is.
You know you are a real mom respond with a scratched CD.
You know you are a real mom make the kids count out $3.00 in coins for their hot lunch.
You know you are a real mom carefully pack 8 packets of Ketchup and several napkins for your oldest who can't possibly eat hot dogs without Ketchup.
You know you are a real mom when...after a long day you still peek one more time to see that all the kids are sleeping peacefully and are covered.
You know you are a real mom love your kids so passionately that even when they drive you crazy you stick by them and keep going.
You know you are a real mom quit being a mom...for about an hour...every now and then.
You know you are a real mom run away from home and only make it as far as McDonald's and discovering Shamrock milkshakes are out you get one, feel better, and go back home.
You know you are a real mom Lysol everything after another kid coughs in your house.
You know you are a real mom when...your kid says, I don't feel well and you respond with great horror, "Are you gonna Throw up?"
You know you are a real mom kid says NO and you respond with, Oh Good, get ready for school.
You know you are a real mom when...your oldest is intersted in rapping and you tell him that is fine but you must rap in Latin!
You know you are a real mom start beat boxing along with your Latin Rapping Son.
You know you are a real mom can type on the computer, cook dinner, do laundry, study for the history test, check math homework, talk to your hubby on the phone and play babydoll with your daughter all at the same time.
You know you are a real mom when...can laugh at yourself, laugh at your kids, and laugh with your kids.
You know you are a real blogger mom waste the time to write all this crazy stuff down.
You know you are a really blessed mom when...even though you'd like a break every once in a while, your favorite thing to do is be with your kids.
Blessed to be woj and momofkrit,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My day at home
Kyle was coughing this morning so I stayed home with him and Teags.
I did laundry...I mopped the floors...I started the crockpot...It was great.
Tonight we're going to actually have a sit down family dinner. Chicken marinated in orange juice, garlic, thyme and balsamic vinagrette, couscous, a salad WITH veggies, and fresh bread thanks to Giant.
As it turns out:
Kyle didn't feel so great and didn't really want to eat.
Iain and Daddy ended up having a date night to take through some stuff.
Teags fell asleep ont he way home from Karate and skipped supper.
Rhia and I had a delightful meal together.
The best laid plans....don't usually work the way we plan or intend, but I sure enjoyed having a dinner at home with just Rhia. I'm gonna head to bed soon as I fear Teags will be up in the middle of the night asking for food!
a mom who keeps plugging away,
I did laundry...I mopped the floors...I started the crockpot...It was great.
Tonight we're going to actually have a sit down family dinner. Chicken marinated in orange juice, garlic, thyme and balsamic vinagrette, couscous, a salad WITH veggies, and fresh bread thanks to Giant.
As it turns out:
Kyle didn't feel so great and didn't really want to eat.
Iain and Daddy ended up having a date night to take through some stuff.
Teags fell asleep ont he way home from Karate and skipped supper.
Rhia and I had a delightful meal together.
The best laid plans....don't usually work the way we plan or intend, but I sure enjoyed having a dinner at home with just Rhia. I'm gonna head to bed soon as I fear Teags will be up in the middle of the night asking for food!
a mom who keeps plugging away,
Before 8:00 am
This morning before 8:00 am
Rhia - woke early as usual and got herself dressed and ready for school and then began about her morning task of getting the rest of the family ready. She made lunches and breakfasts and encouraged and persuaded and eventually whined because of the late hour at which they were leaving for school. (7:20)
Teagan - woke talking...saying, Mommy I can't open mine eyes, I'm too tired. However, she refused to say in bed.
Iain - woke and was a ragdoll for about 10 minutes until I reminded him it was 100 DAY at school and he was able to wear his 100 DAY sweatshirt we had made for him. It has 1-100 written on it. He did a fabulous job. He dressed and began his morning routine of cereal and desperatly trying to find his shoes which are always in the same place. Then he proceeded with his daily copying of his sisters just to annoy them. All was well.
Kyle - woke with a ACHOOO and nasty cough. His voice sounds like it is changing although he is too young and his cough is deep and not fun. He looked miserable and asked for 10 minutes. I finally had his Daddy talk to him and we decided to keep him home. However, before 8:00 he was downstairs starving. He does have some sort of cold going on, but I fear it could be a long day. He just announced that if he doesn't make it through the final round of American Idol then he wants to go on and be a professional basket ball player. I guess the Jr. Titan basketball team that our little Classical School provides has inspired him.
Fiona has jumped on everyone's face and played with her bone and eaten her breakfast and now she's down for the morning.
Mommy is well, amazed that morning is here already and amazed that I've already been awake for 2 hours and feel like I just got up and need to sleep for 3 more days. Good news though: around 11:00 my new K-Cups for my coffee maker will be delivered and then I'll be a live wire as I try all the different flavors!
Thanks all for now. It is only 8:00 am so who knows what else will happen today. Remember this is the life of,
woj, and momofkrit,
Rhia - woke early as usual and got herself dressed and ready for school and then began about her morning task of getting the rest of the family ready. She made lunches and breakfasts and encouraged and persuaded and eventually whined because of the late hour at which they were leaving for school. (7:20)
Teagan - woke talking...saying, Mommy I can't open mine eyes, I'm too tired. However, she refused to say in bed.
Iain - woke and was a ragdoll for about 10 minutes until I reminded him it was 100 DAY at school and he was able to wear his 100 DAY sweatshirt we had made for him. It has 1-100 written on it. He did a fabulous job. He dressed and began his morning routine of cereal and desperatly trying to find his shoes which are always in the same place. Then he proceeded with his daily copying of his sisters just to annoy them. All was well.
Kyle - woke with a ACHOOO and nasty cough. His voice sounds like it is changing although he is too young and his cough is deep and not fun. He looked miserable and asked for 10 minutes. I finally had his Daddy talk to him and we decided to keep him home. However, before 8:00 he was downstairs starving. He does have some sort of cold going on, but I fear it could be a long day. He just announced that if he doesn't make it through the final round of American Idol then he wants to go on and be a professional basket ball player. I guess the Jr. Titan basketball team that our little Classical School provides has inspired him.
Fiona has jumped on everyone's face and played with her bone and eaten her breakfast and now she's down for the morning.
Mommy is well, amazed that morning is here already and amazed that I've already been awake for 2 hours and feel like I just got up and need to sleep for 3 more days. Good news though: around 11:00 my new K-Cups for my coffee maker will be delivered and then I'll be a live wire as I try all the different flavors!
Thanks all for now. It is only 8:00 am so who knows what else will happen today. Remember this is the life of,
woj, and momofkrit,
Monday, February 2, 2009
I now have an ENTIRE basket of folded matched socks.
I still have an entire basket of mismatched socks. But I no longer have 2 baskets of mismatched socks. This morning I proudly showed my work to the kids and they were very impressed. Rhia said, "WOW Mommy, you did ALL that?"
Now, getting the appropriate socks into the appropriate rooms and drawers might be another challenge. However...I'm gonna give it a try. If I succeed, I'm gonna take my sister Erin's advice and treat myself to Starbucks...real Starbucks...with fat AND whip!
I still have an entire basket of mismatched socks. But I no longer have 2 baskets of mismatched socks. This morning I proudly showed my work to the kids and they were very impressed. Rhia said, "WOW Mommy, you did ALL that?"
Now, getting the appropriate socks into the appropriate rooms and drawers might be another challenge. However...I'm gonna give it a try. If I succeed, I'm gonna take my sister Erin's advice and treat myself to Starbucks...real Starbucks...with fat AND whip!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Frustrated Mom
Sometimes I wonder if this is really what life is all about. I know there is deeper meaning because I know Christ came and died for my sins and that eternal life with Him will be wonderful. And I know that earth is NOT eternity. However, is my life right now really reduced to keeping children from hurting each other. Stopping battles regarding who is being the meanest. Cleaning up after messes which the kids have already themselves "cleaned". Preparing food which the kids won't like. Cleaning up after a dinner which no one really ate. Washing clothes so they can just get dirty again. Helping with homework so they can go to school and bring home more homework. Sweeping the floor after every meal. Feeding the dog.
Mind you, I'm not really complaining. I realize all these jobs need to be done and that God has called me to do them. Perhaps it is the redundancy. Perhaps it is the seemingly worthless lessons that I end up teaching every day. Perhaps it is the undue pressure I put upon myself to be Mrs. Ingalls, Mrs. Walton, Mrs. Cosby, 2009 Mother of the Year, and work for the first time in 9 years all rolled into one.
I would venture to guess that most moms find themselves feeling this way at some point or many points during their journey of motherhood. Each day is so the same and each day is so different that we can't figure out how to walk straight. With my particular family there are 6 personalities, 6 likes and dislikes, 6 ideas of how to do things, and somehow "Mom" is supposed to mesh them all together into one happy loving family that works well together and enjoys being together. All the while, doing the laundry, and cooking, and cleaning, and homework, and studying each child, and spending time with hubby, and remembering to feed the dog. Poor Dog.
Today I find myself in a battle of heart and mind. In my mind, I know that I am completely incapable of accomplishing any of these tasks on my own. And that is Great! Because, God is and He wants to walk alongside me and enable me to do my work with His power and not my own. In my heart, I feel as though I fail each and every day to meet the needs of my family. There are mismatched socks everywhere. The bathrooms are not really clean. I have raised my voice several times already today because of their fighting and bickering, but I have yet to sit down and try to reach them at heart level to talk about why fighting and bickering is wrong. The uniforms are not clean yet for tomorrow. And I really can't recall the last meal that included vegetables.
So, today's blog is not so much funny, although some may laugh thinking of my kids running all over the house in dirty clothes and mismatched socks yelling meanie head at each other. Today my blog is more of my mind trying to reconcile with my heart and so wanting to just end up in Jesus arms but not sure how to give it all up and still get the clothes clean for tomorrow.
I'll end this blog trusting in the Jesus who came to save me and praising God for his grace and mercy that covers over all my inadequacies and praying that my children will not suffer permanent harm from the lack of vegetables and matching socks.
woj and momofkrit
Mind you, I'm not really complaining. I realize all these jobs need to be done and that God has called me to do them. Perhaps it is the redundancy. Perhaps it is the seemingly worthless lessons that I end up teaching every day. Perhaps it is the undue pressure I put upon myself to be Mrs. Ingalls, Mrs. Walton, Mrs. Cosby, 2009 Mother of the Year, and work for the first time in 9 years all rolled into one.
I would venture to guess that most moms find themselves feeling this way at some point or many points during their journey of motherhood. Each day is so the same and each day is so different that we can't figure out how to walk straight. With my particular family there are 6 personalities, 6 likes and dislikes, 6 ideas of how to do things, and somehow "Mom" is supposed to mesh them all together into one happy loving family that works well together and enjoys being together. All the while, doing the laundry, and cooking, and cleaning, and homework, and studying each child, and spending time with hubby, and remembering to feed the dog. Poor Dog.
Today I find myself in a battle of heart and mind. In my mind, I know that I am completely incapable of accomplishing any of these tasks on my own. And that is Great! Because, God is and He wants to walk alongside me and enable me to do my work with His power and not my own. In my heart, I feel as though I fail each and every day to meet the needs of my family. There are mismatched socks everywhere. The bathrooms are not really clean. I have raised my voice several times already today because of their fighting and bickering, but I have yet to sit down and try to reach them at heart level to talk about why fighting and bickering is wrong. The uniforms are not clean yet for tomorrow. And I really can't recall the last meal that included vegetables.
So, today's blog is not so much funny, although some may laugh thinking of my kids running all over the house in dirty clothes and mismatched socks yelling meanie head at each other. Today my blog is more of my mind trying to reconcile with my heart and so wanting to just end up in Jesus arms but not sure how to give it all up and still get the clothes clean for tomorrow.
I'll end this blog trusting in the Jesus who came to save me and praising God for his grace and mercy that covers over all my inadequacies and praying that my children will not suffer permanent harm from the lack of vegetables and matching socks.
woj and momofkrit
Thursday, January 29, 2009
snow day and stuff
So we did have a snow day and it was nice. The kids played in the fort. The kids played ice skate around the house. The kids made cookies, thanks to Costco frozen dough, and Mommy made popcorn. We watched movies and stayed in PJ's ALL day. We never even made it outside. This morning, I was ready for school to be back in session. :-)
Getting ready for school this morning I was doing my daily task of trying to find matching socks for the boys. This is unfortunately a daily task and one which I despise! However, it it what it is. Anyway, I found some for Iain and then searched and searched and could only find 1 blue sock and 1 black sock for Kyle. Both colors are part of the uniform code and it doesn't say anywhere that you can't wear both, so I gave them to Kyle who didn't even notice and he went on his merry way. No one will notice, right?
Of couse someone noticed...Kyle changed after school into BB outfit and after the players had prayed and before they took the court, the Ref mentioned that he found 2 black shoes and 2 socks in the changing room. 1 sock was blue and 1 sock was black. AHHHH...of course I knew immediately that it had to me my child. Yup, sure enough...I carefully snuck over to the bleachers and quickly put the "goods" into my bag. Tonight I am going to sit down and look through that massive basket of mismatched socks and find socks that are at least the same color for tomorrow!~
Getting ready for school this morning I was doing my daily task of trying to find matching socks for the boys. This is unfortunately a daily task and one which I despise! However, it it what it is. Anyway, I found some for Iain and then searched and searched and could only find 1 blue sock and 1 black sock for Kyle. Both colors are part of the uniform code and it doesn't say anywhere that you can't wear both, so I gave them to Kyle who didn't even notice and he went on his merry way. No one will notice, right?
Of couse someone noticed...Kyle changed after school into BB outfit and after the players had prayed and before they took the court, the Ref mentioned that he found 2 black shoes and 2 socks in the changing room. 1 sock was blue and 1 sock was black. AHHHH...of course I knew immediately that it had to me my child. Yup, sure enough...I carefully snuck over to the bleachers and quickly put the "goods" into my bag. Tonight I am going to sit down and look through that massive basket of mismatched socks and find socks that are at least the same color for tomorrow!~
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What I love about my kids
My kids love to spy on me.
They also say things like, "Mom, I'm going to spy on you now. Tell me if you can see me, ok!"
Giggle...Giggle...Giggle...Does hearing them count as seeing them?
My kids love to make forts.
"Look guys, Mom just cleaned up the toy room, Let's make a fort and rearrange everything all over again.
My kids love to find hiding spots.
This evening I was making dinner and when I turned around from the stove ALL my pots and pans were in the middle of the kitchen floor. Why? Because the double door cupboard makes a perfect hiding spot if you are 3!
My kids love to pretend it is a movie theatre.
I often find myself suddenly placed in complete darkness because someone is turning off ALL the lights. The funniest part is we usually are not watching a movie or even TV for that matter.
My kids love to ice skate.
On the hardwood floors. put on a pair of socks...from the large basket of mismatched socks...clear the floor and GO...Run as fast as you can and then GLIDE across the floor and into a piece of furniture or a wall or another person. What fun...Just make sure mom has 4 ice packs ready.
My kids love to eat.
snacks. This evening at dinner..."Mom, I'm not hungry anymore...can I have dessert?"
Mom, I only had a granola bar, an apple, a bag of chips, and my leftover pretzels for a snack so I am starving can I have something before dinner? Hmmm....I wonder why he wasn't hungry for dinner?????
My kids love to play.
At least I think it is playing...this is what it sounds like.
Ouch...don't touch me...Mom, tell him to get off me. Mom, she kicked me...Giggle Giggle...Mom, she broke my eye. Giggle Giggle..No, It was my idea...No, I get to go first. No I built it, But you used MY toy, he pulled my hair, Get off of me...Giggle Giggle...Do you want me to get angry? Mom, he called me an angry boy, giggle, he is sitting on me. That is my spot. Wait I have to go to the bathroom. Let's spy on mom. Mom, We are going to spy on you now. Can we have a snack and turn off all the lights and hide in the cupboard? She broke the fort. Don't touch me. He has my toy...she touched my leg...let's ice skate...
My kids love to HELP...
They take their plates over to the sink and spill the contents on the floor in the process.
They help me put away dishes from the dishwasher...or any dishes for that matter...clean, dirty, whatever.
Tonight...I was putting away clean kids cups. They had been sitting out drying for a few hours. I didn't check them to make sure they were empty because well because they were clean cups that were drying on a towel. Well, someone had tried to help by putting their half filled OJ cup on the counter with the clean cups. So as I dropped the clean dry cups in the kids drawer, I also dropped a cup of OJ into the drawer. When I turned around to grab a towel to clean it up I tripped on the pots and pans which were placed on the floor and as I stood there trying to compose myself Teagan scared me by opening the cupboard and shouting BOO...
My Kids are SO helpful.
I love that my kids are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I love the idea of spending a snow day with my kids...wouldn't it be fun to build more forts, ice skate on the floor, bake cookies using clean or dirty dishes.
If it snows and if we have a snow day and if I do any of those things...I'll let you know if it was as much fun as the idea of doing it. :-)
Loving my kids,
They also say things like, "Mom, I'm going to spy on you now. Tell me if you can see me, ok!"
Giggle...Giggle...Giggle...Does hearing them count as seeing them?
My kids love to make forts.
"Look guys, Mom just cleaned up the toy room, Let's make a fort and rearrange everything all over again.
My kids love to find hiding spots.
This evening I was making dinner and when I turned around from the stove ALL my pots and pans were in the middle of the kitchen floor. Why? Because the double door cupboard makes a perfect hiding spot if you are 3!
My kids love to pretend it is a movie theatre.
I often find myself suddenly placed in complete darkness because someone is turning off ALL the lights. The funniest part is we usually are not watching a movie or even TV for that matter.
My kids love to ice skate.
On the hardwood floors. put on a pair of socks...from the large basket of mismatched socks...clear the floor and GO...Run as fast as you can and then GLIDE across the floor and into a piece of furniture or a wall or another person. What fun...Just make sure mom has 4 ice packs ready.
My kids love to eat.
snacks. This evening at dinner..."Mom, I'm not hungry anymore...can I have dessert?"
Mom, I only had a granola bar, an apple, a bag of chips, and my leftover pretzels for a snack so I am starving can I have something before dinner? Hmmm....I wonder why he wasn't hungry for dinner?????
My kids love to play.
At least I think it is playing...this is what it sounds like.
Ouch...don't touch me...Mom, tell him to get off me. Mom, she kicked me...Giggle Giggle...Mom, she broke my eye. Giggle Giggle..No, It was my idea...No, I get to go first. No I built it, But you used MY toy, he pulled my hair, Get off of me...Giggle Giggle...Do you want me to get angry? Mom, he called me an angry boy, giggle, he is sitting on me. That is my spot. Wait I have to go to the bathroom. Let's spy on mom. Mom, We are going to spy on you now. Can we have a snack and turn off all the lights and hide in the cupboard? She broke the fort. Don't touch me. He has my toy...she touched my leg...let's ice skate...
My kids love to HELP...
They take their plates over to the sink and spill the contents on the floor in the process.
They help me put away dishes from the dishwasher...or any dishes for that matter...clean, dirty, whatever.
Tonight...I was putting away clean kids cups. They had been sitting out drying for a few hours. I didn't check them to make sure they were empty because well because they were clean cups that were drying on a towel. Well, someone had tried to help by putting their half filled OJ cup on the counter with the clean cups. So as I dropped the clean dry cups in the kids drawer, I also dropped a cup of OJ into the drawer. When I turned around to grab a towel to clean it up I tripped on the pots and pans which were placed on the floor and as I stood there trying to compose myself Teagan scared me by opening the cupboard and shouting BOO...
My Kids are SO helpful.
I love that my kids are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I love the idea of spending a snow day with my kids...wouldn't it be fun to build more forts, ice skate on the floor, bake cookies using clean or dirty dishes.
If it snows and if we have a snow day and if I do any of those things...I'll let you know if it was as much fun as the idea of doing it. :-)
Loving my kids,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Next time I jump rope...
This blog is not for the faint of heart...If you are one of my more refined readers perhaps you should skip this entry...although I will mention pearls.
For the rest of you who live in the world of reality like me, sit back and prepare to laugh. Fair warning though: if you are your kegals...
This morning I drove on a first grade field trip. I did NOT get lost! (Unlike last year when I managed to get the kindergarten teacher lost in downtown Wilmington and had to be escorted to the Delaware art museum by a DE utility truck.) I did NOT get a ticket. (Unlike last year when I and other 3 second grade moms got a ticket for driving straight through a turn only lane.) It was a lovely field trip.
I'll skip through my boring afternoon of reorganizing the file cabinet at work, and fast forward to 3:30 pm.
Location: the gym
Event: Junior Titan basketball game
Alternate event: moms using the time to exercise I dump the fancy work clothes and put on the sweats. (For my refined readers here is the good part.) I kept my pearl necklace and earrings on because I didn't know where else to put them.
Workout time: the one gal is a personal trainer so she was in charge and the other mom and I just did whatever she said to do. First up- Jumping Rope for 30 seconds. Now it has been awhile since I have worked out. However, I'm still fairly young and surely I can get through 30 seconds right? If only that had been my problem. What should have been on my mind was the fact that I have not jumped rope since, well, since before I had 4 children.
Ready...GO....1,2,3,4,5, uh oh 9,10,11,12,13,14, oh no 19,20,21,22,23,24,25, come on katie hold it, 29, 30. Whew...that was really close...too close...actually...that was bad...but I think we can keep going...
Wait...what? You want us to do it again?
Ready...GO...1,2, AHHH, 6,7,8, oh this is not good, 10,11,12, wait where did my partner go? Oh no she is running across the gym to the bathroom...18,19,20, OH NO I SHOULD HAVE JOINED HER, 28,29,30. RUN KATIE RUN!!!
too late...
So I managed to finish my workout and watch my son play basketball and even went out to Chick-fil-a with friends. (don't worry the time we went to dinner I was all better...well almost.)
So Lessons learned:
First Grade field trips are good.
Next time I jump rope I'm brining my Depends.
Always wear pearls, you never know when you might need them to draw attention upward!
For the rest of you who live in the world of reality like me, sit back and prepare to laugh. Fair warning though: if you are your kegals...
This morning I drove on a first grade field trip. I did NOT get lost! (Unlike last year when I managed to get the kindergarten teacher lost in downtown Wilmington and had to be escorted to the Delaware art museum by a DE utility truck.) I did NOT get a ticket. (Unlike last year when I and other 3 second grade moms got a ticket for driving straight through a turn only lane.) It was a lovely field trip.
I'll skip through my boring afternoon of reorganizing the file cabinet at work, and fast forward to 3:30 pm.
Location: the gym
Event: Junior Titan basketball game
Alternate event: moms using the time to exercise I dump the fancy work clothes and put on the sweats. (For my refined readers here is the good part.) I kept my pearl necklace and earrings on because I didn't know where else to put them.
Workout time: the one gal is a personal trainer so she was in charge and the other mom and I just did whatever she said to do. First up- Jumping Rope for 30 seconds. Now it has been awhile since I have worked out. However, I'm still fairly young and surely I can get through 30 seconds right? If only that had been my problem. What should have been on my mind was the fact that I have not jumped rope since, well, since before I had 4 children.
Ready...GO....1,2,3,4,5, uh oh 9,10,11,12,13,14, oh no 19,20,21,22,23,24,25, come on katie hold it, 29, 30. Whew...that was really close...too close...actually...that was bad...but I think we can keep going...
Wait...what? You want us to do it again?
Ready...GO...1,2, AHHH, 6,7,8, oh this is not good, 10,11,12, wait where did my partner go? Oh no she is running across the gym to the bathroom...18,19,20, OH NO I SHOULD HAVE JOINED HER, 28,29,30. RUN KATIE RUN!!!
too late...
So I managed to finish my workout and watch my son play basketball and even went out to Chick-fil-a with friends. (don't worry the time we went to dinner I was all better...well almost.)
So Lessons learned:
First Grade field trips are good.
Next time I jump rope I'm brining my Depends.
Always wear pearls, you never know when you might need them to draw attention upward!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"Sit down kids." How many cars are there mom? Why are ALL those people there? Why would the former presidents want to be there? that Clinton? Can we have a snack? I think 1/2 of the population of the world is in DC. "Listen and be quiet guys." Is he president yet? I think I just saw Trevor and Taylor. I'm hungry. stop kicking and be quiet. Can I be president one day? Oh, I just saw Mrs. Bush. Why is that guy in a wheelchair? Are they going to announce EVERy single person that walks in? Do we need to pray to? Is that guy standing there a statue? When can we have a snack? Is it almost over? Is he president yet? WOW...WHAT KIND OF HAT IS THAT? Mom is that singing good? It doesn't sound like My country tis of thee. "Guys, sit and listen." But we're hungry..."Ok, Ok, I'll get the Cheese-itz" Is that McCain? "No, kids that VP Biden." Can I have more? Wow...those people are happy. "Kids, please sit and listen to this music, it was arranged just for today." why mom? Is he president yet? Stop touching me. Can we go there today Mom? Stop sitting next to me. I need more Cheese-itz, "Kids you are missing it!" what is he talking about? "He is swearing in. " Oh, so is he president yet? can we have lunch now? Is he going to talk forever? Do we have to listen to it all? I'm still hungry. Ouch..he hurt me. She touched me. Happy Birthday Obama...I mean happy president day... Is the first president alive? Get off me! Fionna is visiting the neighbors. Mommy, if he does a good job will you vote for him next time? Does he love God? What's for lunch? I'm starving. You said after he became president we could have lunch. "Would you all please sit down and stop touching each other and just be quiet for a minute. You are watching history." Is he done yet? Mom,I really miss school can we just go to school now? I don't want to go to school. Can anyone read the phonebook in one day? Mom, have those statue people stopped saluting yet? Is Martin Luther King there? I bet he would be happy. He just said, God Bless you...does that mean he is a Christian? Do the Obama girls still have to go to school? "Ok, kids we don't have to watch the rest of the speeches." No, Mom, now I want to. But I don't like her curly hair. Get off me. Mom, I'm gonna go and get some lunch now. Etc...Etc....Etc...Etc...
When my kids kids ask if they remember when the first African American President was inaugurated I think they will remember being hungry!!!
I tried to give them a chance to watch history. I have a feeling my 3 year didn't quite get it!
When my kids kids ask if they remember when the first African American President was inaugurated I think they will remember being hungry!!!
I tried to give them a chance to watch history. I have a feeling my 3 year didn't quite get it!
It's true
I took advantage of the weather and my schedule and the history happening today. When I saw delays for local schools and looked at the roads in my development I rolled back over and went back to sleep.
I was planning to pick my kids up at 12:30 today anyway for dentist appointments and if I was going to to drive them in late, what was the point? (Now just to clarify, our school wasn't delayed. Our headmaster wrote the book on how to have school in a blizzard.)
So we are all in our comfy clothes watching history on TV and taking advantage of a vacation day in January.
I was planning to pick my kids up at 12:30 today anyway for dentist appointments and if I was going to to drive them in late, what was the point? (Now just to clarify, our school wasn't delayed. Our headmaster wrote the book on how to have school in a blizzard.)
So we are all in our comfy clothes watching history on TV and taking advantage of a vacation day in January.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Monday Monday
Up at 6, out the door by 7 headed to work/school.
Assembly at school...keep Teagan quiet and occupied.
Take a break and run to Costco for lunch items for kids.
Play nurse in the afternoon and go through lots of old files.
Leave school/work with 5 kids at 4:00
Drop off Ray
Arrive ON TIME at tap to discover it is cancelled due to weather.
Yeah..BTW: it was flurrying at school but at home there were 4 inches on the ground.
Ok, skip Tap call Daddy cancel his 5:30 pick-up from tap lessons.
Drive home on slippery unplowed roads. driveway is long and uphill and with 4 inches of snow, my van ain't gonna make it.
Kids OUT: hike up the hill and find your gloves...I don't care if they match.
Someone please explain to me why I only have 1 shovel and 4 children?
6:00 - I have shoveled the driveway and managed to get the van up the hill.
Daddy calls...he'll be late.
Now on to making some sort of dinner.
check math, study history, Bible, vocab, spelling, and science.
Oh right switch the laundry:
WHAT IN THE WORLD??? Just for the record: washable markers means the ink washes off. It does NOT mean the markers themselves can go through the wash. Now my washer is green. Great.
Ok..a bath with bubbles and a Little Penguin in a glass and I am calmer.
Now on to watch 24 and then probably Law and Order to calm down after 24.
Good thing tomorrow is Tuesday...I don't think I could handle another Monday just yet.
Assembly at school...keep Teagan quiet and occupied.
Take a break and run to Costco for lunch items for kids.
Play nurse in the afternoon and go through lots of old files.
Leave school/work with 5 kids at 4:00
Drop off Ray
Arrive ON TIME at tap to discover it is cancelled due to weather.
Yeah..BTW: it was flurrying at school but at home there were 4 inches on the ground.
Ok, skip Tap call Daddy cancel his 5:30 pick-up from tap lessons.
Drive home on slippery unplowed roads. driveway is long and uphill and with 4 inches of snow, my van ain't gonna make it.
Kids OUT: hike up the hill and find your gloves...I don't care if they match.
Someone please explain to me why I only have 1 shovel and 4 children?
6:00 - I have shoveled the driveway and managed to get the van up the hill.
Daddy calls...he'll be late.
Now on to making some sort of dinner.
check math, study history, Bible, vocab, spelling, and science.
Oh right switch the laundry:
WHAT IN THE WORLD??? Just for the record: washable markers means the ink washes off. It does NOT mean the markers themselves can go through the wash. Now my washer is green. Great.
Ok..a bath with bubbles and a Little Penguin in a glass and I am calmer.
Now on to watch 24 and then probably Law and Order to calm down after 24.
Good thing tomorrow is Tuesday...I don't think I could handle another Monday just yet.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I could write a book.
Every mom could write a book.
Try sorting....try not sorting...try doing it by gender...try doing it by day...try doing it all in one day...try hot water...try cold water...try making everyone else doing it...etc..etc...etc...
Here is the kicker: even if you have found the perfect system, which I'm convinced doesn't exist, there is one thing that will drive even the perfect laundry mom crazy!! FINDING CLEAN FOLDED LAUNDRY IN THE MIDDLE OF A DIRTY LAUNDRY BASKET
How? Why? Who? When? I want to have it out with someone but instead I'll just make a pile and politely suggest that the owners of the previously folded clothes first smell the folded clothes and then assuming the contents are not gross, PUT THEM AWAY!
If you any of you have found the error proof perfect way to do laundry, I'd be happy to try it.
frustrated laundry mom,
Every mom could write a book.
Try sorting....try not sorting...try doing it by gender...try doing it by day...try doing it all in one day...try hot water...try cold water...try making everyone else doing it...etc..etc...etc...
Here is the kicker: even if you have found the perfect system, which I'm convinced doesn't exist, there is one thing that will drive even the perfect laundry mom crazy!! FINDING CLEAN FOLDED LAUNDRY IN THE MIDDLE OF A DIRTY LAUNDRY BASKET
How? Why? Who? When? I want to have it out with someone but instead I'll just make a pile and politely suggest that the owners of the previously folded clothes first smell the folded clothes and then assuming the contents are not gross, PUT THEM AWAY!
If you any of you have found the error proof perfect way to do laundry, I'd be happy to try it.
frustrated laundry mom,
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Bridal shopping
So today I took Rhia, Iain, and Teagan and we ventured to the bridal shop in town to see our Miss Lindsay try on a few dresses. I gave the typical speech about Don't touch anything, Don't run, Don't yell, Don't - well do anything wrong.
So we get there and there are many beautiful dresses and lots of cool jewelry and accessories. Rhia immediately went for the tiara's while Iain tried to hide under the dress rack. Teagan found a mirror to entertain herself and I attempted to look calm and converse with Miss Linsday and her step-mom.
It was fun to watch her try on dresses and it was actually also fun to watch the kids in this new environment. Iain and Teagan found chairs covered in fabric and decided to hide underneath them. I actually didn't know where they were!
Tomorrow Rhia and I will join Miss LIndsay and attend a Bridal Expo with lots of vendors and I'm sure that will be fun. Rhia inherited her cool sense of fashion from Miss Lindsay so I love to watch the 2 of them shop together.
That is all for now.
So we get there and there are many beautiful dresses and lots of cool jewelry and accessories. Rhia immediately went for the tiara's while Iain tried to hide under the dress rack. Teagan found a mirror to entertain herself and I attempted to look calm and converse with Miss Linsday and her step-mom.
It was fun to watch her try on dresses and it was actually also fun to watch the kids in this new environment. Iain and Teagan found chairs covered in fabric and decided to hide underneath them. I actually didn't know where they were!
Tomorrow Rhia and I will join Miss LIndsay and attend a Bridal Expo with lots of vendors and I'm sure that will be fun. Rhia inherited her cool sense of fashion from Miss Lindsay so I love to watch the 2 of them shop together.
That is all for now.
So I have a confession to make. It is deep. It is personal. It will likely change your opinion of me. But the truth must come out. Here goes...
Yes, I like to have things clean. Yes, I know cleanliness is important. Yes, I know there is a sanitary factor involved. Yes, I care what my house looks like. Yes, I want my house to look different than it does.
HOWEVER: I hate to clean. I'll vacuum....but dusting? Laundry? Bathrooms? Kitchen? Floors? Putting away clothes? Organizing school papers? Cleaning out the garage? Doing the basement AGAIN? The toy room? (Has anyone else ever noticed that a clean toy room always turns into a fort?) Ironing? (Although my new iron is awesome and I like to iron while watching 24)
I wonder if I'm just not wired to be a housewife...are some women like that or am I just jaded? I look at super moms I know and their perfect clean houses and part of me is jealous and part of me wonders if they ever sit down and chill out?
There must be a balance somewhere...I know I know Fly Lady to the rescue...problem is you have to start with a clean kitchen sink and well...have you seen my sink lately?? Yeah..when you can't even accomplish step 1 it makes it hard to continue.
Anyway, there is it... My secret is out... I've blown my cover... Whew... I feel better.
What to do now...I think I'll vacuum...
Yes, I like to have things clean. Yes, I know cleanliness is important. Yes, I know there is a sanitary factor involved. Yes, I care what my house looks like. Yes, I want my house to look different than it does.
HOWEVER: I hate to clean. I'll vacuum....but dusting? Laundry? Bathrooms? Kitchen? Floors? Putting away clothes? Organizing school papers? Cleaning out the garage? Doing the basement AGAIN? The toy room? (Has anyone else ever noticed that a clean toy room always turns into a fort?) Ironing? (Although my new iron is awesome and I like to iron while watching 24)
I wonder if I'm just not wired to be a housewife...are some women like that or am I just jaded? I look at super moms I know and their perfect clean houses and part of me is jealous and part of me wonders if they ever sit down and chill out?
There must be a balance somewhere...I know I know Fly Lady to the rescue...problem is you have to start with a clean kitchen sink and well...have you seen my sink lately?? Yeah..when you can't even accomplish step 1 it makes it hard to continue.
Anyway, there is it... My secret is out... I've blown my cover... Whew... I feel better.
What to do now...I think I'll vacuum...
It has been so long...I have so many things each day that are blog worthy, but I am so tired by the end of the day that I don't get to record are just a few "overheards" at our house.
Mom, can I please have my Christmas money to take with me to the store?
No, Kyle, I am holding onto that money.
Mom, are you planning to save it till I'm in college?
WOW, Kyle, that is a great idea! Thanks
NO MOM, I'm planning to live at home so I won't need money then....
Mom, I'm sad.
Why Rhia?
Because when Taylor is a senior, I'll be a junior, and then when she graduates I won't get to see her at school every day.
Well, Rhia, that is true, but we don't need to worry about that now. And you'll still her I'm sure.
Yes, Iain.
Do you live at college?
Yes, Iain, often you do.
But, if you want to come home and live with your Mommy, can you?
Mom, Trevor and I are planning to go to the same college. Can you help me write the letter saying we can live together there?
After a late basketball game, on the drive home:
Ok, guys, what homework still needs to be finished?
Well, Mom, I have a math sheet and I can't remember if I have any tests, but I'm too tired to do homework or study now. I'll just tell my teacher that we were at the BB game and I couldn't get it all done. She'll understand, don't you think?
For the 5th January in a row, mice have decided to take up residence in my special car.
We've once again banned food in the car and cleaned it out and vacuumed it clean.
Yesterday during the 8 degree weather, I broke the eating rule and let the kids eat their soft pretzels from Friday Pretzel Day at school. Before I knew what was happening, the kids collectively decided that eating too much salt was bad for you and thus must be also bad for mice. In an attempt to "help" with the mice problem, they ALL scraped the salt off their pretzels and dumped it all over the floor the of the car. TAKE THAT YOU MICE! Maybe they are like slugs and will shrivel up and die!!
While watching the varsity team play basketball the other day, Teagan was sitting on my lap. As the boys ran past Teagan turned up her nose and said, "Oh Mom, what is that smell?". That, Teagan would be the smell of big boys playing basketball. "YUCK, Mom, those boys stink!"
On Friday, I had an event at school and Teagan joined me but was getting a bit bored. The kindergarten teacher offered to let her join the class for the day. So I dropped Teagan off to join her brother in class and didn't hear another word till the day was over. Later, I asked the teacher how it went, and she told me Iain took complete care of Teagan the whole day.
When I asked Iain, he said, "Mom, Teagan did well, but it was hard work helping her all day. Really hard work!"
My hubby is on fire when it comes to criminal defense this week. He came home saying he had a good time visiting the prison and all the prisoners are asking him to be their lawyer. Hmmm...when you win all your criminal defense cases you might be a good lawyer, you might be protecting the rights of citizens, or you might have friends in the wrong places...If he starts hanging out at the prison on the weekends "just for fun", I'll be worried!
That's all for now. I'm going to try to keep this updated now so check back soon.
blessed to be
woj and momofkrit,
Mom, can I please have my Christmas money to take with me to the store?
No, Kyle, I am holding onto that money.
Mom, are you planning to save it till I'm in college?
WOW, Kyle, that is a great idea! Thanks
NO MOM, I'm planning to live at home so I won't need money then....
Mom, I'm sad.
Why Rhia?
Because when Taylor is a senior, I'll be a junior, and then when she graduates I won't get to see her at school every day.
Well, Rhia, that is true, but we don't need to worry about that now. And you'll still her I'm sure.
Yes, Iain.
Do you live at college?
Yes, Iain, often you do.
But, if you want to come home and live with your Mommy, can you?
Mom, Trevor and I are planning to go to the same college. Can you help me write the letter saying we can live together there?
After a late basketball game, on the drive home:
Ok, guys, what homework still needs to be finished?
Well, Mom, I have a math sheet and I can't remember if I have any tests, but I'm too tired to do homework or study now. I'll just tell my teacher that we were at the BB game and I couldn't get it all done. She'll understand, don't you think?
For the 5th January in a row, mice have decided to take up residence in my special car.
We've once again banned food in the car and cleaned it out and vacuumed it clean.
Yesterday during the 8 degree weather, I broke the eating rule and let the kids eat their soft pretzels from Friday Pretzel Day at school. Before I knew what was happening, the kids collectively decided that eating too much salt was bad for you and thus must be also bad for mice. In an attempt to "help" with the mice problem, they ALL scraped the salt off their pretzels and dumped it all over the floor the of the car. TAKE THAT YOU MICE! Maybe they are like slugs and will shrivel up and die!!
While watching the varsity team play basketball the other day, Teagan was sitting on my lap. As the boys ran past Teagan turned up her nose and said, "Oh Mom, what is that smell?". That, Teagan would be the smell of big boys playing basketball. "YUCK, Mom, those boys stink!"
On Friday, I had an event at school and Teagan joined me but was getting a bit bored. The kindergarten teacher offered to let her join the class for the day. So I dropped Teagan off to join her brother in class and didn't hear another word till the day was over. Later, I asked the teacher how it went, and she told me Iain took complete care of Teagan the whole day.
When I asked Iain, he said, "Mom, Teagan did well, but it was hard work helping her all day. Really hard work!"
My hubby is on fire when it comes to criminal defense this week. He came home saying he had a good time visiting the prison and all the prisoners are asking him to be their lawyer. Hmmm...when you win all your criminal defense cases you might be a good lawyer, you might be protecting the rights of citizens, or you might have friends in the wrong places...If he starts hanging out at the prison on the weekends "just for fun", I'll be worried!
That's all for now. I'm going to try to keep this updated now so check back soon.
blessed to be
woj and momofkrit,
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
For Mom
Mom...this is for you...all those lessons didn't go to waste.
I forgot my music over Christmas so this is made for you.
Love ya,
I forgot my music over Christmas so this is made for you.
Love ya,
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