Tuesday, November 11, 2008

one rolled over and they all fell out

So let me state at the outset that NO one actually fell out.

However, the song would not get out of my head. You know the song, ..."and the little one said, Roll over, I'm squished, so they all rolled over and one fell out..." last night at 3:30 my 3 youngest kids and I had a little party in Mommy's bedroom. We all took turns using the bathroom and then tried to get comfy in Mommy's big bed. Only problem was there were 3 kids and 1 dog and only 1 Mommy. I posed this dilema to the kids and Teagan in her half-awake state offered a solution, "I know Mommy, I can just sleep on top of you!" Lovely...just lovely....
I somehow managed to bribe Iain to sleep on the outside with the promise of switching him with Teagan at some point. Once we were all settled and ready to fall back asleep Fionna took Teagan's advice and crawled on top of me.

I went to sleep hoping no one moved or woke up again and when the alarm went off a few hours later the only change was that the kids were squishing me!!

I know, I know, I could get rid of this situation by removing them from the bed...but I'm just not ready to give up my snuggly kids in the middle of the night. Besides it usually ends up being just 1 kid a night. However, if we continue to have 3:30 am parties I might have to put a stop to this snugglefest!!

Tired Mama,

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