Tuesday, November 11, 2008

take your parent to karate night

Yup, that pretty much sums is up. If you've read my blog in the past you can probably just stop now because you can guess how the night went down. However, if you need a good laugh or aren't familiar with my family read on....

I arrived at the karate studio right at 6:15 with 4 kids. A class of 9 students was getting ready and Master Kloss was trying to convince parents to join the class. 2 other brave parents were ready to go, a mom and a dad. Ok, I thought, I can handle this. I'm not the only parent, this won't be so bad.

So we greet each other and come to attention and say stuff in Korean (which Kyle understands) and then do jumping jacks...Bonus...I can do those. We move on to pushups. I can pretend to do those. But hey, if you've seen my son do pushups, mine don't look too bad. A brief moment of rest and the parents exchange quick hello's. (Grrr...the Dad over there takes karate but is on break for an injury...he doesn't count) The Mom is nice and I'm glad she is there. Moving on to some sort of blocking. Ok, cross your arms and then block, wait how do I hold my hands? Bend your knees, face front, thumbs up, no down...."MOM! HOLD YOUR HANDS RIGHT".
(At this point I am really wishing that I could crawl in a hole a die. Why is the mom next to me getting this so quickly?)

Ok, now the fun part. The kids have these blocking and whacking things and we get to kick and punch and block each other. This will be fun. Punch, BONK, hey, why did you bonk me on the head? Kyle is laughing hysterically and continues to bonk me as I attempt to punch the proper way. This scene continued for several minutes as we took turns doing different blocks and punches. I tried to beat up on Kyle, but he is good at punching and blocking so I didn't succeed.

Now kicking...I hold this blocker with my arm and let you kick me? What if you miss and punch my face? OUCH he kicks hard...be strong Katie...be strong. (What is mom doing over there? Man she is good.) Who is this new dude coming to class? Oh another blackbelt...great he is trading places with mom...now I am truly the only one out here who is clueless...
MOMMY....Teagan get off the floor go read your books....Where is Iain? Oh, there he goes running to the bathroom....Why did I sign up for this?

More stretching and jumping and kicking and finally class is over. I survived. At least for the first part of class I wasn't the only crazy clueless parent out there...I think Kyle had too much fun beating up on me!

As I rounded up my kids and said goodbye to the instructor he smiled and said, "Thanks for playing" Hmmm....I said goodbye to the nice mom who had been my clueless partner and as we talked she shared with me the fact that before children she studied karate for years and was one step below a black belt. NOW YOU TELL ME.....No wonder all those other parents just sat in the chairs watching....

Alright kids let's go..I've lost my dignity here and it is time to leave...
I think the fact that I was the only clueless parent willing to join my child during take your parent to karate night earns me some points toward mother of the year, don't you?

crazy, clueless, mom who loves her son,


Erin T. said...

Ummm...are you freakin' crazy??? Why in the world would you ever sign up for that...Oh...I get it. You needed MORE material for your blog...as if your daily life isn't enough! Ha!!! You are nuts! :-)

momofkrit said...

I had to!! Kyle really wanted me to do it. I didn't really want to but it never occured to me to say no. Guess I'm just a sucker when it come to my kids. What can I say. And yes, it did provide material...