Monday, November 17, 2008

quick update

It has been forever, I know. I have all these pictures to post and stories to write, but it is cold and rainy and everyone in my house is asleep except me so I'm going to bed. But first a few things:

Kyle tested tonight for his next belt in karate. He is now an orange/green belt and I couldn't be prouder of him. I'm not just proud because he got the belt but because he has been really dedicated to his karate and he works REALLY hard at it. It warms a moms heart to see your child really enjoying and working at an activity that you have researched and prayed about and then paid for. He is getting very strong and building muscle and although he might not be a famous baseball player or the first pick for the soccer team or pick-up basketball, I would certainly choose him to walk with me down a dark road!

Rhia is desperate to loose her first tooth. It is so loose. In fact the adult tooth is almost completely in behind it. Her cousin Aubrie lost her second tooth over the weekend when we were together and oh the sadness!! What a sweet moment I had when I found her crying in a corner and I was able to just hold her and tell her it was ok...Life can be so hard....

The kindergarten teacher at school pulled me aside this afternoon and gave me the biggest compliment. I think I will tape it to my bathroom mirror so the days when I think I'm totally failing and want to quit I can read it and keep going. She told me that all of my kids were so special and so nice to have in class. They stayed focused on the task at hand, were obedient, and a joy to be in class. Although she hasn't had Teagan yet in her class, she has taught all 3 of my other kids and what a joy to hear those words. My children are well behaved and obedient and focused. She said Iain is a great student and she can always count on him doing exactly what he is supposed to do and setting a good example. So Mrs. P. if you read this, THANK YOU THANK YOU for encouraging me today with your words. Raising children is a thankless job and often the job review comes in the form of negative comments from the kids themselves. What a blessing to know some of what I am teaching them and working so hard to instill in them is indeed getting in there!! Praise God!

And Teags...oh I just love that kid. She rocks....

Happy Mom,

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