Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Gifts

The Gift of Christmas Past:
The Clapper
Kyle would like a new light for his room for Christmas.
Clap on...Clap off...Clap on.Clap off...THE CLAPPER.....(You know you are singing it!)

The Gift of Christmas Present:
The Snugie
Order 1 now for $19.95 and we'll include this great flip light for your bed. Available in 3 favorite colors. Keeps you warm while giving you full use of your hands! You should really get one. In fact they sometimes have a buy 1 get 1 free deal. Be careful though, they are tricky...we are now the proud owners of 4 of these delightful new products currently in shipment!! :-)

The Gift of Christmas Future:
The Flying Car
Hey Mom, when they come out with the flying cars can we get one?
Sign up for one. You know we did!!

So if you are feeling rather Scroogish, remember, just order Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future and you'll soon be saying God Bless Us, Every One~

CLAP OFF (Darkness filles the room.)

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