Saturday, January 17, 2009


It has been so long...I have so many things each day that are blog worthy, but I am so tired by the end of the day that I don't get to record are just a few "overheards" at our house.

Mom, can I please have my Christmas money to take with me to the store?
No, Kyle, I am holding onto that money.
Mom, are you planning to save it till I'm in college?
WOW, Kyle, that is a great idea! Thanks
NO MOM, I'm planning to live at home so I won't need money then....

Mom, I'm sad.
Why Rhia?
Because when Taylor is a senior, I'll be a junior, and then when she graduates I won't get to see her at school every day.
Well, Rhia, that is true, but we don't need to worry about that now. And you'll still her I'm sure.

Yes, Iain.
Do you live at college?
Yes, Iain, often you do.
But, if you want to come home and live with your Mommy, can you?

Mom, Trevor and I are planning to go to the same college. Can you help me write the letter saying we can live together there?

After a late basketball game, on the drive home:
Ok, guys, what homework still needs to be finished?
Well, Mom, I have a math sheet and I can't remember if I have any tests, but I'm too tired to do homework or study now. I'll just tell my teacher that we were at the BB game and I couldn't get it all done. She'll understand, don't you think?

For the 5th January in a row, mice have decided to take up residence in my special car.
We've once again banned food in the car and cleaned it out and vacuumed it clean.
Yesterday during the 8 degree weather, I broke the eating rule and let the kids eat their soft pretzels from Friday Pretzel Day at school. Before I knew what was happening, the kids collectively decided that eating too much salt was bad for you and thus must be also bad for mice. In an attempt to "help" with the mice problem, they ALL scraped the salt off their pretzels and dumped it all over the floor the of the car. TAKE THAT YOU MICE! Maybe they are like slugs and will shrivel up and die!!

While watching the varsity team play basketball the other day, Teagan was sitting on my lap. As the boys ran past Teagan turned up her nose and said, "Oh Mom, what is that smell?". That, Teagan would be the smell of big boys playing basketball. "YUCK, Mom, those boys stink!"

On Friday, I had an event at school and Teagan joined me but was getting a bit bored. The kindergarten teacher offered to let her join the class for the day. So I dropped Teagan off to join her brother in class and didn't hear another word till the day was over. Later, I asked the teacher how it went, and she told me Iain took complete care of Teagan the whole day.
When I asked Iain, he said, "Mom, Teagan did well, but it was hard work helping her all day. Really hard work!"

My hubby is on fire when it comes to criminal defense this week. He came home saying he had a good time visiting the prison and all the prisoners are asking him to be their lawyer. Hmmm...when you win all your criminal defense cases you might be a good lawyer, you might be protecting the rights of citizens, or you might have friends in the wrong places...If he starts hanging out at the prison on the weekends "just for fun", I'll be worried!

That's all for now. I'm going to try to keep this updated now so check back soon.

blessed to be
woj and momofkrit,

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