Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rhia does Fine Arts

Little Miss Rhia, so shy, so quiet...YOU GO GIRL.
This is the girl that managed to get through the entire first year of preschool without talking. During her second year of preschool she actually talked a few times.
In kindergarten she learned to stand tall and actually speak words out loud. She did really well and was a great leader. This year was a big step for her. At the ripe old age of 7 she was asked to memorize a 90 word poem and recite it on a stage with a microphone in front of an audience!!

She memorized The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson. She did a great job. You may not understand every word, and you may not be overwhelmed with her stage presence, and you may not say she has a future in public speaking; but you can't deny that this girl has overcome many of her fears and has accomplished a great feat!!

Proud momofrhia,

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