Sunday, June 15, 2008

Please pass the salt...shaker

It's my turn to talk, I have the floor, Thank you Mr. Speaker, I'm talking, you're not....There are many different ways for families to figure out whose turn it is to talk. In our house, I've always said, "I have the salt shaker." Today I decided to actually use the salt shaker at dinner time as an example. Wow....what a scene....

You see, Kyle was talking, (for those of you who know Kyle this will not surprise you) and no one else could say anything. We were attempting to go around and tell Daddy different reasons why we loved him. Kyle's went something like this, and I am paraphrasing, "Well, daddy I love you because you let me do all kinds of things that Mommy won't let me do and when we go places you let me buy things that Mommy won't let me buy, and I get to play games with you on the computer and watch movies with you that Mommy won't let me watch and basically I just like you more than Mommy. (side note: at this point Kyle looks at me and says, Don't worry Mom, on Mother's day next year, I'll say I like you better.)

Once I silenced the soliloquer I explained how the salt shaker would work and began to pass it around. Rhia said something very nice and then I took a turn and then Iain who was waiting very patiently finally got the shaker. He looked at me very politely and said, "Finally I have the shaker, Mommy, may I please have another hot dog now." When the shaker was passed to Teagan she very properly took it and applied salt to her green beans and began eating them unaware that we were all laughing at her. Maybe the salt shaker concept is a bit advanced for her. After all when you are 3 and the 4th child all you do is stand on your chair and tell everyone to BE QUIET and it usually works.

So the shaker was passed and the salt was spilled and Daddy was happy and so was Mommy.. My vision of a nice sit down dinner for Daddy didn't quite turn out the way I had planned, but what did I expect?

Side note: I should have realized my vision would be foiled when I came to the table and found a 3 liter Giant brand grape soda bottle filled with water at Kyle place. He was thirsty.

Blessed to be Momofkrit and WoJ and thankful to be filled with joy and laughter this evening,

1 comment:

eckman fam said...

that is a very cute story! thanks for sharing!