Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Kids are funny...

Mommy - Teagan, why did you run when I told you not to?
Teagan - Because I wanted to Mommy.

alrighty then...

Kyle - Mom, did you know that the Dictionary has BAD words in it?
Mom - Like what Kyle?
Kyle -Naked, Nude, Buttocks
Mom - when were you looking these words up?
Kyle - we were finished with our spelling words so I was reading the dictionary...
Mom - great....

Mommy - Rhia hurry up, you are in a parking lot...
Rhia - continues walking slowly...
Mommy - RHIA hurry up.
Rhia - Mommy, I'm coming, I'm thinking very hard about what to bring for show and tell.
Mommy - RHIA that is in 3 DAYS!!! Hurry up.
Rhia - Mommy, it is important that I think about this and am prepared.
Mommy - right...let's think in the car ok!!!

Iain - Mommy, I know what I'm brining for show and tell this week. CARROTS because I love carrots and want to eat them every day.
Mommy - that is great Iain. But what is your phonogram of the week?
Iain - K so carrots is perfect.
Mommy - hmmm....well...

For those of you who are very proper just stop reading at this point....................

In our family we laugh at "toots". We try to blame them on each other or the dog.
The boys, with the exception of my very proper husband, find this hilarious.
This evening someone tooted, I'll remain nameless, I mean....
anyway, the boys decided to get up close and personal in order to find the buttocks (BAD WORD) that produced the toot..




Amy Weimer said...

EEWWWW!!!!! I'm sure Jonah will NEVER be that gross. :)

eckman fam said...

phonogram?? what ever happened to the letter of the week?

momofkrit said...

Phonogram is a way of referring to the sounds the letter makes rather than just the letter in general. :-)