Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to School

The first day of school has come and gone as well as the second. My very big kindergartner is learning so much already! He can almost button and zip his pants as well as buckle his belt all by himself! His teacher sent a note home the first day asking all the dads to help their boys with this task. I guess the first day was a bit rough when it came time for the kindergarten bathroom break! Seriously though he is doing great and loving school. He looks so big and yet so small.

Rhiannon is loving first grade and was thrilled today when she came home with homework. Yesterday was a disappointment as there was no homework. Apparently she requested to stay longer and learn more, but her teacher said she needed to go home and take a nap. :-)

Kyle did well in 3rd grade and although he'll probably tell you he hates it, he looks very happy and is doing well while he is in school. Today marked the beginning of a significant moment in gradeschool: the first recorder class. He came home and practiced 5 mintues worth of playing letter c. (sorry Mom, didn't realize all those years ago...) He also began Latin and has developed his own creative theory on the disappearance of the Minoan civilization. Remember studying that? I don't.

Teagan is enjoying playing at school with her brother in the afternoons while I work although she is VERY tired at the end of the day. This morning she kept following me around as though looking for a playmate. We'll have to adjust to being alone with just the 2 of us!

I enjoyed my first 2 days at work although it will take some time to adjust to leaving the house every day wearing real clothes and make-up. You may laugh, but it has been 9 years since that has been a daily habit. So I'm sure you'll hear stories of failed crock pot dinners and cereal galore, but it will be a great ride.

Pics will follow shortly.
Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,


eckman fam said...

if you think hearing your kid practice the recorder is tough...try teaching it to a room full of third graders....ouch!

Erin T. said...

Choose which pictures you send very, very carefully! :-)

Emily said...

Last year the girls were saying, "We only have to listen to Jonathan practice for one more year! Then we will have one year of peace b/4 Jacob starts." Well guess what? Jonathan gets to do hand bells this year instead of recorder!! Yeah!! We used to send him up to his room and shut the door or down to the basement. In West Grove I sent him out to the deck...I'm such a mean mom.