Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So I am normally very upbeat and full of fun stories on my blog, but today I found out my dear Uncle Jim has died. He lived alone in Seattle Washington and was in his 60's. We saw him in June at a family wedding and I didn't know it would be the last time I would see him.

Death is so strange. Sometimes it comes suddenly, sometimes slowly, sometimes expected, sometimes not, sometimes it is tragic, sometimes it is a blessing. One thing remains the same: death causes grief and its effects are widespread.

Today was my first day at my new job and I had to leave suddenly upon hearing this news. I was surprised by my own reaction to this news. My grief lies in my thoughts about my Mom and how she just lost a father figure and best friend. My heart breaks for her and the huge loss she is experiencing.

Anyway, hopefully in the next few days I'll be back to sharing stories of my life with 4 kids!

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