Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Snipits and Snapshots

Snipits and Snapshots

Snapshot: Teagan seeing corn on her plate and not wanting it to be there, carefully pushes it off her plate and onto the table.

Snipits: Kyle please eat your corn. But Mom I ate all my chicken. Kyle, I didn't put it there just to look pretty. Mom, I don't think it looks pretty.

Shapshot: Iain trying to refill his cup with orange juice....oh my...

Snipits: Teagan shares her high of the day saying she and Mommy went to Starbucks in the mall. And we walked and walked and walked. When asked how many people were there, she responded that there were 5 lots of people.

Snapshot: Iain finished eating first and was having trouble sitting still so he occupied himself by placing his fork under his plate and attempting to launch his remaining corn kernals into the air.

Snipits: Rhia sharing her lows of the day tells how she got a Tally in school, but Mommy was very very proud of her. (A tally is given for talking or misbehaving etc.) Mommy explained that Rhia "turned herself in" when the teacher didn't notice that she too was talking. At this point Daddy chose to explain the right to remain silent. DADDY!!!!.....

There are reports and studies and books and seminars all on the subject of the importance of eating together around the table. Most of these events and writings conclude that eating together unites families and builds a bond that lasts throughout childhood and adulthood. While that may be the case, I have a slightly different conclusion. I think these writers and speakers have just witnessed family dinners with young children and realize that it will take YEARS AND YEARS for these children to become restaurant acceptable persons and the theory remains that practice makes perfect.

On a lifelong pursuit of training restaurant acceptable persons,

PS. Did I mention that while I was making dinner Iain was chasing his sisters around the house with a tall empty laundry basket attempting to catch them inside. Absolutely HILARIOUS!! Don't tell Teagan I said that. She was not a fan.

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