Thursday, September 18, 2008

updates and quotes

Teagan - "Mom, can I have another snack?"
Teags is doing a good job adjusting to her new fall schedule of going to school every afternoon and some mornings too. She is working on charming students and staff alike and if there is food around, she is good to go. In spite of all the toys and books and activites offered to her, she would prefer to just do whatever I'm doing and be wherever I am. Sounds like a typical 4th kid!

Iain - "Mom, It's hard to be good all day at school!"
Iain is a great student and very well behaved - at school. The transition from 3 days of preschool to 5 days of all day school with a little bit of aftercare too is making Iain very tired, but he is adjusting nicely. While his classmates and teachers sing his praises at school, Mom knows he's still a 5 year old boy and what doesn't come out at school, comes out at home. :-) What a great kid.

Rhiannon - "Mom, I know what the "D" stands for in daddy's name - Aaron D. Martin."......
wait for it........."DADDY!!! :-)"
Rhia is working very hard at school and brining home great papers every day. She is quietly enjoying all the learning although she would probably tell you that school is too hard and she doesn't have enough time to play with her friends. She is also continuing her ballet education and has added tap dance this year.

Kyle - "Amo, Amas, Amat......"
Kyle can be found repeating his Latin chants every night in addition to practicing his recorder, studying for "reading writing and arithmetic", and doing his karate forms. Now an orange belt, Kyle is at the top of his beginner class and enjoying this new skill very much.

Katie - "Be quiet and sit down or I will Swack you with this spatula!" This was uttered during a pancake dinner on one of the nights Daddy was gone and Mommy was all done. If you don't know the meaning of Swack - see a former post.
I am loving my job at Tall Oaks Classical School and especially enjoy the daily adult interaction. My house suffers since I don't enjoy cleaning and I don't have much time to clean! Oh well. This afternoon I attended a Latin for Parents introductory overview of Latin so I could figure out how to help my son study. Did you know that in addition to conjugating verbs, Latin also conjugates nouns??? And that there are 5 different kinds of these conjugations - called declensions? And did you know that nouns have gender? OH my, I sure hope my kids pick this up in school, my brain hurt just from the 1 hour overview.

Aaron - "BY the way, I have a 6:00 am meeting tomorrow morning and you have to take the kids to school."
AHHH...on the day I wasn't going to go to school but work from home. Oh well. Anyway, back to Aaron. He is doing well, enjoying some upcoming changes in his law practice, working on some interesting cases, doing some latin on the side, driving kids to school in the mornings, you know, your basic great Dad!

Fiona - "Wonder where that crockpot went and I wish they would stop putting the trash behind that shut door. What is a dog supposed to eat around here?"

Blessed to be momofkrit and woj,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fiona and the crockpot. i'm so glad i was there to see the aftermath!!